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Opinions On Social Media


Local Monstergirl
Jul 14, 2020
Throwback Tickets
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Do you use social media or no? Do you think it's a good or a bad thing?

I guess in a way, you could argue that even forums like this are "social media" by technicality. But I'm referring to things like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

I recently took a big break from the social media platforms I was using, both for my own mental health reasons as well as some other factors. This isn't my first break from social media, but it has been the longest. I've found myself using my time better, rather it's for self care or getting things done, or even just spending more time with things I enjoy. I also realized rather recently that Facebook in particular had an effect on the ways I interacted with others.

I think social media is good for certain things and am not saying that it is inherently bad, but I do think it has the capacity to be bad for me. I've been trying to figure out Twitter mostly just for news and such but it's pretty foreign to me as someone who never really used it much.
I don't have a social media account for twitter, instagram, etc. Really, I see that the negatives heavily outweigh the positives of having one which is why I stay away from it. I have an account of Facebook but that's because my aunt told me so to create one and communicating with my family relatives. Even then I use that sparingly and stay away from trouble as much as I can. I can live without having social media so I don't care what society says for not being mainstream.
I don't have a social media account for twitter, instagram, etc. Really, I see that the negatives heavily outweigh the positives of having one which is why I stay away from it. I have an account of Facebook but that's because my aunt told me so to create one and communicating with my family relatives. Even then I use that sparingly and stay away from trouble as much as I can. I can live without having social media so I don't care what society says for not being mainstream.

Yeah, I actually had a small amount of a following on Facebook and Instagram and so I saw a deeper level of the negative aspects than many get to. I have been rethinking not only my relationship with social media but rather or not I even want to use it at all besides messenger and maybe Twitter if I can figure out how it works.
Social media in itself, I think is great.

That said, I think the problem is that too many people have nothing of any substance to actually share. Like...I try to post original content on my social media (I take photos almost every day), or links to obscure music that I think people could benefit from listening to, posts about art, etc. Things to actually engage people. I know that sounds kind of "high and mighty"...but, I really think that's the only proper way to use social media. I hate that most people just use it as a platform to post viral memes and complain and belittle each other.

I also think it's great that we have options to share live video for the times when things need to be documented on a global scale...such as the current protest situations across the globe. While it's still possible for the big corporations (and nations themselves) to try to bury these types of things...I think it's good that they can still get out there to some degree. It's important to preserve these occurrences...especially if they can be used to fight for a positive change.

But, yeah...social media is a mixed bag. When it's good, it's great. When it's bad...it's truly heinous.
my feelings on social media as a whole are mixed but, as a lesbian, i find that the bad heavily outweighs the good. i've been bullied, harassed and even told to kill myself several times just for shipping two women, and i've been called a "pedo" on top of that for being 20 and linked to (not even in) a fandom space.

of course that's only my experience on instagram. i can't speak for facebook and i keep my participation on twitter to a minimum since i know the toxicity is just as bad, if not worse, over there. if bigots weren't allowed a platform, i'd wager social media would definitely be a more positive place overall but, unfortunately, that's not allowed.

it definitely takes a toll on my mental health too but i don't think that's down to social media itself, but more so how the platforms have unknowingly encouraged people to focus on likes, comments, interaction, self-image etc. it's so much easier to compare yourself and your work to others due to social media, and that habit is very likely to carry over into your offline life.
Do you use social media or no? Do you think it's a good or a bad thing?

I guess in a way, you could argue that even forums like this are "social media" by technicality. But I'm referring to things like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

I recently took a big break from the social media platforms I was using, both for my own mental health reasons as well as some other factors. This isn't my first break from social media, but it has been the longest. I've found myself using my time better, rather it's for self care or getting things done, or even just spending more time with things I enjoy. I also realized rather recently that Facebook in particular had an effect on the ways I interacted with others.

I think social media is good for certain things and am not saying that it is inherently bad, but I do think it has the capacity to be bad for me. I've been trying to figure out Twitter mostly just for news and such but it's pretty foreign to me as someone who never really used it much.

