Opinion on Employees Wearing Masks?

Opinion on Employees Wearing Masks?

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Personally I think It's very in-humane to wear masks for a long period of time. Mainly because it causes carbon dioxide poising, but it's a choice at the end of the day.

People who are saying it's putting others at risk not to wear a mask are idiots.

I think people love being virtue signaling victims, why else are people sharing otherwise personal information for clout or status? But hey these same people are probably suffering from long term oxygen deficiency. The shortness of breath and headaches is probably a new covid strain, better take my 5th shot and wear 3 masks. Look at me everyone look at how morally good I am. I feel super safe. Why don't others do the same? . ;)

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I don't really care if employees wear masks or not. I feel sorry for employees who are required to wear masks, but the business doesn't require customers to wear masks. Masks are more about protecting others than protecting the mask wearer, so those businesses are basically saying that they don't want employees to spread COVID to their paying customers, but they don't care if their paying customers make their employees sick.
I don't really care if employees wear masks or not. I feel sorry for employees who are required to wear masks, but the business doesn't require customers to wear masks. Masks are more about protecting others than protecting the mask wearer, so those businesses are basically saying that they don't want employees to spread COVID to their paying customers, but they don't care if their paying customers make their employees sick.

You hit the nail on the head with this. This is exactly what my workplace does and it’s infuriating. If you’re going to require employees to mask up, require customers to mask up too. Like…. Ughhhhhhhhhh
You hit the nail on the head with this. This is exactly what my workplace does and it’s infuriating. If you’re going to require employees to mask up, require customers to mask up too. Like…. Ughhhhhhhhhh

I agree it is unfair for businesses to not require masks for customers too. But I do worry about the safety of employees who have to enforce masking rules with customers. It shouldn’t be different than any other rule, and I know it shouldn’t be this way, but at least in America there have been a lot of incidents of employees being attacked either with screamed abuse, purposely having their faces coughed or spit on, or even physically assaulted or murdered because they asked customers to mask.

so anyway, even though I do like to see employees masked, especially with food prep or serving jobs, it is unfair for the customers to not have equal responsibility to protect the employees of the business they are patronizing. But I also feel bad for the employees who may have to enforce customer masking, cause I feel like they’d be putting themselves in danger. I would not feel safe asking an anti-masker to put one on, if I was in their place.

for what it’s worth, I work in an office with no customers (and no wfh option) and we have to wear masks all day at our desks unless we are eating, and it does suck (and I think I frequently end up forgetting to drink enough water).
Slightly off topic, but after a chat with @Mick last night I'm going to drop this here:

Throughout the pandemic I've spoken to a number of members both publicly and privately to explain the science behind viruses, immune system response, and vaccines--also general public health microbiology and why the measures put in place exist--in a way non-academics can easily digest. If anyone is concerned about the virus and would feel safer with a bit more knowledge about it then you're welcome to ask. I've a busy schedule so this is only open for people who are anxious and wish to be properly educated on the topic for their own peace of mind; not a debate.

Credentials: I was working in a molecular diagnostic laboratory for a biotechnology company when the pandemic hit. We began running tests on the initial Wuhan strain of the virus in Q1 2020 to help develop clinical tests. I'm no longer in that job, but I'm currently working under a reknowned virologist investigating a specific COVID-19 mutation while undertaking an advanced degree in the same field.
I work in a school and the majority of people that I work with have had both shots, and many have had their booster as well. We still have to wear masks and it’s fine. During my breaks when I’m alone in my room I can take it off. I’m comfortable being around my closest family or friends with or without a mask honestly. If I’m eating at a restaurant with them or others that I know personally, for example, I don’t feel uncomfortable being without my mask while eating. I do wear my mask into stores or anywhere public because the people I encounter in the public are strangers and I do it out of courtesy and safety of others. I do see a lot of people without them. I am in the Midwest, after all. We aren’t always the most proactive of states.
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the thing about people who have medical conditions that make it difficult to wear masks is that they are the most harmed of all by anti-maskers. They are the people who need to rely on the personal responsibility of others to protect them, or risk their lives because of the selfishness of others. This is the same as with anti-vaxxers. The people they harm the most are the people who can’t get the shot.

