Opinions on the acnh background music


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2016
Is it just me, or was the vibe of the background music so much better in the older games?? The wild world/city folk music was definitely my favorite and I started to miss it immediately when I began playing new leaf. I miss it even more now playing new horizons because the game music now just has so much going on and it lacks the cute electronic feel in my opinion. tbh I really wish there was a way to turn it off haha (or just listen to K.K. songs instead lol)

Does anyone agree or have a similar opinion on the background music or am I alone on this one haha
Similar sentiments T__T I especially miss the NL soundtrack because it’s the game I’ve played the most. The ACNH soundtrack just feels underwhelming and forgettable for me. I usually just don’t play with sound lol
Similar sentiments T__T I especially miss the NL soundtrack because it’s the game I’ve played the most. The ACNH soundtrack just feels underwhelming and forgettable for me. I usually just don’t play with sound lol
wait what you can do that???? how?
It depends on the hours. Both 5 am and pm are legendary and 12 pm is good in its own right. However, overall NL had better music (8 am in specific hits me in the feels all the time)
Also 2 pm in NH is like nails on a chalkboard but that’s my opinion
They definitely, uh... took a different path with the music in this game. Some have said it hearkens back to the Gamecube-era music with the percussion and the funk, but as I've been playing WW again lately I've noticed the difference more heavily. All the games have spoofed their theme songs to an extent, but NH does it much more and also tends to keep the genre, key, melody, etc the same between hourly tracks. For example, listen to 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. side by side, they're the same melody at different tempos. 7, 8 and 9 a.m. are also all in the same key similar keys until I can fact check this using similar instruments, which explains why a lot of people say they don't notice the difference between hours, and it's not until 10 a.m. you start hearing something different-sounding. Similar patterns throughout the tracks.

Though the effect isn't what we're used to, I suspect they knew what they were doing when they composed this music - at least if they weren't being lazy about it, which is a possibility, but I prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt when they've done such a good job with other audio-related things in this game. Just like the aesthetics in NH are quite a bit more realistic and less "cartoony" than previous titles (take that thread about the difference in rainbow brightness for example), they might've just wanted to do something different for NH with the music, to where it sounds more like it fades in and out with the day gradually. So gradually that it's irritating to many, lol.

That's my take on NH as a whole - it's trying to be different, set itself apart a little (think the crafting mechanic, the fact we're on an island instead of in a town for the first time, the completely new and different furniture sets) while retaining just enough familiarity to attract older fans back to it. Doing the same thing over again definitely does not seem to be the team's priority with this one - I'm sure we'd have Brewster from the start if that were the case.
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They definitely, uh... took a different path with the music in this game. Some have said it hearkens back to the Gamecube-era music with the percussion and the funk, but as I've been playing WW again lately I've noticed the difference more heavily. All the games have spoofed their theme songs to an extent, but NH does it much more and also tends to keep the genre, key, melody, etc the same between hourly tracks. For example, listen to 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. side by side, they're the same melody at different tempos. 7, 8 and 9 a.m. are also all in the same key using similar instruments, which explains why a lot of people say they don't notice the difference between hours, and it's not until 10 a.m. you start hearing something different-sounding. Similar patterns throughout the tracks.

Though the effect isn't what we're used to, I suspect they knew what they were doing when they composed this music - at least if they weren't being lazy about it, which is a possibility, but I prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt when they've done such a good job with other audio-related things in this game. Just like the aesthetics in NH are quite a bit more realistic and less "cartoony" than previous titles (take that thread about the difference in rainbow brightness for example), they might've just wanted to do something different for NH with the music, to where it sounds more like it fades in and out with the day gradually. So gradually that it's irritating to many, lol.

That's my take on NH as a whole - it's trying to be different, set itself apart a little (think the crafting mechanic, the fact we're on an island instead of in a town for the first time, the completely new and different furniture sets) while retaining just enough familiarity to attract older fans back to it. Doing the same thing over again definitely does not seem to be the team's priority with this one - I'm sure we'd have Brewster from the start if that were the case.
I agree with you entirely on that front! It’s just that the genre that the devs chose is not up everyone’s alley. I myself prefer the more gentle piano-heavy music of NL. That’s not to say that I dislike NH’s music entirely but it’s a preference nonetheless
i don't really like it- the guitar is overwhelmingly present in all hourly music, and the only themes that feel more like animal crossing are the 6pm and 12am themes. (the 6pm has the accordion playing in the bg, reminds me of older titles- and the 12 am one sounds like it could be in acww)
they all sound the same to me sadly :/
Definitely don’t care for it. I miss the rustic, nostalgic sound that none of the soundtracks have had since city folk.
I actually don't mind the hourly soundtrack in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I do sometimes miss the hourly soundtrack from City Folk/Wild World or the GameCube Animal Crossing game, but I am not exactly hating the soundtrack in New Horizons.
I agree with you entirely on that front! It’s just that the genre that the devs chose is not up everyone’s alley. I myself prefer the more gentle piano-heavy music of NL. That’s not to say that I dislike NH’s music entirely but it’s a preference nonetheless
For sure. Personally I don't care for NL's piano and I'm much more into the WW/CF accordion, the guitar on 8 p.m. the marimba sounds, etc. I've never played GC, but I've been listening to its hourly music and I'm definitely into some of it (2 p.m. is a bop!), while other tracks I'm not such a fan of. NH's music is quite jazzy, which now that I think about it fits the game's theme of being different well - jazz being a fairly revolutionary and unusual genre when it came about.
Oh man one thing to elaborate on my legacy music thing: I’d want NL’s island night music on mystery islands. That song is the best outdoor song period.
Initially, I thought its instrumentation was a bit samey, probably due to the fact I think it's live instrumentation, but I honestly quite like it now!

It's not my favourite AC soundtrack, but I think it's overall weirder than NL's soundtrack (despite the fact the compositions are really nice there) and that makes it feel more like an Animal Crossing soundtrack than NL's did.

(also i'd like to kind of go "no, an old bgm selector's the last thing that needs to be brought back from older games, they've taken the time to compose an entirely new soundtrack here, surely there's got to be SOMETHING that's good there?" to you all)
I meant just turning off the volume! hahaha
ohhhhh oops haha
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What I’d like to do (it’s a pipe dream) is that we could choose legacy music for each hour. I’m sure peeps could mix a perfect sequence of hourly music to set a mood on their islands.
ahhh that would be so nice!! i wish we could do that haha
I agree. I wish there was an option that we could unlock in the future that allowed us to choose the type of music that played— maybe allowed us to change it to whichever older game we wanted for hourly music. Or maybe even just playing through KK songs would be fun. I was kind of bummed how small the radius was on sound for music devices you put outside— wish it reached further!
I definitely prefer the older games. NH's hourly music is a lot more uniform across all tracks. There's not a lot of variety in instruments so most of them don't stand out that much. There's a few tracks I like, but they're fewer in number than any of the older games.