Strong Town Lean
Town Lean
Strong Scum Lean
Slight Scum Lean
As I am reading back up on the posts I missed I would like to point out that its still Day 1 so we shouldn't jump on people for their reads being small or lackluster. No one is going to be able to get out paragraphs for each player based on the first phase. The fact that Panda even tried to write something about everyone and Seroja tried to write out reads for even the players is helpful information.
You are full out defending Panda here, it speaks volumes of who is your bud in this game. Panda's posts haven't had much to them other than starting conversation.
Deliberate inactivity is a hindrance, I'll to sheep on Corrie for neglecting the thread. No point in keeping someone like that
I feel as though you only voted for Corrie because you wanted to save your buddy pal Panda, it was awfully convenient.
I don't like to write reads at night but in short:
Seroja: Attitude fluctuations
Primarina: Under the radar coasting
Mogyay: I never trust her because I haven't ever guessed her alignment correctly
They're just the people who I don't trust/will probably write reads for, not really scum leans yet
It's funny how you bring up Seroja's attitude fluctuations but not Panda's attitude which is far worse. Panda has been aggressive throughout this game.
At least my vote isn't a throwaway. I'm not afraid to sheep on a logical lynch
Your basically saying "I'm a brave sheep" which I don't believe at all. You also responded really negatively to Dan's vote on you, even going so far as to insult him by calling him pathetic. I'm not sure if you're calling him or his reasoning pathetic either way, you could have been more polite and took it on the chin. It's one vote Jacob not 5, don't get your knickers in a twist or anything, lol. If someone votes for someone they usually have fair reasoning for it and shaming them for it isn't the way to go.
Seroja excuse me ? Lack of substance in me reads and then your post doesn't even have half the players in your reads.
The ignorance and the much needed re-evaluation should be a concern for you right now Panda. You seem very scummy because of your aggressive and unhelpful behaviour, sure I'm not innocent in the unhelpfulness department but my mind is clear now and I'm actively trying and contributing.
I dunno how I'm gonna convince you, hopefully I do before End of Day, cause if people start to sheep and vote me, we will have a mislynch.
The aggression and exchanges between Panda and Seroja are exaggerated on Panda's part.
well i voted Corrie, but i have a feeling a few of you are gonna vote me last minute and make it impossible to claim and or save myself. so here is my message to town.... if you are voting or thinking of voting me please don't, cause well im a fun guy so you probably wanna keep me around. and i do end up getting lynched please please please look into who pushed my lynch and voted for me, don't let them just chalk it up to "welp thats D1 for you" some of these players know my play style and know i haven't been as scummy as im being made out to be.... like Apple said he always sees me as scum but what he lacked to add was that out of like the 10 games i was only scum once, so his been right 1 out of 10 times about me... haha im bold, blunt, and aggressive as town im an emotional ran person i don't sit and make extensively long thought out cases i go off the feelings i get from people and i don't do the best job when it comes to putting those into post for others, im sorry. ha but please believe me im here to help town.
I don't believe this sob story at all, I'm sure there's a better term for this post.

sorry Corrie.
Are you really sorry though? You did it to save your own butt, lmao. Using this as a way to seem more like town with the "oh sorry".
Almost all of her posts have been short with little use or she is jumping on the "Kill Zendel Hype Train", she hasn't made any posts that have analysed the situation or a reads list either. More cooperation is need, so please get on that otherwise I'm inclined to not trust you.
- Sheeped on me and f11.
- Is in and out of the thread, when she is still online and able to respond even if her response isn't of quality.
- Hadn't answered the questions she was given until she was made a concern for us.
- Is very careful, she doesn't play carefully when she is town as seen by the theme-less mafia game hosted by Dolby.
- She also posts much more when she's town, 9 posts is nothing compared to several players on here.
But this could all boil down to her sickness, get well soon. Bashing my explanations about my sickness and behaviour is rather rude, even if they are long. And saying "like I'm not going to write paragraphs about it" is so shady, you never post long paragraphs anyway for whatever reason. It could be laziness, impatience or lack of motivation, I don't know but there's no need for it in any circumstance.
These three are similar in reasoning for the strong town lean so my reasoning below covers all of them perfectly.
All of them are actively trying, contributing and interacting with other players well. I see no reason why any of them should be sussed.
I'm not 100% sure about this town lean but I have noticed a great deal of effort from Tensu for town. He has been asking questions of those who are being sussed and I believe he is doing it in a way that doesn't seem like bussing his own teammates so I couldn't say that he's scum right now.
He is seeing through the cracks and is making a nice effort for town or so it seems. I can never fully trust Trundle because he is so damn good at this game but I feel like he is town because of his rationality and contributions.
He made good points about Corrie's lynch, it was silly. She did give up on the game. She was posting elsewhere but I thought it meant something else, clearly. He's also calling me "really really dumb town/na?ve town" which is true even if it is outright insulting me, so bravo for recognising it but I think "na?ve town" would suffice, you're reminding me of Apple right now with the insults. lol.
Heyden - I really am stuck with this one.
Primarina - Who? Haha, get on here asap. I love playing with you.

Cleb - His posts didn't really say anything that made him seem a certain way to me, despite how long they were.
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Also I feel like I need to explain why I voted for Corrie for whoever asked, I think it was Tensu? I seen it when I was reading other the thread anyway.
I thought she was evading her questions and putting little effort into the game, Trundle and Heyden had much weaker reasoning and besides they were guesses rather than reads/scum leans. As the question asked who you think is likely to be scum and of course this was a bit earlier in the game.
Later on she STILL didn't post so I thought she was struggling or something, I never thought about the possibility of her actually giving up because I didn't see any reason for it. I don't know why she gave up so earlier she must have gotten bored or she thought people were going to gang up on her.
During the last few hours I went to bed as it was late at night, so I missed out on all of the Panda posts. I would have definitely voted for her because of her pleads to not vote for her with the typical "DONT VOTE FOR ME TOWN YOU WILL REGRET IT" and her posts throughout that period seemed unhelpful and forced.
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Sorry for any errors in this post.