I have a co-worker with an auto-immune disease. Her condition causes her to get repeated infections and tumors in her sinuses. Because of this condition she would be very vulnerable to covid. It also means that the mask actually does increase her infections, she has had 2 or 3 in the last year. Where we work we had to return to the office but mask throughout the day. She could probably have gotten a medical waiver. She does not because - 1. She cannot count on others in society to behave in a responsible and moral way to protect her, a fellow member of society. (She’s a lovely person, but really it shouldn’t matter if she is or not, she’s a person) 2. She still feels it is more important to do her part to combat the pandemic, despite the fact that for her masking is a bit more than a tiny nuisance.

so for people who are anti-maskers to co-opt the sympathy for people who have legitimate trouble masking (I imagine in most cases the risk is still outweighed by the risk from covid) is particularly awful. Those are the people they are most actively and purposefully harming through their choices.

And frankly, though being judged doesn’t come into it (and I don’t get why that is somehow worse than 5 mil people worldwide dying, children being orphaned, long term health effects, continued societal upheaval, but yeah ‘both sides are uncivil’ I guess) - the only reason she would face judgement for not masking is that what should be a public health matter has been co-opted by a political faction making an uninformed political statement.

Unfortunately, people continue to risk the lives of other people over something trivial.

the perspective of anti-maskers/ anti-vaxxers seems to be that it is a personal decision, and therefore it is okay if immune compromised people, the very young, or the old die as a result, as long as they do not have to be very very slightly uncomfortable. Personally, I do not consider elderly people and people with health conditions or disabilities to be expendable, but apparently not everyone shares that belief.
I wanted to comment on this because this reminds me of myself.
It is very sad she deals with this health issue, and from what is written here, luckily she doesn't have antibiotic allergies.
I know the freedom to choose to mask or not without a doctors note is a hot topic. And it is the same way with the vaccine. a Or at least in the USA it is because of how our country is and how some of the laws are written. Realistically in the USA the topic is debatable otherwise there wouldn't be so many law cases trying to decide yay or nay and we would have the mask and vaccines actual law and not just a mandate there is a difference.

But at the end of the day, directed towards readers of this thread in general, some food for thought is, if a doctor's note doesn't appease you, it doesn't mean it is bull. And those with a doctor's note aren't the problem to people with health conditions. Those are some of the people with health conditions. The problem lies with the people who feel like a doctor's note isn't enough.
If I was working, luckily I have someone to support me right now, I would HAVE to get a doctor's note regarding masks. The employer would either be forced to allow my time table of wearing a mask to be up (1.5-2 hours a day and no more) or they would severely reduce my hours which wouldn't cover needs. Or they could terminate me, which does happen but does risk a lawsuit....as it should.
To give context, yes I have asthma and yes that plays a role because it constricts airways and increases mucus production which allows for bacteria to grow... but the real reason for the excuse would be because I have multiple allergies to antibiotics and many antibiotics simply don't work on me. I have a history of getting bacterial infections that we almost run out of medication to work. I get chest infections with prolonged use of a mask. On top of it all, I have intestinal bleeding. The reason isn't known still but it isn't pleasant at all some weeks and painful. That doesn't help with preventing or fighting infections. I never had problems with viruses like I do with bacterial infections.
I don't really have a desire to risk my life for a mask. I don't care to have scar tissue built up, and I most certainly won't be able to deal with the medical bills.

