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Happens when the games comes out, November 21st.

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And @everyone asking about timezones, you realize it just means that the ticket collectibles are out?

Oh, thanks mate. It was probably written some where but I just can't read ._.
Wait! What??
Ok, so the time in the post was to just be at the shop to get a ticket? And they're drawing the winners on the 21st? :p
Awww no! I've been sitting here all day checking the shop every 30 minutes. :( Well guess I can go take a break for the rest of the week until Friday! :D

Thanks a bunch for clearing that up. ;)
My assumptions are we probably wont get to keep it, and they will be replaced by new collectibles for the winners.
As always we can "persuade" to keep them :p

Yeah, I have to agree that we aren't gonna keep them. We didn't get to keep the black candy or the toothpaste and they were limited time only items. :p

But I agree, they look so so so so so so so so so so so so so so awesome that our beautiful mods should let us keep them. <3 They should also let me know so I can buy 10 and have a bunch of cool ticket collectibles lined up! :D
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Read kiddies, sing it with me now-

"Jubity dubity ibbity doo, I got a shiny golden ticket that's new~"

I have a pretty good idea of what the grand prize might be, and I'm excited to see the person who gets it~
(I wanna go to the factory)

Man, so many people like the look of these tickets that if they do win they'll be reluctant to exchange it :p
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"i've got a golden ticket

just kidding i don't im broke :^)

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mylifeiscake is a blessing praise
Look what I made! :) My own collectible! I mean it's not really a collectible but I made it! :D
I'm excited!! ... I got a ticket! Oompa Loompa !!
It's very pretty ... Ooooh - shiny! :rolleyes:
Bought a ticket even though I already have a Pokeball. Could be new ones! Or I can always give one to a friend who doesn't have one.
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