• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Order in your town


Senior Member
Jan 3, 2012
Throwback Tickets
Pear (Fruit)
How well structured do you like your town to be?

Me, I like to have paths everywhere, I put trees and flowers in nice little patches to make things look organised and tidy (and in some cases easy to get to). With NL adding ways to move bridges, placement anywhere of many things (some random) and being able to put new items out for your town, how well organised do you think you will be?

Im going to map my town out and then work out where i want EVERYTHING to go down to the last bumblebee on a flower. Yes, I like things to be organised, it gives me something to focus on while im playing and makes the game last longer for me. Also it means that I can do stuff like change the patterns and change my outfit to match.. or not.. depending on what mood Im in or which villager I have made king for the day so to speak.
i like to trash everything and not pull a single weed ever, and if i could kill the animals then this game would be perfect
SOME TIMES i agree with the "Killing". Kinda. I wish I could atleast banish some of the villagers for building a house in a certain spot
Everything needs to be tidy! No ugly animals I will make their house so it's surrounded by pitfalls!
i like to trash everything and not pull a single weed ever, and if i could kill the animals then this game would be perfect

Haha, loving the heavily accented with sarcasm (I hope) rogue comment! I know from your other posts that this is not true, I'm fairly sure if you saw a town like that you would be straight onto the mayor to tell them to sort it out!!!
I have an idea of what I want my town to be like and which things I want to put where, but I'll be flexible because new villagers can mercilessly place their house on your neatly organized little flower area or on the spot you were just about to put your Caf?!

So be sure to keep that in the back of your mind as you plan things out.
How well structured do you like your town to be?

Me, I like to have paths everywhere, I put trees and flowers in nice little patches to make things look organised and tidy (and in some cases easy to get to). With NL adding ways to move bridges, placement anywhere of many things (some random) and being able to put new items out for your town, how well organised do you think you will be?

Im going to map my town out and then work out where i want EVERYTHING to go down to the last bumblebee on a flower. Yes, I like things to be organised, it gives me something to focus on while im playing and makes the game last longer for me. Also it means that I can do stuff like change the patterns and change my outfit to match.. or not.. depending on what mood Im in or which villager I have made king for the day so to speak.

What do you mean which villager you made king of the day?
I have a clear idea of my town. I'm not a huge fan of putting paths down, since they were ugly in the previous games. I'll give it a try. I won't go overboard though, it'll just take you to important areas and buildings. I'm going to have orchids in my town, so one section will be apples, the next, orange, etc. Flowers will be organised... xP
I've always like nice pathways lined with trees and flowers in previous games but I'm determined this time not to lay paths and just go with the flow. I'd be mightily annoyed if I had my lovely paths laid out perfectly and then some villager plops their house there!
I've never made paths in previous AC games nor try too hard for perfect town or HRA or anything like that. I want to try those things this time. :)
I want to give paths a try, and there will be fairly organized flower areas. Fruits go in one area, and so on. But I am going to plan ahead where I want everything and place spot holders for my cafe, police station, and such. So I guess fairly orderly, but not overboard, and not a disaster area of weeds.
I love making my town have order, making paths, planting trees alongside them, making gardens of flowers and such. I'm so super excited to build on all that with the new community projects feature and I'll probably go crazy with lamp posts and all. Really excited to get using the new design features too, like not having a fixed colour pallet, I'll be able to make those paths more detailed.
I suppose by your definition, I enjoy disorder and chaos. I don't want paths, I don't change up the trees or flowers into special designs. I toss the flowers and trees wherever they'll grow. xD

I hate how fake and artificial planned towns look for the most part. Reminds me less of a town grown in an area with a lot of pretty fruit trees and more of a town where literally everything was destroyed and flattened in order for a grid work of man-made design to be constructed on its corpse.

*prone to waves of tree-hugging extremism*
I generally keep the natural order in tact. I'm happy to put bridges where I want them :D. I spent most of my Time just playing and exploring. However, with the projects, I may do a bit more order in my town :3
I am more of a random chaos type of person. I really love thin winding paths and flowers scattered everywhere. I really dislike the "matching flowers" look that everyone seems to do. Red flowers here, white flowers here, yellow here etc. Reminds me of the flower displays at the mall.

I definitely won't be using any big and clunky town projects either. My animals can kiss my buns if they want those things lol.