Dwayne Johnson
Speaker | Change Maker | Visionary | Life Coach
raymond is just fujo bait lmao, let the tweeters have him
I totally get the creepy factor as well, but It only makes me love her more. Same with Coco, and also with Dotty's 'demon-eyes' surprised look lmaoI actually have judy in my town and I adore her with every fiber in my body, but I ABSOLUTELY understand the creepy factor of the anime eyes
I think Raymond is overhyped and I would never pay that much to get him, however I do see why people are willing to do anything for him.
If he was in my campsite, I would get Raymond. I grabbed Marshal when he visited my campsite. Yeah, I know I said they're overrated, but if people like them, why not make them envious if they visit?I still don't understand the appeal, but Marshal did grow on me.
Oh for sure, if they did come to my campsite, why not? I would probably sell them if I wasn't feeling them
Sometimes it might not be the looks that get you but the personality. For me that is the case anyway