My overall comment will be directed at both topics of masks and vaccines.
We don't live in a perfectly operating world. People often don't have the privilege of just staying home or getting some sort of supplemental help that takes care of their needs. Sometimes they still have to go to work and to block them of that with the additional blocks just because of feelings is extremely inhumane. And it isn't good to just separate people as outcasts to a society which I honestly do get concerned about for how many people act regarding the topic, nor is it good to just "do away" with people, nor is it morally right to literally hold people down and force stuff. In history, they ended up being the bad guys and there are reasons why that happens.
I do think people forget that people are people and in the process dehumanize them and when we do that, harm is done. Or that people just want things to be good for everyone and they get so focused on that they end up dehumanizing those who don't fit in that.
And yes I have seen people online that state that a doctor's excuse isn't enough. That is concerning. That is the same as saying your medical file isn't enough to make decisions on but the TV is.
Whether I go into a shop as an employee or as a customer I always wear a mask. Now the colder months are creeping in, the cases are starting to rise again and I suspect masks will become mandatory again (at least in the UK). A lot of people in my workplace (staff and employees) choose not to wear masks, which is fine as it's not enforced anymore. It's no issue at all for me to wear a mask and for the 5-10~ minute time I spend shopping I feel it's the least I can do to help protect those around me. It's a shame to see so much misinformation about mask wearing and it still surprises me that people feel it's an infringement of their human rights.
I wanted to comment on this because this reminds me of myself.
It is very sad she deals with this health issue, and from what is written here, luckily she doesn't have antibiotic allergies.
I know the freedom to choose to mask or not without a doctors note is a hot topic. And it is the same way with the vaccine. a Or at least in the USA it is because of how our country is and how some of the laws are written. Realistically in the USA the topic is debatable otherwise there wouldn't be so many law cases trying to decide yay or nay and we would have the mask and vaccines actual law and not just a mandate there is a difference.

But at the end of the day, directed towards readers of this thread in general, some food for thought is, if a doctor's note doesn't appease you, it doesn't mean it is bull. And those with a doctor's note aren't the problem to people with health conditions. Those are some of the people with health conditions. The problem lies with the people who feel like a doctor's note isn't enough.
If I was working, luckily I have someone to support me right now, I would HAVE to get a doctor's note regarding masks. The employer would either be forced to allow my time table of wearing a mask to be up (1.5-2 hours a day and no more) or they would severely reduce my hours which wouldn't cover needs. Or they could terminate me, which does happen but does risk a lawsuit....as it should.
To give context, yes I have asthma and yes that plays a role because it constricts airways and increases mucus production which allows for bacteria to grow... but the real reason for the excuse would be because I have multiple allergies to antibiotics and many antibiotics simply don't work on me. I have a history of getting bacterial infections that we almost run out of medication to work. I get chest infections with prolonged use of a mask. On top of it all, I have intestinal bleeding. The reason isn't known still but it isn't pleasant at all some weeks and painful. That doesn't help with preventing or fighting infections. I never had problems with viruses like I do with bacterial infections.
I don't really have a desire to risk my life for a mask. I don't care to have scar tissue built up, and I most certainly won't be able to deal with the medical bills.

My overall comment will be directed at both topics of masks and vaccines.
We don't live in a perfectly operating world. People often don't have the privilege of just staying home or getting some sort of supplemental help that takes care of their needs. Sometimes they still have to go to work and to block them of that with the additional blocks just because of feelings is extremely inhumane. And it isn't good to just separate people as outcasts to a society which I honestly do get concerned about for how many people act regarding the topic, nor is it good to just "do away" with people, nor is it morally right to literally hold people down and force stuff. In history, they ended up being the bad guys and there are reasons why that happens.
I do think people forget that people are people and in the process dehumanize them and when we do that, harm is done. Or that people just want things to be good for everyone and they get so focused on that they end up dehumanizing those who don't fit in that.
And yes I have seen people online that state that a doctor's excuse isn't enough. That is concerning. That is the same as saying your medical file isn't enough to make decisions on but the TV is.

