I prefer for store employees to wear a mask, because it is a way to tell whether the store cares about their customers. Personally I would be very uncomfortable with people preparing my food if they were not masked. Vaxxed is better but unfortunately people lie.
it is all well and good to say ‘it is a personal choice’ but in my opinion it is like saying drinking and driving is a personal choice. It is not just yourself you are risking and other people do not have to sign on to endorse your choices. That’s not intolerance, it is how a functional society works. I know people who have health conditions and cannot be vaccinated, or are still at risk even if vaccinated, and yeah, I think the rest of society should go out of their way at least a little bit to make sure they don’t die. I don’t think that is bad or intolerant. I also think, for the number of people who are anti- mask and also complain online about other being ‘snowflakes’ it is amazing how much they expect to be catered to a given special treatment.
luckily I am in an area with very good public health policy and high vaccination rate, so I feel safe taking my young daughter out and about now. Definitely avoiding any states or businesses that do not take vivid seriously though.
finally, at this point I’ve seen so many stories about people assaulting or even murdering people because they were asked to wear a mask, that it makes me uncomfortable to be around anti-maskers.