Opinions on the acnh background music

It's fine. Right now 8,9, and 10 am, as well with 10 Pm, are my favorites, but 10PM takes the cake. I dunno why...
I prefer new leaf's music but that could just be my LilyTown nostalgia.
The music is alright. I don’t have a problem with it; I just don’t like the 1 or 3 AM music (not sure which time it was)
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I don't mind it terribly, but some of the music just isn't good. I so wish that I could turn the music off and just have the sound effects most of all. I just want to hear the balloons 😭
A lot of hourly songs in NH are pretty annoying. I really miss how magical NL's soundtrack felt, which isn't present at all in the NH soundtrack.
I really prefer the older games hourly music (espially NL). In NL I had a reason to keep the volume on because I loved the music, but in NH I could care less if I had the volume on (besides from sound affects). In my opinion NH could be so much better if the music was like the previous/older games.
I've got use to it but wished it could be turned off. It's hard to fish with meteor showers, crashing waves and loud music. I want to relax late at night and have gone to mystery island for some peace and quiet.
It's not horrible, but it isn't great either. I think 5 AM, 12 PM, and 5 PM are the best tracks (9 AM and 10 PM grew on me though), with the first one being my personal favorite. However, I think those are the only tracks that are even remotely noteworthy. After how amazing New Leaf's soundtrack was, I will admit that the music is rather disappointing in this game. I liked the idea they were going for but it didn't totally work imo.
The ACNH music is good! But honestly.. ACNL music was better. IDK why but I hate to admit it.

Here's hoping they eventually give people the option of switching to music from the previous games. That'd be really cool. but kind of a slap in the face to the people who made the NH music
i like it! it’s not my favourite but it’s not bad! i do miss some of the nighttime tracks from new leaf, though ;u;
It's not just forgettable, it's awful, I play without sound because the music grate my ears.
this has been brought up so many times and each time i read it i realize i like the NH music even less than before. new leaf's soundtrack was just so beautiful and new horizons does not even come close. i've said this in previous threads, but it really bothers me that none of the tracks seem to match the tone of that specific time of day. like 1am in new leaf was very peaceful and soft, but 1am in new horizons is just weirdly jazzy? it doesn't suit the middle-of-the-night vibe at ALL, and that seems to be the case with all of the songs. not to mention the fact that many of them sound samey to me rather than each hour being something new and unique to look forward to. also WHYYYY did they remove the rain/snow tones to the music?!?! one of my favorite things was hearing my favorite songs during the rain, it just added so much to the overall atmosphere.

seems unlikely, but i'd love an option to switch the hourly music to older games - it'd be a really cool new feature to add in general, but i'd love to hear the old soundtracks instead without having to like, mute my switch and play them through my phone or something.
i have played all the animal crossing games and have to say that this one has my least favourite soundtrack! it's not bad, but they don't really stand out to me or get stuck in my head! there was something especially twinkly and magical about the hourly switches in new leaf :') but this is okay! i'm more used to it now.
I just wish I could remember any of the music in this game. I can not off the top of my head remember a single theme without the game open, besides 12pm which I dislike. By now id have a few tracks I could remember in other games but...Oh well.
Bring back the gamecube soundtrack. It’s my favorite. The songs are so random I love it. I always hated acnls soundtrack because every song sounded the same to me. I need something more interesting.
My most recent opinion on the tacks is this.

del-my-image (7).png

It's a tad unfortunate that all the AM songs starting at 5am play while I'm at work or getting ready for. I like these ones. I hear some of these only on Saturday.

The 12:00pm song I am lucky to hear if I jump on during lunch break or playing on the weekend. This is one of the most nostalgic songs, and one of the best.

All the PM songs starting with 3pm are the ones I hear almost daily, and are coincidentally the ones I don't care for (excluding 5pm). 6pm is highly annoying with the super over the top repetitive guitar cords. Slow the guitar down or add more patterns to the chords

I may hear 12am on a Friday or Saturday, but I am never up 'till 2am any day of the week. These 2 songs are beautiful but hidden away from me.

2pm is someone purposely trying to annoy you as much as possible.
1am is a fever dream. Luckily enough I rarely ever play at 1am. :)

5pm is wonderful, and I am glad I can hear it on average, 7 days a week.
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I don’t know why today, but I realized I really love the 7am and 8am music. I had kind of just stopped thinking about the music, I like it but I hear it so much since I play so much. but for some reason this morning I just was listening to the music as I ran about and it was like such a sense of peace and joy and nostalgia that it really brightened my day.