Pretty much my opinion on this. Cigarette smoke is just awful. I'm glad smoking has gone way out of style compared to how it used to be. I remember so many sit down restaurants smelling bad in the '90s, for example, because of the smell coming from the smoking sections. And the number of people who would hang out outside of entrances to malls and smoke so you couldn't avoid passing through their clouds was just incredible.
Eh, they don't bother me except that my mom vapes (she started so she could quit smoking) and when she accidentally blows it in my face I'm like BLEUCKGHF
Like I am all for people who use vape pens instead of smoking, like it's way better, smells way better etc etc but people who are way into it and are super douchey about it I can not stand. All the vaping videos and people spending hundreds and hundreds for special stuff to vape with, y'all... just.... -_- No.
im not too much of a fan of it and i dont vape, but its so much better than smoking both smell wise and i think, health wise. unless 5 years from now scientists say second hand vaping is bad as like second hand smoke... but poofing out a GIANT ball of smoke in the faces of other people is pretty rude and obnoxious.
i think it looks stupid and i kind of have the assumption of all people who vape being kind of a douche, but that's just because everybody that i've known so far that vapes is, well, a douche. my dad tried to quit smoking with it so i was kind of okay with it then but he didn't really do too well with adjusting so i guess he's back to regular cigarettes.
i just don't like it when people do it inside and it's near me and gets in my face/nose. it's inconsiderate.
a family member vapes (to get off smoking so its not really as bad but they do still smoke sometimes and im like....okay) but its really ****ing annoying when you walk into a room that theyve been the only one in and you feel like you're walking into a drug den from the disgusting coffee/walnut cloud filling the room
I do, not in public or anything I usually just keep it to myself (I don't post videos/have pictures of it bc thats just stupid) and honestly if it's just the flavored juice it's fine to me but I don't have juice with nicotine in it because I think that's kind of stupid tbh
I don't vape or do anything like that, mostly because I'm scared to and I'm more terrified of my mother finding out than I am curious. But I don't care if anyone else does it since it's their choice. If you vape, that's fine, but just don't do it near people or inside. It smells weird and the smell sticks on other people.
i can get behind vaping as a substitute for cigarettes or to quit smoking, but i personally don't like when people vape and don't shut up about it and the whole 'vape nation' kind of thing.
right now i'd say it's a better substitute to cigarettes, but then again it's a fairly recent thing, so who knows the long-term effects?