One NNID acrosss two Switches-Piggybacking off my mains NSO aacount


Chasing Luna MothWings
Mar 3, 2018
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Festival Lantern
Plum Blossom
Fortune Cookie
Night Sky Scenery
Snowstorm Scenery
Playful Scenery
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Friday the 13th Candy
So I was going to get a family plan since I have 2 Switches and it would be cheaper than buying 2 single 1 yr plans, but in the Nintendo eshop it says I need a credit card or PayPal account... none of which I have. Kinda stupid that I need that when I don't need it for a single plan but whatever.

Someone told me I can use my same NNID on my alt Switch for the whole online stuff, which is what I want for that Switch, NH online stuff. My questions are,

1 how do I do that?
2 are there any pros to that then buying a family plan?
3 are there any cons? They said it would mess with data transfers but I'm not transferring any data between consoles. Unless they mean if one of my Switchs breaks and I have to transfer the save data to an entirely new console. In which case I don't want that problem.

*Main Switch just means the one that can connect to my TV and has all my games on it, physical and digital.

And before anyone says 'just Google it', I've tried Googling stuff about NNID accounts before but nothing gave me the answer I was looking for and it was all very confusing. Which lead me to post my question here before.
1. Just link both profiles to the same Nintendo account.
2. NSO applies to all profiles linked to the Nintendo account, so you won't need a family plan.
3. I can't think of how it would mess with data transfers, I believe you can freely transfer data between profiles linked to the same Nintendo account without it really being a problem. However, you will need to designate one console as the primary console, and the 2nd (and any other Switches) would be a secondary console. On secondary consoles, there are some limits to accessing digital content owned by that user, including free DLC - you'll need to connect to the internet before opening the game, and other profiles on that Switch won't be able to access the content.
I use both of my Switches online using the same NNID/single plan. The only con is I can't use them both online at the same time.
I use both of my Switches online using the same NNID/single plan. The only con is I can't use them both online at the same time.

Oof I'm just now seeing this. This may become a problem if I ever needed both of my NH towns to do online multi-player at the same time. Chances are I won't but too late for me anyway since I already made them have the same NNID.