Opinions on Marijuana: Are you for or against? A user yourself?

Yes, I meant more like people giving onion and fennel to their kids when their lives are in danger, and spreading random bull**** on tumblr and such, that is just idiocy and has nothing to do with being hippie. I don't count weed as "alternative" in traditional/alternative common phrasing medication like that, heck I'd probably use it if it was legal here. Smoking weed alone is def. hippie d:

I do support weed for medical/recreational use and quite surprised why that is frowned upon really. Unless you are really dumb and do it wrong then yeah it's definitely good. Also as I stated people can smoke weed why and when they want, I don't give a hoot. If they would start using snus/snuff however that makes me snap cause it's even more icky smelling.

So it seems like mostly it was the use of hippie you didn't agree with. I guess the way they use it isn’t inherently hippie. I just associate this particular cousin with hippie stuff because he has other hippie-ish tendencies, lol.
So it seems like mostly it was the use of hippie you didn't agree with. I guess the way they use it isn’t inherently hippie. I just associate this particular cousin with hippie stuff because he has other hippie-ish tendencies, lol.

Yeah, just saying giving your kids veggies instead of medication when they have serious diseases is not hippie, nor hanging on tumblr posting that one meme on everything.
Most everyone I know smokes weed recreationally. I used to be a user myself until it started giving me panic attacks. Kinda sad I can’t smoke anymore because it really used to help with my anxiety and sleeping issues. Not sure why it started having an opposite affect on me. ): Anyways, I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as you use it in moderation, as you should with everything else in life that’s somewhat bad for you (alcohol, junk food, etc).
I'm kinda craving the ganja right now myself!
I tried it, because I was at a very low point with my depression. Didn't help a lot.
However, the friend of my bf (who smokes it since years) and my bf they had the fun
of their life, lol. For me it felt like it just made my depression worse.

Nothing against it tho. I know it can help some people and after all it's still better than
cigarettes. Just please don't smoke it next to me, because the smell is soooooo bad.
you can use it. just be aware about yourself and people around you. by that, i mean don't use it while driving, keep it away from young kids... that kinda stuff.
I am 100% agree with you. I was smoking for few years and I understand some people who were uncomfortable, I respected them because because I am in society, and was not smoking near them. But damn I stopped smoking few months ago and started to vape. The juice I vape usually is nicotine free or cbd vape oil cartridges. They smell pretty good. But people continue mumbling that they do not want me to vape near them. I understood that it was kind of principle.
The last time I had a bong was in my twenties.

I smoked a bit as a teen, but never liked it. I just did it because my pals were doing it, even though it made me feel incredibly anxious.

I'd never touch it again.
It's not legal here, so I'll just say that I defiantly haven't not smoked marijuana. If I did though, I think I'd tell you that I don't do it often, only occasionally whenever the opportunity arises, which is mostly at parties. I think recreational marijuana use is fine, but any hard drugs are both dangerous and unacceptable.
i used to smoke a lot in high school, and then here and there while in college. that last time i got high i think was like 2 years ago. i dont do it because it makes me paranoid and sometimes makes me hallucinate. also my job does random drug testing too.

i understand the medicinal claims associated with it, but i think more research needs to be done before we praise it as the holy grail. i know psychiatrists arent a fan of marijuana because it can further exacerbate psychosis for those with underlying psychiatric disorders.
i live in the uk and think it should be legalised, although i'm not a user myself.
my psychology teacher isn't a fan of it because she argues it can trigger schizophrenia genes and lead to issues with that.
It smells terrible so I hate it... It's legal here and it should be re-banned with a ban on cigarettes and cigars for my personal convenience. :--)
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I’m not a user myself and never will be. Someone in my family started using it and then became addicted to more dangerous drugs afterwards. Now they’ve still been trying to sort out their life for years on end. Not blaming marijuana for that, just saying it’s not for me.
I love being high. Sadly, I always stay on the ground so I'm against Marijuana. False advertising working, don't fall for it kiddos.
As long as you're doing it in a private place where it doesn't affect anyone else (/anyone who doesn't like it), then it's totally fine. It's none of anybody's business what anyone does at home. If you're blowing smoke in public then you're a f00l. But yeah, I use it and so I am for it lol, what I am not for is being an ass. But that isn't commonly the case for weed-smokers.
I smoked it years ago but never really took to it.

Beer was my drug of choice back then.
It's now legal where I live but some politicians are freaking out and want more regulations (that nobody will respect anyway). I don't know where those people lived all those years but people here have been regularly smoking weed since the 70's and nobody "I personally know" care about that. (even the prime minister smokes) People were not even hiding to smoke in festivals when it was illegal and they weren't young people, most of them were past 30 years old and professionals. It's like anything else, it should be used with moderation. Not my thing though. If people smoke around me, I will most likely fall asleep in less 20 minutes, I missed a few concerts like that just because of random smokers. Still mad about it.

So of course I would like them to do like other smokers and do it far from me in places where it's allowed (which I think it's just at home lol, not sure about that I wasn't following when they made the rules)
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