My whole life, I was never interested in social media. I may have been curious for it at times, but overall, I am not one to flaunt my personal information around and not be stalked by "big brother" too much. I made a Twitter at one point and I find it alright. I only use it to follow Overwatch and the amazing VA's that take part in that game haha I have had the twitter for about 2 years. I never comment, just watch. I found a lot of interesting things on there. It's only used for future game information overall. It is very toxic though indeed.

I had a facebook just just for few months as of recent but only to try to get into contact with a certain person that I have been picking up energetically for years now. After a few months of it and just waiting to see if they'd answer, I deleted it. I felt that waiting around for someone the way I did, constantly checking day in and day out for a message I may never get. I realized it just wasn't healthy at all for me and so I needed to live the moment and live life overall. Glad I did delete it. It was so hard for me to do. I'd delete it, then go back in. Delete it, then go back in etc. It was that fear. That fear in that I'd miss her message if she did but I then realized in the end that if it's meant for me, then it will be.

Overall? Not really a fan lol 😆
my feelings on social media as a whole are mixed but, as a lesbian, i find that the bad heavily outweighs the good. i've been bullied, harassed and even told to kill myself several times just for shipping two women, and i've been called a "pedo" on top of that for being 20 and linked to (not even in) a fandom space.

of course that's only my experience on instagram. i can't speak for facebook and i keep my participation on twitter to a minimum since i know the toxicity is just as bad, if not worse, over there. if bigots weren't allowed a platform, i'd wager social media would definitely be a more positive place overall but, unfortunately, that's not allowed.

it definitely takes a toll on my mental health too but i don't think that's down to social media itself, but more so how the platforms have unknowingly encouraged people to focus on likes, comments, interaction, self-image etc. it's so much easier to compare yourself and your work to others due to social media, and that habit is very likely to carry over into your offline life.

I am trans and bisexual, though romantically I am quite sapphic. I definitely see where you're coming from.
Honestly i'm not a very big fan of it, so I don't have any accounts for any of those sites. And honestly in my opinion, it just got very annoying when people just couldn't stop talking about it, and I feel that's when things started going downhill. The only reason I would use anything like Instagram is to keep in touch with friends.
Over the years, I have utilized various social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc) for different reasons and lengths of time. After a couple years of actively getting into them, I started to realize their negative effects on me. Brain fog, overstimulation, low confidence levels, scrolling for too long. I would get moodier due to drama and politics. One might say to just 'not let it bother you' but after getting inundated with the garbage every time you go on, it gets old fast. Not only that, but I enjoyed a few franchises growing up, and they were not places for young people. I mean, come on- you can look up Animal Crossing on Pinterest and get porn.

So I quit all of it. Besides this forum, Goodreads (to keep track of the books I read), and YouTube for education channels, I use none of the major ones anymore. I deleted/deactivated all my accounts and removed the apps from my phone.

Personally, I feel like a million bucks without social media!
I still get very bothered over poltiics, as they are important, but the way I approach these politics and (most) of the opposition has definitely changed for the better without Facebook. Socratic conversations don't happen on social media. Conversations that change people's minds and make allies don't happen on social media. So what's the point in having those conversations?
I never had social media before (besides like, Discord, but I don't really count that), and just got Snapchat yesterday actually. So far I've only used it with my best friend, I'll probably add a few more people. But I'll avoid adding anyone I know gets into too much drama and stuff. I'm really picky with who I keep contact with in general anyway.

