this movie was horrid [obv spoilers ahead]
awful acting, even worse casting, super angsty ~teenage love~ plot that completely ruins the true character of kira. the intelligence of L remains intact overall, tbh i'd say L was the only somewhat likable character. but even then, he was still almost a different character. the composure of L was always meant to be calm and calculating, always somewhat distant from his emotions. by the end of the movie we're left with a flailing and screaming L in pursuit of light on foot....yeah no that's not how L works
i think i was much more upset with how they basically butchered kiras whole plot in half. kira is a villain. but he doesn't start off this way, he seeks justice. he believes he has the burden to carry forth this justice, until it no longer becomes a burden. he grows increasingly manic, pushing the boundaries of justice into obsession to cleanse the human race through genocide. his character was so dynamic, evolving from school boy to sociopathic self proclaimed god. in the movie we have.... a high schooler with a ~tragic past~ who immediately tells the first person who asks about the death note everything about it. this girl who, big surprise, is his love interest ends up dominating the persona of kira and outsmarting light himself (who is supposed to be a kind of genius)
so yeah lights chara is flat and his development goes from angsty highschool loser to angstier highshool loser with a death note in a hospital bed
not to mention all the suspenseful scenes were downright cheesy and anticlimactic. especially the ending lmao. anyway ya the only reason to watch this movie is to make fun of it