opinions on the oscars?

The Oscars are a waste of time. The whole event comes off as a glitzy opinions fest.

Do you like watching them? That's fine- but I'd rather not join you.
Don't care for them or any big celebrity rewards shows. Never been a celebs obsessed person much.
I don't pay any attention at all to the Oscars anymore, but when I was younger I used to watch it. My mom and I liked looking at all the dresses and I liked seeing if my favorites would win anything (they almost never did). I do remember being very pleasantly surprised when Spirited Away won an Oscar, though. It was like it opened the door for anime to become more mainstream.
I should get an UnOscar for the number of years I haven't watched it/them/they.
They're pretentious and there's no point in watching them, but I really want to see Parasite
I think many of the Oscars are rigged specifically for certain actors and movies. Occasionally I think that Best Original Song is also rigged. There are some rigs that are obvious such as Gwyneth Paltrow but then you have ones that are more subtle. I like knowing movies that are nominated for Best Feature and Best Animated Film so I have something worth watching and I like listening to the songs nominated for Best Song as many of the past nominations are really good and only a few are bad and questionable.
They used to be fun to watch, but now I find them boring. I still catch up on the gossip though.

The Will Smith/Chris Rock slap is the biggest event I remember from recent ones.
Literally couldn't care less about it lol
I love the Oscars! I host a party for them every year. Get lots of food, invite some friends over. Usually have a little betting game. I get little cupcakes, and if you get movie right you can have one, it's fun!

It's alot of fun, I also try to watch all of the nominated movies before hand, but some I just can't. I don't always agree with nominations, like Godzilla Minus one, should have been there last year. I mean it was fantastic. But at least it got special effects! Should have won, but I did also really like Oppenheimer. So I was happy!

I get so excited planning them! I also really enjoy the horror movie awards that are hosted by a YouTuber!
I almost never watch movies anymore and I think most award shows are just popularity contests and advertisements, so I don’t really pay attention to them.
I don't watch every movie so it doesn't really interest me that much. It's usually going to be movies I either don't care about or haven't gotten to see yet.
I also don't care much about celebrities and don't know most of them.
As a film enthusiast, i do watch the Oscars. I do not care for it, as i know it is nothing more than a biased popularity contest, but i enjoy watching and disagreeing with it. I'm sure that sounds incredibly sarcastic, but i am dead serious.
As a film enthusiast, i do watch the Oscars. I do not care for it, as i know it is nothing more than a biased popularity contest, but i enjoy watching and disagreeing with it. I'm sure that sounds incredibly sarcastic, but i am dead serious.
I do the same especially if some popular movie wins a do don’t agree with it and tell people that the movie should never have been nominated.
Not the type to watch every movie that comes out or care about celebrities at all, but the Oscar's and reward shows in general are fine even if you wouldn't catch me dead watching them cause I just don't really care about them that much. The last time I remember them being relevant was the Will Smith slapping Chris Rock in the face meme that got old after a week.
I honestly couldn’t care less about the oscars. If it was an award show about just voice actors, maybe I’d be interested then. I respect and like more voice actors than hollywood actors. I never was much into movies or actors and probably even less so now.