Overrated Villager

To me personally? None... cause other than brief casual play with NL, NH is the first time I'm really getting into it. So everyone is "new" to me. :)

I will admit because of lack of history I don't see the hype on Bob. He looks cool but I like some other cats more than him.
Personally, none. The "rated" thing is mainly the group of people who actually likes the villager. So in a way, you're criticizing the group of people who do like them. (Because, let's face it, had it not been the people who hyped them, they'd be nonexistent. Like Cyd. He's new and cool but where's the clout?)

Raymond is popular because of his looks and the only heterochromia'd cat. Siamese cats are always a popular cat in game or in real life. He's also have a much more cheerful and energetic personality compared to all smugs. (He's one of the few smugs who actually waves with BOTH hands!) His agreed gijinka is pretty much a handsome businessman so...what's not to love?

People just can't help to love one thing unanimously. I think all villagers are overrated in their own way. Though they're "overrated" for a reason.
Audie's design is a ripoff Freya honestly. The story behind her is so cute :)

Erik was overhyped in NL days. Fauna's eyes are weird. Lucky's uninteresting. Judy's eyes are too much for me.
I have to admit I didn't understand at first the huge hype concerning Raymond, but now my opinion has changed, since I got him as the first campsider he's on my Island and I could get to know him more.

He grew on me and I can see the appeal of the character, being a smug and a cat + having those business man clothes and house make him very unique and fit the smug personality very well.
In terms of design his grey tones make his heterochromia eyes pop more and differentiate him from a lot of flashy villagers, this combinaison of clever choices participates to his popularity + the fact that he's one of the new villagers BUT I think it's not what made him THAT MUCH popular : that is the internet my friends and the power of memes I guess lol

I think it's cool that he's popular but the prices sellers are proposing is less funny. For now I've decided to keep him in my town instead of being rich.

Concerning the new villagers I think some of them have more interesting design than others, I understand the hype for Raymond, Audie and Judy (even if I don't like Judy haha). But for me Cyd is the coolest and there's no hype around him for exemple...
I have mixed feelings about Raymond. On the one hand, I dislike him because he looks like a Wall Street bro. On the other, he's an adorable gray cat with strange eyes -- that kills me.

As with Marshal, I'm biased because I have him, but his design is pretty unique. His eyes are just so arrogant - they melt my heart.

I think the deer/wolves are overrated, but because they are so pretty, I guess people can have their preferences.

I do think the cats are not overrated though. Out of all the species, cats have the most unique designs. You get a cat that sweats orange juice, a cat with traditional Japanese opera paint, and a cat mummy at the same time. God, I hope I can get them all.
I don't think any of them are overrated. Overpriced? Hell yes haha, of course some of them are!

But the people who want or have these so-called "overrated" villagers, generally want them because that person genuinely likes them. The people who DON'T like Raymond, for example, aren't the people we see raving about him and paying 100s of NMT.
My whole point is- if a big group of people love a villager that I don't like, who am I to call the villager "over hyped" just because I don't feel the same way?

Also- it seems like this whole thread exists to mostly vent frustration that Raymond is so popular, and maybe even to "take him down a few pegs", which doesn't seem productive to me...

Let people enjoy their villagers haha 😅
I do understand the sentiment, but this thread definitely isn’t made to bash on people who like certain villagers, its just meant to let people share their opinions. But I agree, its HORRIBLE to send negativity towards people who do like these villagers. They are not “basic”, they just like the villagers design, and that doesn’t say anything about who they are as a person.
Probably beating the dead horse at this point, but definitely Raymond. He looks pretty cool and is definitely one of the coolest looking villagers in the game, but he’s definitely not 1k NMT or more expensive than the game good. Nothing wrong with liking any popular villager though, it’s just that the overpaying for them aspect that makes them overrated.
Raymond is obviously overhyped, but I do have to admit that he's a great looking villager, no hate to anyone who loves him

As for hype which I don't understand so much, Dom, he is cute (especially for a jock) but I think there's other sheep villagers that deserve attention too! I think if they bring out amiibo cards of the new villagers the novelty of them might wear off a bit
In my opinion, the most overrated is Marshal. He’s cute but I think he doesn’t deserve that much attention. I have him in my town, but he hasn’t grown on me too much. I don’t particularly like smug villagers, but I find myself much more fond of Pietro.
Also, idk if Raymond is overrated. I’m not personally a fan but he definitely has a very unique design and I see why people are into him
I'm of the mind of I don't care what people like. If people say something is overrated, that shouldn't sway you if you like something. Same for unpopular villagers.

I will say, I would have honestly had no clue that Marshal is as popular as he is. He's cute and I think he's great, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I quite have a handle on what makes him as popular as he is.

Raymond is overpriced. A nice design but overpriced.
Honestly, most high-tiered villagers are overrated, in my opinion. Ankha, Bob, Coco, Diana, Judy, Lucky, Julian, Lolly... Though I'm happy about that because that means other villagers I might be interested in aren't that popular and I can get them for far less than these ones.
It’s interesting how some say Marshal is overrated when he has been consistently popular for over five years now. I feel for a villager to keep that level of popularity for that long something has to be working. For Marshal, I think his simplistic design works in his favor. That and his smug personality makes him pretty funny too. He’s just very cute. Then again, I’m pretty fond of simple aka “boring/basic” designs like Molly and Marina too.

Raymond’s popularity also make sense when you consider he 1. is the first smug cat 2. rarest villager in the game 3. doesn’t have an amiibo card. His unique design (heterochromia, glasses!) adds to his appeal. I think Raymond is plenty cute. I would definitely say he’s overpriced but not overrated.
I don't think any are overrated as such - I guess they're popular for a reason. That said, there's nowhere near enough love for those mad lads Sprocket, Ribbot, Knox, Sterling and Agent S (what a dream team).
I've always thought Julian was a little overrated. As someone who loves the horse villagers, I was a little put off by the fact that his eyelashes are so thick. How does he see?? What color are his eyes?

Edit: I am on the Sterling is underrated squad
You know someone's overrated when people actually buy them for high amounts of IRL dollars or crazy amounts of how did they get those NMTs... Pretty sure you know who I'm talking about AHAHAHAHA

Is this cat overrated?Possibly,but it's no fault of his own.I've seen this "I gotta have it!" buying frenzy in the retail business before.There was Cabbage Patch Dolls,Furbys,Power Rangers,the original Mazda Miata......these things got mega popular and people bought them like mad and created a scarcity that jacked up the demand even more and also jacked up the prices.The recent toilet paper delirium is a more recent example(...hmm,it's funny that nobody thinks toilet paper is overrated).Anyways,don't blame the cat.He's actually a kind and unassuming fellow.
i know everyone's said it already, but raymond. i don't think he's very cute. he just looks like an annoying yuppie to me tbh