Overrated Villager

I love Raymond and want him on my island, don't get me wrong, but I think he's super overpriced. I kinda understand the hype but there are some gross people out there who like him for... other reasons (my twitter feed is fl ooded now, it's not fun). A lot of it i think is that he fits the cat boy aesthetic to a degree.

Either way, you will never catch me paying real money to get him because $1000? pshhh get outta here
Ankha but only a little. Ankha definitely deserve a lot of love but maybe she gets a little too much? She is already better IMO then marshal or Raymond
Raymond, such an overrated villager, maybe even more than Marshal. Personally there are much better villagers than him but I still like his design though

Is Zucker also overrated? I feel like he is
i feel the same about marshal - while he’s definitely adorable, i’m still not sure what all the hype is about aha
Honestly Raymond. I love his aesthetic, but I think his overall personality is very bland. There's other smug villagers that have waayyy more personality than him​
Raymond and Marshal.

I think Raymond is cute, but not the point that people are making him out to be.
I agree with you on Marshal though. I find him a bit boring.
Absolutely Raymond. He's definitely a good addition to the villager roster, but he really shouldn't command the price he does. I quite like him, but he's basically the definition of overrated at this point.
Raymond is overrated but I actually like him and he’s the only smug I truly wanted. I found him in campsite by doing some cycling tonight. It was worth it.
I’d say Raymond is overpriced, not overrated specifically.
This is my thoughts exactly. I find Raymond to be pretty cute and I feel like his design is interesting and well thought out. His whole aesthetic has an appeal so I can see why he's at the top of the tier list. I don't think he (or anyone) should really be going for the price that they're going for though. However, people will continue to sell at those prices and people will continue to buy at those prices because some people just have really bad RNG and see no other option.

I do find Marshal to be a bit overrated. His design is lacking in anything really unique and his personality is the same as any other smug villager. I've had him in one of my New Leaf towns and, while he was cute, he didn't really bring anything special.
I would say the smug cat because people just like to overprice him because they think he is rare. To me I find him cute and funny in my island, but nothing else special other than being my first camper and the fact that there’s other cats in the game that I like more than him.
I don't think any of them are overrated. Overpriced? Hell yes haha, of course some of them are!

But the people who want or have these so-called "overrated" villagers, generally want them because that person genuinely likes them. The people who DON'T like Raymond, for example, aren't the people we see raving about him and paying 100s of NMT.
My whole point is- if a big group of people love a villager that I don't like, who am I to call the villager "over hyped" just because I don't feel the same way?

Also- it seems like this whole thread exists to mostly vent frustration that Raymond is so popular, and maybe even to "take him down a few pegs", which doesn't seem productive to me...

Let people enjoy their villagers haha 😅
Raymond seems cool, but I personally don’t understand why people obsess over him or Marshal.
I mean I understand people wanting them on their islands, but it kind of feels like people are going to insane lengths to get them
Obviously with any fandom ppl coalesce around what's hype or popular. That being said, Raymond is the most overhyped AC character I have ever seen. Ever. And I have been playing for A While lol. From the myriad fan-art of him as a cool anime boi to the cat aesthetic to the fact that he's new and Rare (no amiibos), makes him so insanely sought after that a lot of people dislike him now just because of how ridiculous it is to try and get him. It comes down to if you actually like the character or not. For me, I think Marshal is very popular, but not as overhyped as much as Raymond because he has had many years to be digested by the fanbase. A lot of people have had him in the past and either have liked him or disliked him so they know him already. The demand around a lot of very popular villagers is the nostalgia factor imo, esp with characters who have been around a long time.

Tbh, it all comes down to personal preference on who you have in your town. I hate the fact that people (and I myself have been swayed too in the old days) insist they need villagers they see online bc they want to be in with the hype crowd. Having Raymond has become a status symbol of either someone Incredibly Lucky or someone with a lot of NMT to spare, and even though Raymond may say and do the same things as say, Marshal, Pietro, Julian, any other smug, people insist because it is Him doing it that it is more special. The hype is very social media based and extremely overdone. Hopefully it will die down soon
I would say Raymond buuuuuut I’ve been seeing a lot of people say “I dislike him because he’s overrated or popular” or just say he’s overrated in general, so I would say he’s 50/50 and he’s more so “overpriced” then overrated like what @Fey said. A lot of people think it is an unpopular opinion to find him overrated, but ironically it’s not really unpopular because every time he gets mentioned, there’s going to be plenty of people saying “I find him overrated”.

If I had to say who was rlly overrated, I’d probably say a lot of the normal villagers or cat villagers in general tbh.
Raymond. I have him in my island but I still think he's overrated. I like his style and his eyes being different but I don't think he deserves being on a tier of his own.