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Overwatch General Thread

Yeah they do that if you get more than a certain amount of views! But then you have to upload a lot more and get a lot more views on that video...

- - - Post Merge - - -

mfw people in my rank try to carry their ****ty low rank friend
why in the world am i put with a rank 37?
who cant even do anything? seriously.. im 52 but wow

- - - Post Merge - - -

I have the opposite problem. I'm lvl 68 and the enemy team has a lvl 52 (ok low) and lvl 147 (OK TOO HIGH). LIKE??? HOW IS THAT BALANCED
I have the opposite problem. I'm lvl 68 and the enemy team has a lvl 52 (ok low) and lvl 147 (OK TOO HIGH). LIKE??? HOW IS THAT BALANCED

Levels don't really mean much though, which is why (IIRC) they don't make as much difference in match making.

All you can really take from somebodies level is how long they've played and thus a very rough estimate of how well they should know the maps and character mechanics, and even then it's not a very good indicator of that. So grouping people together based on level would be pretty redundant and do nothing but make waiting times for matches longer (which would take the 'quick' out of 'quick play').

It's especially redundant with quick play where people are more likely to be playing as characters they're not necessarily that good with. I mean, I'm level 123, but I'm only 'good' with a handful of characters, though I'll still use pretty much all of them in quick play. If you see you're grouped with me and I'm playing Symettra, ignore my level and just leave the match, because my level is definitely not an indicator of my ability with her.
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I stayed away for a few days to avoid the boring lobbies full of just Ana's and buffed characters, so I've only just really tried new stuff out.

I was pretty good with D.Va pre update, but she feels like a friggin' monster now. I didn't really think she needed buffing, but I do like the revamp.

I love that I don't have to 'hold on to' defense matrix anymore in preparation for if an enemy pops their ultimate (goodbye Mcree and Pharah ultimates). Also, with certain characters, I've noticed the cooldown is short enough and it recharges fast enough that you can absorb most/every shot by them if timed right without running out of charge.

It also feels a lot more 'involved' since I'm constantly turning defense matrix on and off to fire back at enemies between their shots/when I see them reload, rather than just trying to guess when a big attack is coming and wasting what was a relatively short ability with a big cooldown all in one go (though most other D.Va's I'm coming across still use it all in one go...Why do this unless it's to absorb an ultimate!?).

And not being killed by your own ultimate is a nice change I guess, though I've not really witnessed the benefit of it yet since I still keep running for cover out of habit every time I use it...

I like Ana too, but I'm kinda sucky with her. I mostly get frustrated with people being in the way when I try to heal. I kind of get the same problem with Mercy but I find it nowhere near as bad or as frequent, mostly because there's 11 possible people to get in the way with Ana plus it takes longer to try again if you get 'shot blocked' than it does with Mercy.

Though I'm happy enough just sleep darting people and leaving them to nap...And find it hilarious when you do it to D.Va, where Meka goes to sleep and she's struggling trapped inside.
The issue with D.Va is that she's designed to be a flanking tank who murders the backline, similar to Winston, but they gave her the ability to be a very good frontliner - which overempowers her previous role. They either need to make her pilot form weaker, or make her dash have a longer cooldown, because at least with some very well placed dashes, you can outmaneuver Winston. D.Va's dash is on such a short cooldown (coupled with how versatile it is) that you're pretty much just screwed no matter how you try to run.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yeah they do that if you get more than a certain amount of views! But then you have to upload a lot more and get a lot more views on that video...

- - - Post Merge - - -

I have the opposite problem. I'm lvl 68 and the enemy team has a lvl 52 (ok low) and lvl 147 (OK TOO HIGH). LIKE??? HOW IS THAT BALANCED

I misread this and thought you were rank 68 for a second and was like


But yeah, level generally doesn't mean anything. If anything, you should be more afraid of the lower levels you get matched with because that means they play good enough to get matched with you despite a lack of experience.
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Zarya is fun to play. Difficult at times but she can be very rewarding. If we ever need a tank, I'll pick her instead of Roadhog or Bastion.
A surprise patch just came out, Ana got a few small buffs and McCree got some changes. Nothing much else.
A surprise patch just came out, Ana got a few small buffs and McCree got some changes. Nothing much else.

Sigh. I hate when they do this because now console people have to wait for another big update before getting these changes. Those Ana changes are actually pretty darn helpful.
Zarya is fun to play. Difficult at times but she can be very rewarding. If we ever need a tank, I'll pick her instead of Roadhog or Bastion.

How do you play Zarya? I've been trying to get a decent feel with her, but it seems like I can't find that sweet spot. Lazer seems to weak, so I have to rely on the right click for a bit.
How do you play Zarya? I've been trying to get a decent feel with her, but it seems like I can't find that sweet spot. Lazer seems to weak, so I have to rely on the right click for a bit.

There's a decent bit of timing involved. Zarya's shields will charge her laser when they take damage (what level your laser is at is shown right under the reticle, 100 being the max), so ideally you wanna throw 'em up when you know you or your teammates are about to take a bunch of damage. She seems to work pretty well with other tanks since they usually soak up a lot of damage and her projected barrier has a shorter cooldown than her particle barrier.

The barriers are also super handy for blocking one hit kills like D.va's self-destruct or Reinhardt's charge. This one time I saved a Genji from Junkrat's riptire, but he left that match thinking his deflect was what saved his bacon. ?\_(ツ)_/?
How do you play Zarya? I've been trying to get a decent feel with her, but it seems like I can't find that sweet spot. Lazer seems to weak, so I have to rely on the right click for a bit.

In the middle of your screen when you are playing Zarya, you will see a number in the center. It can be from 0-100. This is her energy level. The higher the energy level, the more damage she will do. It will go down over time.


If you see the far end one, you better be careful because that Zarya has a huge charge.

Zarya has two shields: Particle Barrier and Projected Barrier.

The Particle Barrier is for herself. It absorbs damage and redirects the energy to her weapon's damage and width of its beam. The max energy you can get is 50. However, the shield will take 200 damage. This is complicated to explain but say she takes 199 damage. A riptire, which does 600 damage, will come by and detonate. The shield will take that final 1 damage and then disappear and you will remain unharmed from the riptire. Does that make sense?

The Projected Barrier is for her teammates. It also redirects the energy for her weapon. The max energy is also 50. If a Reindhart charges your Mercy, put a shield on her before she hits a wall in order to 1. save her and 2. get 50 energy.

So if you get both shields up and take immense damage from both, you'll end up with 100 energy.
As for her attacks, m1 is shortrange laser and m2 is an explosive charge that can hurt several enemies. It depends on the situation on which one you want to use. I use m1 when someone is close to me but if the enemies are at the entrance of Anubis, I'll just m2. Sometimes I'll m2 if someone is near be like Tracer who I can't target for the life of me. However, be careful since you take damage from your own m2.

Her ultimate is extremely useful...for other teammates. If you have 100 energy and you are rightclicking, then you may be able to kill a 200-400hp heroes. However, the better way to eliminate anyone there is to get Hanzo, D.Va, Reindhart, and some other damage ult to unite with yours. Say you capture 5 in there. Hanzo releases the Dragons and they cannot escape and die. Yay...Hanzo got POTG...even though you set it up...

Or you could just do this: https://gfycat.com/ForkedBasicKingbird

It's also worth noting that Zarya's laser (m1) ignores Genji's deflect and D.Va's defense matrix.
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