Opinions on the acnh background music

Honestly I don’t really have a problem with the background music, but I would like if other music would play because it does get a little bit repetitive at times
Sometimes I’ll be playing for a while and it’s almost like the background music is engraved in my brain
It would be cool if some kk slider songs that you have collected through playing would be able to play instead of the background music Because I feel like we don’t really get to appreciate the amount of songs that are there unless you play them on a stereo on your island
Honestly I don’t really have a problem with the background music, but I would like if other music would play because it does get a little bit repetitive at times
Sometimes I’ll be playing for a while and it’s almost like the background music is engraved in my brain
It would be cool if some kk slider songs that you have collected through playing would be able to play instead of the background music Because I feel like we don’t really get to appreciate the amount of songs that are there unless you play them on a stereo on your island

Having a shuffle of K.K. music play in he background would be nice
I greatly prefer the sound track from New Leaf; enough so that I use a browser addon to play New Leaf music while I play New Horizons.

I can't really summarize it very well but I just find the New Horizons music to be... a bit more invasive, perhaps? Where New Leaf was like easy listening New Horizons is more like your roommates music; it might not be terrible but you don't always really want to hear it.
the music is nice but i don't like it as much as previous games, as many other people have said. i also really miss the music box melodies when it rains : ((((
also, it might just be me, but i've gotten tired of the title theme pretty quickly.
i like it but i really wish i can change it to any of the 90+ songs at times..... i like varieties.
Most of the time I play I don't have the sound on. Occasionally I try to listen to the music, but some hours are really not my favorite. I've found that occasionally depending where you stand it conflicts with radios playing KK songs and makes like this discordant cacophony of sounds. Usually the KK songs are supposed to supersede the BG music but I've found that doesn't always work on my island. Options to pick your own music (like we can for radios with KK songs) would be awesome!
The first game had the best music. New Leaf had good music, too.
No you're not alone. Honestly, it's really forgettable in my opinion because they sound the same.
i think that new leaf had better soundtrack overall because the only music from new horizons that i absolutely adore and isn't forgettable for me is 5am one. most of the time i just end up playing the game while listening to my own music or bringing the radio with me to the area i'm currently working on and playing some kk slider song.
I like the music, except from the 5pm song.
Someone’s mom ruined that one for me 🙂
Oh! I wasn't expecting a rave thread about the music! Normally it is complaining about it!

I like all of the soundtracks across the games. There are some tracks that I like better than others. Overall, I think the New Horizons music fits in very well with the atmosphere of the game. I would like if it followed more thematic time themes, but that is because I enjoy listening to bodies of music like Vivaldi's Four Seasons.

I still really like the music. 5 pm is one of my favorite tracks in the game!
I wish you could turn off the music and just play the game sounds. I play with my volume down because the music puts me off
I hate it even more than when it released lol (songs like 6PM I loved at the start but now it's just grating hearing the same 4 notes over and over for an hour), I've resorted to lowering the game's volume so I can just about hear the sound effects and play WW/CF/NL music over it o_O
I was thinking about this the other day, the music was better in past games that’s why now I play on mute and listen to my own music.
I mostly play with the music loud enough to do fishing while I watch YouTube (though that’s not on the game; I do that with games that have music I love also).
I love the music, but two of my favorite hours' themes, 2 AM and 4 AM, are interrupted by absolute least favorite, the 3 AM music! I can't imagine not playing with the music going (even if it's 3:15 AM), though.
It's alright. 5pm, 6pm, and 11am are my favorites. 12pm,11pm, 7am are really good too. Most of them are just really meh to me though.