• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Order in your town

I've always hated paths.
In my WW game I turned my whole town into a flower garden and behind my house I had a "forest" full of foreign fruit.
In NL I might add a little more order though.
I'm definitely using paths! Theres so many QR codes for them. c: And in the end I'll probably only want certain flower colors, and certain fruit trees. I like to leave a lot of normal trees though. I want to make my town very pretty and neat and worth visiting via the dream suite.
I've never used paths before but I really want to in this game. To everyone who's used paths before: about how long does it take to lay them down? Or do you spread the work across several days?
I've never used paths before but I really want to in this game. To everyone who's used paths before: about how long does it take to lay them down? Or do you spread the work across several days?

I usually do a couple of paths each day until I am satisfied that I have enough. For example, this time in ACCF I made a path from my house to Nook's and to the museum in one day, and then to the post office and Able Sisters the next day, and to the gates and the beach another day. I *could* have done them all in one day, but instead I just do however much I feel like doing. Sometimes there are trees in the way, and in that case you will want an axe for some paths as well as a nice path design.

Also, after using a path for a while you may decide that the path you laid was not on a perfect route and you may want to change it. I just did that yesterday for the path from my house to Nooks, and now it is much more convenient.
I've never used paths, but seeing all these awesome QR code paths I'm definitely gonna use them! I don't really care about order though, I just want my town to be cute.
I usually do a couple of paths each day until I am satisfied that I have enough. For example, this time in ACCF I made a path from my house to Nook's and to the museum in one day, and then to the post office and Able Sisters the next day, and to the gates and the beach another day. I *could* have done them all in one day, but instead I just do however much I feel like doing. Sometimes there are trees in the way, and in that case you will want an axe for some paths as well as a nice path design.

Also, after using a path for a while you may decide that the path you laid was not on a perfect route and you may want to change it. I just did that yesterday for the path from my house to Nooks, and now it is much more convenient.
Ah, I see! Doing a few paths a day sounds nice and reasonable. I can imagine it would get boring and tedious to do it all in one day.

I love paths. I rely on paths. Paths help me map out of my town and keep it organized...until a villager moves in on it and messes it up, but it's usually easy to fix. Dx I don't meticulously plan out my town and have it all on a grid; I go with the flow and work around incoming and outgoing villagers.

I don't like seeing towns with trees or flowers covering most of the town. I've seen many dream towns where it's mostly wide open spaces with some trees and flowers and randomly placed projects and I don't enjoy going to those towns. There's not much to look at and I feel as if my 500 bells have been wasted. It's the same with the "flower vomit" towns where it looks like like someone threw up random flowers everywhere and there is not a single open space; it's all flowers with a few trees and projects. It's boring.
I dislike order. My town will basically be a little forest. I really like that natural/disorganized look so I will keep as many historic trees as possible. I absolutely hate towns that are orderly. They just look too fake and "man made". I think that when trees are lined up IT LOOKS SO UGLY, I can't even handle it. Paths are ugly. I hate seeing towns covered with ugly patterns ugh. My town will have a lot of narrow winding paths so patterns would be impractical anyway. I actually like to lay down lucky clovers as path though

Im kind of obsessed with nature in AC. I love trees. I plant them strategically, they only look random hehe. I plan on creating a rather serious cedar forest too. I'm not gonna go crazy with bushes though. It makes NO sense having random bushes, that requires some sort of order.

The only thing I am worried about is how these animals seem to be placing their homes wherever they please, which is unacceptable. I'll have the put a lamp post in my front yard before anyone tries to get bold. (There's always that one neighbor who builds their house 3 spaces away from yours)

Ugly neighbors will be taken care of immediately, I like to call it "taking out the trash"

Also, I'm not even going to mess with the community projects. some benches, lights, flower beds, topiary and maybe a windmill. I'm glad that they have them, but they're not going in my town
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I would wait until all the villagers move in, then plan it all out

I still want to have a nice plan like having some benches next to the cafe would be nice
I can't stand the pattern pathways either. They always look too square and artificial on the paths and then horridly messy at the ends and where they transition onto bridges/over the paved areas. The worn grass look is fine by me and I usually make it wind more naturally around town.
About half of my trees will probably go the moment I get an axe. Perfect towns might require 12 or so per acre, but that's crowded, not perfect in my books. And I'll likely only have a couple different fruits in my town, as opposed to everywhere else I've seen with it's random mish-mash of fruit trees corner. I'll keep a single fruit of each kind in storage/planted on the island for peace of mind though. (Probably apples/cherries/mangoes in town with coconuts on the beach, and then bananas/durians/lemons on the island so they semi match.)
Public works I don't know too much about, but I'll probably keep them simple. And flowers I'll have to trial the beautiful town ordinance first, to see whether watering is more managable. - I reached a point in my last CF town where if I didn't play for a week I feared turning it on for all the watering, and then accidentally killed 80% of them when I learnt that city rain didn't mean you could save and turn off if you only breifly saw it. Cruel rule.
I got comfy with my path-free Wild World town, but when they brought back animal tracks in City Folk I learned the hard way that I either needed paths or I should stop running!

Definitely going to be putting down one of these leading to all the major hotspots in town.
I love natural paths so much. I always make sure I'm right behind a river though so no one is in front of me. I'm pretty sure Antonio moved in next to my riverside house in WW. I actually loved it because I could visit him every day. Down lower in my town was a big forest full of random flowers and 2 homes. Then there were like 3 houses on the shore. The rest of the houses were near the able sisters.
In WW I had a small path, leading to all the major things.. But I'm such not an organized guy which puts paths everywhere. We'll see what NL will bring to me. ;3
I don't know how much order I will impose on my town. I haven't quite decided yet.
Jinglefruit, the perfect town acres actually work on a scale. More trees means less flowers and less trees mean more flowers. There is no limit on your flowers of course, but if you have 27 flowers in an acre than you don't need even 1 tree!

http://www.animalxing.com/wii_perfect_town.php has the chart that explains it.

Actually when it gets around the 12 tree mark its less flowers but eventually it goes back up and you need almost 1 flower for every tree to balance out there being so many trees.
I don't know how much order I will impose on my town. I haven't quite decided yet.
Jinglefruit, the perfect town acres actually work on a scale. More trees means less flowers and less trees mean more flowers. There is no limit on your flowers of course, but if you have 27 flowers in an acre than you don't need even 1 tree!

http://www.animalxing.com/wii_perfect_town.php has the chart that explains it.

Actually when it gets around the 12 tree mark its less flowers but eventually it goes back up and you need almost 1 flower for every tree to balance out there being so many trees.

Is this the same in NL as it was for CF/WW etc?
I'm going to TRY to make a nice looking, organized town but I kind of failed at that in City Folk; I made temporary patterns for paths that were just plain blocks of color but never changed them out because I was too lazy so it was super ugly. I ended up picking them all back up once the dirt paths formed, though. I wanted to get a perfect town like I did in WW, but I never got around to it.

I hope I actually do something nice with my town in New Leaf. I was considering a themed village, but it would have to be much later since it's a daunting task and I have to collect furniture and whatnot first anyway. I'd love to make a town with creepy elements because I love scary spookiness, but I wouldn't want it to always be compared to Aika village, as much as I love it.
If I'm honest I have no idea about my town at the moment... I have never used paths before, but I may give them a whirl this time around, though I'm not keen on how artificial they look. I do know I'll have plenty of flowers though, almost like meadows of hybrids :blush:
I'm personally not fussed about patterns, they look nice but are a pain in the backside to lay and takes a person to have the patience of a saint. Just a shame it's not a community project :(, as that would make it a heck of a lot easier.