My point was that for people with health conditions and disabilities - those who harm them and prevent them from living their lives the most are anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers, who put them at risk over conspiracy theories and political point scoring.

what has cast doubt on people with these medical issues is that their real complaints have been co-opted, faked, and covered up by people who don’t have legitimate reasons to not mask or think masking is evil or that it is some secret trick. They created a cottage industry in fake doctor’s notes and fake health conditions which have complicated what should be straightforward processes. These people trivialize the issue to the point where to some it does all begin to look fake - and this exactly suits their needs, which are served by making all the facts look subjective. They don’t care about the rights of people like my coworker to not wear a mask, they only care about their own imaginary issues, and in fact undermine both her rights and her safety.

finally I will just say that for my coworker the issue was not that she could not get exempted. It would have been straightforward. But given the greater risk to her health from catching covid (much much worse than the risk and discomfort from masks - sometimes there are not good options only the weighing of the least bad choices) she continues to wear one. The risk to her was increased by individuals who refused to mask for non-fact based reason, and masking continues to drag on and on because of people who refuse to take the pandemic seriously.

so even though there may be some out there who may be rude or misinformed about health conditions and disabilities that make wearing a mask hard, or which may make it impossible to be vaccinated, far far more harm is done to these people by anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers, who have made their day to day lives much worse and more dangerous. I don’t know how someone with disabilities can even live life in a state like some in the US where they declare ‘victory’ with among the highest death rates in the country and their public policy treats anyone less than perfectly health as fully expendable.

you’ll be fine as long as you are young and healthy’ is actually a horrifying statement (aside from also not being true).

TL;DR If you are looking for people who are excluding people or ‘doing away with’ people look no further than the anti-vaccine/ anti-mask/ covid non-believing culture. Their view is that ‘normal’ people feeling slightly uncomfortable is more important than the health, safety, and freedom of those who will be in danger of death or long term incapacitation if they get covid.

Just like you, I feel very very concerned when I see how many people think the sick, disabled, and elderly are expendable and don’t deserve to benefit from society.

I think there are basic responsibilities people need to take as part of the social contract if they choose to be part of a society - and this has always been the case - just like laws banning drunk driving, requiring people to obey traffic lights, requiring people to wear clothing, requiring buildings be made accessible, etc.

Edit to say - I am sorry for your struggles. In a perfect world I think some people currently wearing masks would not need to be masked (though I cannot say for sure, not being an epidemiologist), and I wish this world was more like that one. I don’t know where you live but I hope you are able to stay safe.
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My point was that for people with health conditions and disabilities - those who harm them and prevent them from living their lives the most are anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers, who put them at risk over conspiracy theories and political point scoring.

what has cast doubt on people with these medical issues is that their real complaints have been co-opted, faked, and covered up by people who don’t have legitimate reasons to not mask or think masking is evil or that it is some secret trick. They created a cottage industry in fake doctor’s notes and fake health conditions which have complicated what should be straightforward processes. These people trivialize the issue to the point where to some it does all begin to look fake - and this exactly suits their needs, which are served by making all the facts look subjective. They don’t care about the rights of people like my coworker to not wear a mask, they only care about their own imaginary issues, and in fact undermine both her rights and her safety.

finally I will just say that for my coworker the issue was not that she could not get exempted. It would have been straightforward. But given the greater risk to her health from catching covid (much much worse than the risk and discomfort from masks - sometimes there are not good options only the weighing of the least bad choices) she continues to wear one. The risk to her was increased by individuals who refused to mask for non-fact based reason, and masking continues to drag on and on because of people who refuse to take the pandemic seriously.

so even though there may be some out there who may be rude or misinformed about health conditions and disabilities that make wearing a mask hard, or which may make it impossible to be vaccinated, far far more harm is done to these people by anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers, who have made their day to day lives much worse and more dangerous. I don’t know how someone with disabilities can even live life in a state like some in the US where they declare ‘victory’ with among the highest death rates in the country and their public policy treats anyone less than perfectly health as fully expendable.

you’ll be fine as long as you are young and healthy’ is actually a horrifying statement (aside from also not being true).

