Opinions on Marijuana: Are you for or against? A user yourself?

I'm in favor of full federal level legalization and decriminalization. Neither of those will happen in the USA though, despite whatever the public opinion is, because of the political reasons why it is classified as illegal anyway. Best you can hope for if you want to partake is working toward legalization in your individual state, or moving to a state where it already is legalized.
I dont look down on people who use it, but I also dont use it myself. I dont think people should be going to prison for it at all and don't see the harm in making it legal.
It’s been legal here for a while now, and while I never really wanted it legalized, people were going to use it whether it was legal or not. I have zero interest in ever using it myself, and I’m fine with people who do use it as long as they are responsible about it. No different than drinking and driving imo.

I really do feel for people who actually need it for medical purposes though. A past coworker of mine has a wife that experiences crippling pain day to day and it helps make her life more bearable. As long as those using it for recreation don’t ruin it for those that need it for medical purposes then I’m mostly ok with it.
I've smoked many times before & imo it kind of barely does anything but make you smell funny lol unless you use some... equipment that enhances the experience a bong, LOL... i've pretty much only partaken with guys as well- idk why but it seems like every college-aged young man has a supply
if cigarettes are legal, why is weed illegal? i don't get it- it's way less bad for you. it's extremely easy to get your hands on, you don't even have to be looking for it, and yet if you're caught with it, or if you're with someone who is caught with it, you can go to prison for years? And god forbid you're caught selling it... they'll slap you with a felony which takes away your right to vote & in a lot of states, you can't find meaningful employment or buy a house & the only way to get your rights back is to have enough money to hire an attorney who can help you scrub your record
yeah i think the punishment FAR outweighs the 'crime' lol
i'm all for legalizing marijuana nationwide
All for it. I've seen how it helps the people around me. Wish it didn't smell as much though!
I used it, but stopped due to panic attacks from it. I used to smoke all the time, but one day it affected me negatively. I still fully support it though. As having to experience my grandma suffer from cancer, Marijuana was the only thing that helped her feel at ease. Also I'm not saying that pot was the reason, but when she started her tumor stopped growing.

But I think people also need to realize that it is a drug, and I've actually seen people go down the wrong path because of it. It can easily be a gateway drug if you let it, and you can be addicted too. I've seen people literally scream if they don't get pot.

Conclusion, yes I support it. But I think people need to understand the problems with it too, and need to stop treated like its some miracle plant.

And I cannot stress this enough. If you smoke, don't make your friends feel guilty for not wanting to smoke it. I've seen this sooooo many times. Also don't make them feel terrible, because it makes them anxious. It has happened to me multiple times. Don't be that person
I'm for it, and I think a lot of American legislation is starting to veer slowly in that direction as well. It's been fairly common knowledge for several years now that weed is much less damaging for people than alcohol. You don't see violent deaths occurring because of it or liver damage or drunk driving and the list goes on.
I'm somewhat of a recent user myself, and as someone who has taken so much that I couldn't move and was essentially just sitting in a void, it would have been very helpful to know in that moment that you can't really ever overdose on weed either. I was definitely freaking out.
Otherwise though, let's get it legal already!
I think everyone reacts to it differently, so I'm not against it on principle, per se -- it depends on the person (I've seen it relax people, make them more creative, which can be good -- while in others, it can make them more paranoid, lazy, and/or prone to cyclic vomiting, so it's not completely harmless in everyone). In terms of myself, I don't like it, didn't like the effects, and thus don't use. I tried it over a decade ago at a relative's, and it heavily distorted my sense of time -- 40 minutes felt like four hours. I didn't enjoy that. It was relaxing, yes, but so is tea, and that doesn't distort my sense of time.
I don't think gov should have a place to tell adults whether they can consume it or not. It's way safer than liquor. There's many benefits to it, assuming people don't consume gobs of it just like other medicinal herbs. Gov doesn't care about people living off of candy and chips.

It needs to go back to being legal in my country.

And hemp in general is a very good eco answer for producing many things, including sturdy plastic and comfortable clothing.
I don’t use it, but I don’t mind if other people do. I voted for it to be legalized in my state, and am proud I did. Just because I personally wouldn’t use it doesn’t mean I have to impose my preferences on other people.
I partake in the 420 lifestyle. I have cut back on combusting weed though and switched to vaping. Hoping to completely stop and just dropping it all together. I stopped drinking alcohol (I only drink non-alcoholic beer) so I feel like I could do it. People say it's not addictive but it definitely is. But then again, everything can be addicting. lol.

I am a very strong advocate for it's use as medicine though.
well, it's been legal in my state for years. that was my first election i voted in, i voted yes. it's none of my business what people do, but i also know people use it for medicinal and therapeutic purposes.
i don't like marijuana though. i've tried smoking, edibles, tinctures. it sets off my anxiety too much, i can't cope with it well. THC mixed with CBD though is great, but i can't use THC anymore anyways because of my meds.
Still agree with this.

It's not legalized in my state yet UGH

The fun thing about having old posts on this forum is I can come back to them after all these years and see what's changed.

It took until this year, 2023, for Maryland to finally legalize recreational marijuana. And even then, the bill only comes into effect in July.

Legalize marijuana, decriminalize MDMA, DMT, LSD, psilocybin, and peyote

Meanwhile, I've evolved on this position, legalize everything. Since both of these posts, I've moved to Colorado, which has in fact legalized psilocybin, psilocyn, DMT, ibogaine, and mescaline for medical use and decriminalized it, also allowing for places to buy and consume said psychedelics under supervision.

This pleases me greatly.
I live in a area where there is alot of people abusing it alot these days, so i would say honestly against it because i certainly don't get anything done personally when i'm wasted and after seeing how it pretty much damages peoples brains whenever i'm out on errands no thanks.