Hi! I just wanted to say that it's important to remember that it's good to fact-check before you make claims on how marijuana effects health. While I will say that there is some link between marijuana and psychosis, the research about marijuana and lung cancer isn't really at a point where you can definitively say that marijuana use increases the risk of lung cancer. That's not to say there aren't other ways to damage the lungs with smoking or vaping marijuana, but lung cancer specifically hasn't really been proven, at least not from the scientific articles and papers I've been able to find. (I also think this is a good time to mention that marijuana can be consumed through ways that don't require inhalation, like edibles, meaning that if someone wanted to use it but didn't want the potential for lung damage, avoiding marijuana entirely wouldn't be necessary)
Not trying to be nit-picky or start arguments, it's just that because of the stigma of marijuana, I think it's important to make sure to fact-check any claims about it to make sure we don't accidentally add stigma where there doesn't need to be.