Senior Member
Tensu have you played on here before? If so what games?
Yeah, I've played in the Luigi's Mansion, Themeless Mafia, and Bayonetta Mafia. But this is the first game I think I'm playing really well in. Why?
Because I need to analyze your posts because I CAN'T TRUST PEOPLE WHO I DON'T KNOW
Zendel: I’m still not convinced by your town claim. Claiming doesn’t sound like something you’d do, it sounds like something you were put up to do. You even slipped up with the format of the role PM text flavoring and when people noticed inconsistencies, you quickly changed your tune. Then there’s the whole behavior change ordeal. You said this when I inquired about it:
I do believe you have been looking at new play styles. I believe that 100%, but why would you change it if you were town? You’ve been one of the most open and convincing townies in the games I’ve played with you. And you were definitely not a goofball in those games, you were very helpful and I feel like you know it too. The only reason you’d change your play style is because you have to because you’re playing a different role. Then when more people became aware of your behavior you claimed to be having a bad day. So which one is it? To be frank, I think the bad day was an ATE to avoid further questioning regarding your new play style. You did this to make your new play style seem involuntary as opposed to forced and to make it sound much more innocent rather than deliberate. And then later, when asked who you thought was scum you answered this:
Trundle and Hayden are two of my confident town leans, while Corrie flipped town. And you haven’t been touching any of my other scum leans. You see, it’s too perfect to all be a coincidence. (I know I said a lot of this in my earlier read, I just wanted to refortify and add some points)
@ First Paragraph:
Okay, I've moved on from that and many of have. So go ahead and continue to talk about because I'm not. And if you really think I wouldn't claim then please back to the OverWatch game. I struggle to defend myself and in other games I wasn't pushed on, however I would never make something up which brings us to paragraph number 2.
@ Second Paragraph:
While I appreciate your compliments I think you are exaggerating my ability in mafia to make your points seem more valid. I wasn't a brilliant or resourceful player, so I had to improve.
And if you are questioning the reliability of my bad day because of my sickness then you must think really low off me, I would never make that up for a game. Even if I was scum.
@ Third Paragraph:
Actually I have touched on both Nightmares and PandaDarling, PandaDarling being one of my strongest scum leans and Nightmares being a concern of mine. I am now town leaning Trundle like you and null on Heyden, Corrie flipped green but my vote was fair because she didn't add anything to the game and she was extremely evasive even when she was online. I don't see where you're going with a post that was from the beginning of the game, especially when I changed my mind about two of them.
First of all, you're not a perfect mafia player, no one is. But you do have a knack of making yourself appear a genuine player when you are town and why you would give that up is indeed strange. I'm not denying that you had a bad day and a cold, I just think that it was not the leading influence to your behavior change and that it was stretched out to justify yourself. I apologize for not specifying on this in my reads post. Also if you were in league with Panda, it would be downright stupid to keep defending her at this point. She's obviously doomed next lynch and defending her would only look bad on your part. I didn't see that you had Lani on your list until after I posted it, so I apologize for that. But the fact that you are only "concerned" about her does not account for much. Unless you are actively questioning her and pushing her for more info, having her on your scum leans is pointless.
It isn't pointless if I actually feel as though she is scum, I haven't been able to get a chance to question anyone really because everybody was pushing me. It puts a lot of pressure on me and I feel like I can't say or do anything anymore.
Please don't make excuses. If you truly are town I expect you to be constantly questioning and pushing Nightmares in order to prove yourself as town to me. Panda alone is not proof enough, because as mafia it only makes sense to put her down at this point.
If I started questioning Nightmares you'd be "You're only doing that because I pushed you to".
I'm trying to get f11's attention and view of the game so far, I have been doing that throughout the game. I'll move onto Nightmares once I've got the response I want from f11 which will be a while I assume.
I'd also like to know why f11 voted for Corrie.
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If I started questioning Nightmares you'd be like: "You're only doing that because I pushed you to".
I'm trying to get f11's attention and view of the game so far, I have been doing that throughout the game. I'll move onto Nightmares once I've got the response I want from f11 which will be a while I assume.
I'd also like to know why f11 voted for Corrie.
If I make a mistake I will repost it in bold from here on out.
What I'm saying is that your actions need to support your claims to be genuine. If you say Nightmares is scummy and don't back it up, it looks like you're just saying that to make yourself look good and in with everyone else (sort of like piggybacking). This basically sums up my opinion of you on this matter. So start by bringing up unique points, making discussions, asking questions. This is what you used to do in past games when you were town, but there's been little of it towards my mafia leans (except Panda but only after she became widely accepted as scummy, piggybacking almost). I believe you aren't acting as open because you can't afford to, so if you really are town, I suggest you hop to it.
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I'd value pushes to Nightmares that I told you to do over nothing to be honest. We all know that f11 is one of the most stubborn players here. I'd be astonished if you get anything out of her. In fact, I already have her as a town lean. The fact that you keep waiting to push Lani only supports my point. So if you truly are town, why are you more worried about crys than Lani?
FINE! I'll push Nightmares because that's what you desperately want. Keep in mind I'm not fabulous at it and I'll probably be ignored as always (I'm looking at you Crys).![]()
Without knowing who is dead from Night 1, its really hard to come up with lynch candidates for the next day. But the people who I trust the least at the moment are Mogyay, Prima, and Seroja.
If I am completely honest I can't really see an outcome where Panda isn't third party because she never says stuff like "you don't want to lynch me"
@Zendel I'll answer your questions as soon as I'm not on mobile, but for now I have a question for you.
Are you more suspicious of Nightmares or Jacob and why?
sorry bud, but posting reads in the night is dumb unless ur mafia tbh. It's not that dumb but its just something I don't personally do.Almost all of her posts have been short with little use or she is jumping on the "Kill Zendel Hype Train", she hasn't made any posts that have analysed the situation or a reads list either. More cooperation is need, so please get on that otherwise I'm inclined to not trust you.
Jacob, you think Panda is most likely third party because she said that? Why though? Town is supposed to get rid of hostile third parties too (unless she's harmless to town). It never crossed me that she might be tp, that's a possibility yeah.
corrie was avoiding the thread thats a no no. Also panda said that town will regret lynching her and im not dense enough to not know what that means lol. also "us"... by us do you mean your scum team kek.@f11
Why did you vote for Corrie and please give us a reads list, thank you.