I'll probably get Instagram at some point, too. I don't think I'd post anything though, there's nothing I really want to post.
I used to really enjoy Instagram but it gave me a lot of self confidence issues. I was into cosplay for a while (still appreciate it, just not something I can afford anymore) so it was pretty essential if I wanted any of my work actually seen. My use of it wanted over the past couple of years as the hobby I mainly used the app for became further and further from my priorities so it was very easy to let go of when I decided to delete it.
I use Youtube and Discord, and of course forums, but that's pretty much it. I use Facebook to upload Animal Crossing screenshots but I don't ever use it outside of that. If I ever have a business that would benefit from being promoted on social media I'll definitely use it, but otherwise I don't have much to say on there.
I find most of it extremely toxic. Twitter has become the new Tumblr as far as how bad it's gotten. My problem is the whole "one opinion rules all" type environment these sites have. There should always be opinions in both sides for most topics without one dominating the other to the point of silencing it. I tend to use Reddit the most because I like the layout and how easy it is to find posts for a topic I want to explore, but it's definitely got a hivemind type of environment going for it. I personally feel social media has taken away the ability for people to critically think about things. They just accept whatever is posted as news without looking into it further. I think that part is really concerning.
I'm no big fan of it when it comea to Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, and Twitter. I really hate it because people just love to complain about things, people get insulted and they feel bad that leads to death, people keep on ranting about politics stuff, buch of cowards on there, gross stuff they post, stalkers that loves watching others, people fighting over stupid things, people never keep opinions to themselves that can start fights, and people showing real information about where they live which is bad. Those are my reasons. Only good part about Twitter Facebook and more is that you can show off lovely art, pets, making friends with good people, sharing news that people will be excited about and talk about popular games. I know there is more nice things about social media, but that l can't think all at once.
I used to have accounts, but
either deleted or abandoned them.
I have thought about remaking a twitter or Instagram souly for art but even then some people will find ways to become toxic about that.
I have family members (mostly older) who basically live on Facebook and it makes me sad because they skew their views or believe things said on Facebook that aren't even real news. I don't think social media should be used as a second life.
Honestly, I feel the same way. I deleted Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest a few years back and I regret nothing. I still have a Facebook just to keep in touch with people that I wouldn’t be able to contact otherwise, but I don’t check it much and I haven’t posted anything in years.

I was using reddit every day, but I recently cut back on it as well, after noticing that it was stressing me out. Now I only use it to check a couple niche subs once a week or so and my happiness has skyrocketed. I’m more productive too and I spent a lot more time doing things that actually make me happy: like reading, writing, and crafting.

Quitting social media is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It’s meant to connect us, but all it does is divide us and make us even lonelier. I know that not everybody is going to be able to quit it completely, but I for one am so much happier without all that toxicity in my life. :)
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I only use Facebook for messenger but I haven’t posted on there in years and I don’t really browse it either, same with my personal Instagram. I do have twitter and Instagram for game related things though but those are used for strictly that.
I find most of it extremely toxic. Twitter has become the new Tumblr as far as how bad it's gotten. My problem is the whole "one opinion rules all" type environment these sites have. There should always be opinions in both sides for most topics without one dominating the other to the point of silencing it. I tend to use Reddit the most because I like the layout and how easy it is to find posts for a topic I want to explore, but it's definitely got a hivemind type of environment going for it. I personally feel social media has taken away the ability for people to critically think about things. They just accept whatever is posted as news without looking into it further. I think that part is really concerning.
I don't have an account on Reddit, but I definitely agree with you on Twitter being the new Tumblr. It's like they all migrated to Twitter. I have opinions, but they're not popular opinions, and I generally try to keep it lowkey. I created a second account on Twitter mostly for Animal Crossing and sometimes Super Mario Maker 2 stuff. Aside from that, I go on Twitter for a bit, see what's going on, and then leave. You really aren't allowed to have your own opinions on that site unless it's a popular one.
I think social media is really helpful for people with social anxiety or shyness (like myself), but over the years, I've grown hating it, mostly because of mental health & anxiety. Most of my accounts I've silently made new ones to silently abandon my old ones (only applies to Discord, if that is considered social media)

I've never liked Instagram, only have it because my friend doesn't like Discord anymore. Don't like Facebook anymore, too many bad memories, same with Snapchat. Twitter is boring; I only use it for small things like Discord bot updates because of it. Tumblr is awful for way too many reasons.

Social media feels like it's got more toxicity than real interactions. Can't be yourself if people are just gonna harass you for it, can't speak your opinion if people are gonna literally want you dead for it, etc etc. The negatives of this is that it can completely shut down a person to cut off all complete interaction. Anonymity is great because you can be anyone, but bad because people like the fake you than the actual you. It ends up being a lose-lose situation, especially if you've been trying to change yourself for years to stop the pain, or to be happy with yourself.

Reddit's cool for now, though. I've no problems with it.