Opinions on ads/adblock?


Deep Sea Prisoner
Nov 8, 2016
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
It's honestly kind of depressing to me how many people, when asked about this subject, will say advertisements are inevitable, or are the price to pay to keep companies alive. As if... said companies have permission to do whatever they desire, and we have the personal responsibility to endure it?
I don't know. The very foundations and techniques marketing uses sound so very dystopic and despicable to me. :/
I don't have issues with ads unless it is overbearing (like in some websites where you have to click through so many pages of ads just to read a paragraph's worth. If an ad helps a small business gain a following, or supports a streamer/youtuber I like, I don't mind seeing ads. I am not going to get manipulated by an ad.. Most of the time, when an ad plays or shows up, I skip it/or just let it play as I do something else like check my phone/play my game etc. But ads are a big part of business. They're here to stay. So I'm not going to be sad about it. After all, trailers for movies are also ads, and I love those. Some commercials are even entertaining. And some ads alert me to things I like that I otherwise would not have known about. I wouldn't say they are immoral unless they are done dishonestly with the intention to manipulate. But like I said, even then, I am not easily manipulated by ads hehe.
I dont mind some ads, like game or movie ads because I genuinely like seeing new things that are coming out that I might not have known about beforehand.
It's just super annoying when a website has so many ads that it's almost impossible to load the page without adblock and you have to be weary of every single thing you click and constantly have to watch your tabs bar in case you get a dumb popup ad that transfers to a different tab.
I mean I kind of get it if it's a smaller site that genuinely needs ad revenue or an ad for something that isn't very known or something, but it's annoying getting spammed with McDonalds and other fast food ads every few minutes. Makes me really glad to have adblock and I'd definitely recommend it to everyone because nowadays you get spammed with ads 24/7 and it's just way too much half the time
I hate ads because I clicked one accidentally and it freakin' installed a malware without my consent.
i dont mind ads but adblock just makes browsing through the internet so much easier
also i can watch anime on crunchyroll without ads lmao. probably the main reason i have adblock
I always use adblock. Ads are just annoying and very much make me extremely uncomfortable when I get some s**ual ad that's obviously not targeted towards me. Absolutely disgusting.
I always use adblock. Ads are just annoying and very much make me extremely uncomfortable when I get some s**ual ad that's obviously not targeted towards me. Absolutely disgusting.
Yeah, I have it turned off for TBT and some smaller sites but I definitely keep it on when browsing youtube or news sites that give me basically half ass nude ads for shaving or period pads like what the **** bruthur... thuuupppper fun not.

Sorry I don't want my groove ruined by some ****ing sanitary wipes.
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Google and whatnot capitalist news don't need my watches for their **** ads like at least make some filter I don't want "lol russian ladies near you" crap...
i just use it to get rid of sexual ads. like i don't want any condoms, YOUTUBE. i use adblock plus, which i guess gives you the ability to only get rid of harmful ads
using adblock just makes the whole "experience" much more fun, in my opinion. it's usually a pain to have, say, watch 2 ads after one another to even load a video on yt, or have it banging into your face EVERYWHERE, as if it his airhorns and pots and wants your attention. if i already have to listen / watch them if i'd touch a radio or a tv, why on EARTH should i subject myself to it while choosing what kind of content i consume on the internet? no thanks.
Yeah, screw them making money off being annoying. I don't know why people hate tv ads but somehow internet ones are okay? No, to me they're both obnoxious and I'll try my very hardest to block them. Sorry not sorry.
Personally I see using ad blocker as channel hopping or taking a bathroom break during a commercial during the TV era.
I find ads of all kinds insufferable, but in my opinion, it's especially justified to block internet ads so long as reputable sites keep running scam ads. I'm talking about the "[Nearby City] Woman Looks 20 Years Younger With This One Weird Trick!" and so forth.
YouTube ads have gotten terrible lately. There's every chance that your "ad" is just someone else's 10 minute long video. That and the whole "video will play after the ads" thing they've started doing.
i just leave it as it is because the really absurd ones give me a good chuckle sometimes
i only use adblocker if the website has a problem with pop-up ads
While I do agree that we are being conditioned into just accepting them more and more, they aren't anything new. Before the ones online, there were commercials you had to sit through while watching your tv shows (and more often than not it felt like there were more runtime of commercials than the actual show!).

What I don't like is the ones that overtake your computer, and are obviously malware or a virus or something. That's not an advertisement for a product, that's an attack on my personal property.
I use a pop-up blocker and anti-virus software to curtail the most annoying and malicious ads, but for the other ads that are just imbedded on the edges of pages, I mostly ignore them. They don't bother me unless they start playing sound and then I just turn them off. If I go to a site that has way too many ads, then I'll just leave because it ruins the experience. My main complaint regarding ads is that it makes it hard to keep surprises. I'll research or buy a gift for my husband online and the next thing I know I'm getting ads for the same item all over. I can order the item on my phone, but the ads will still pop up on my computer. So yeah, that's really annoying and invasive.
I use Adblock; very rarely do I whitelist a site. I don’t need an ad to tell me to buy a product, I like word of mouth (and trust it better) if I’m thinking of buying something.
I have an overactive imagination and so a lot of ads instill fear in me even when they're funny or boring to other people... for example, I have an irrational fear of the weird fake leg-arm hybrid stick things they use for animals to make it look like they're holding onto things. Something about them is uncanny valley to me and so unnatural it boggles my mind why anyone felt that was passable for pet actors' appendages.

I also don't like open-ended commercials and ads that leave you wondering what happened next but never tell you, and trust me, there's a lot of 'em.

AKA : I use adblock to protect myself essentially, like- and this is a basic one... if I'm watching someone who plays horror games, it doesn't mean I want to see a horror movie ad, even if I do watch them in my free time, thank you.