TL;DR If you are looking for people who are excluding people or ‘doing away with’ people look no further than the anti-vaccine/ anti-mask/ covid non-believing culture. Their view is that ‘normal’ people feeling slightly uncomfortable is more important than the health, safety, and freedom of those who will be in danger of death or long term incapacitation if they get covid.

Just like you, I feel very very concerned when I see how many people think the sick, disabled, and elderly are expendable and don’t deserve to benefit from society.

I think there are basic responsibilities people need to take as part of the social contract if they choose to be part of a society - and this has always been the case - just like laws banning drunk driving, requiring people to obey traffic lights, requiring people to wear clothing, requiring buildings be made accessible, etc.
I understand where you are coming from, but I feel like that doesn't explain why people still reject doctor exemptions.
And just so there is understanding, the whole comment wasn't directed at you. :)
And I know your co-worker wouldn't have a problem getting an exemption. Why would she?

An exemption does bring side problems though... such as people who state they are for those with health conditions not accepting her exemption because they feel like it isn't good enough or that she is faking. Or her being denied hours that are needed to take care of bills. I just find that reality sad. And it is indeed a reality.

edited for clarity.
I prefer and appreciate it when staff members are wearing masks, it is not the end of the world if there not or unable to wear one i just prefer the more the merrier to wear them. Im currently visiting hospital daily with my friend while she is having treatment which lowers her immune system. so at this moment in time im taking extra precautions mainly for her benefit other than mine. I also see myself wearing masks for many years to come when im in situations where there are many people around either masked or not.
I've stopped caring as much since being double vaxxed, but admittedly I used to worry more before we even had a vax. It's hard for me when people wear masks anyway because I rely on lip reading. So whichever way someone wants to go (mask/no mask) is convenient in one way.
It’s their choice, their business. If people, employees or otherwise, want to still wear masks, even if they are not required, they have the rights to, and I respect those rights as long as they respect that not everyone will wear a mask when it’s not required.

Personally, I only wear a mask if it’s required. I’m not one of those people who wear them all the time, but I’m also not one of those people who go against the requirements.
Considering everything, I do think they should continue to wear masks. I live in a conservative area where employees in a lot of stores have not been wearing masks for the past 2 years because of "my rights". I do think they should check vaccination status for customers/guests but that's just my hot take.
It’s their choice not to wear a mask and your choice not to shop at those stores. It’s not your decision to decide what a shop does. If it bothers you, shop somewhere else. If I disagree with a decision a store has made, I will shop somewhere else.
Yeah, I can understand that a lot of people feel safer when those around them wears a mask. But as I stated in my previous post. It's their choice. If people want to feel safer, then they can wear masks their self, and get vaccinated (unless they cannot for whatever reason).
I also do not think places should restrict service to only people who are vaccinated. However, if a shop pushes for a vaccine mandate to shop there, I’d prefer to spend my money elsewhere. Same if a shop supports a cause or does something I don’t agree with. If you’re not comfortable with how a shop operates, you’re not forced to shop there. Don’t prevent other people from shopping there if they do choose.
if its not mandated then what can you do, but i still prefer when employees and customers wear masks. honestly ill probably keep wearing masks in stores forever just because i feel more comfortable
Personally I think It's very in-humane to wear masks for a long period of time. Mainly because it causes carbon dioxide poising, but it's a choice at the end of the day.

People who are saying it's putting others at risk not to wear a mask are idiots.

I think people love being virtue signaling victims, why else are people sharing otherwise personal information for clout or status? But hey these same people are probably suffering from long term oxygen deficiency. The shortness of breath and headaches is probably a new COVID strain, better take my 5th shot and wear 3 masks. Look at me everyone look at how morally good I am. I feel super safe. Why don't others do the same? . ;)
I wouldn't say it is inhumane for people to choose to wear masks themselves, as it is only affecting the person/people wearing the mask It's only when they are pushing it on people who do not want to wear a mask, blaming them for cases/deaths, etc., that it becomes a problem, but I agree with the rest (though I do recommend people getting vaccinated, but I am not gonna force).
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