You sure about that, "hon"?
I don't want another infraction for this thread, so all I'll say is that this seems extremely hypocritical of you when you look at the posts you have made on this thread.
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I wanted to add to this to say that the PC culture has turned not only into everything is a personal slight, but also a lot of PC/SJWs get offended for other people . I'm all for defending a friend who you know hates certain jokes, but a lot of SJWs assume offense for someone they don't even know.
White Knights defending female gamers is a great example. I have a lot of guy friends and we make a lot of sexist jokes. I think it's funny and its never a problem when it's just my group talking. But if we need to use in-game chat the Knights come out of the woodwork getting all upset and crazy being offended on my behalf and get even more crazy defensive of me when I tell them to chill because I'm cool with the jokes. And when I make sexism jokes against myself their brain breaks or something and they shut up. It's just weird.
*edited some spelling
Being offended for others drives me mad. I mean, sure, it's okay to defend people sometimes, but you can't jump the gun and make rash assumptions because of their gender, race or sexual orientation. That kind of behaviour often does more harm than good.