Shop 🍀🏝️PARADISE Collectibles🏝️🍀 [SHOP CLOSED]

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(whoo my billionth time being here!)

Hhihi! Could I get 2 Pink Hybrid Cosmos from the 2018 timestamp please?
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(whoo my billionth time being here!)

Hhihi! Could I get 2 Pink Hybrid Cosmos from the 2018 timestamp please?

lol Welcome back then! :) I definitely would love to sell you 2 2018 ones, but I unfortunately have only 1 in stock at the moment. :/ Would you like to buy a 2017 or 2019 one in place of the 2nd one or do you just want to buy the 2018 one? o/ I hope you are doing really well today and I look forward to hearing back from you soon! :)
lol Welcome back then! :) I definitely would love to sell you 2 2018 ones, but I unfortunately have only 1 in stock at the moment. :/ Would you like to buy a 2017 or 2019 one in place of the 2nd one or do you just want to buy the 2018 one? o/ I hope you are doing really well today and I look forward to hearing back from you soon! :)

aw. i'll just get a 2019 one instead. :D
aw. i'll just get a 2019 one instead. :D

Perfect, I will send them your way as soon as I receive the TBT from you! :) If you ever need to timestamp trade it to a 2018 one, I offer free timestamp trades and I have gotten various timestamps throughout my shop's lifetime so definitely keep an eye out for when I announce new collectibles (I also would be glad to let you know before adding a 2018 one to the shop if need be just for you :D). o/

EDIT: Flowers sent, enjoy your new collectibles! :D It is an absolute pleasure doing business with you again and thank you so very much for being a returning customer of mine! :) I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of the day/night! :D
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Hey could I buy your 2013 red candy please? I'll send you 10 tbt now :)

Absolutely my friend and sounds good! :D I'll send it your way momentarily! o/

EDIT: Red Candy sent, enjoy! :D It is an absolute pleasure like always and thank you so much again for being a returning customer of mine! :) I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of the day/night! :D
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Awesome thank you. I wanted to find something that goes before my party popper :)

You're absolutely welcome my friend, anytime! :D I bet it works really well with it! :) Thank you so much again for your business, it always is truly appreciated! :D
Hello! Please could I get the 3x Mint collectibles + 1x full Violet set to get 10% off?
I was wondering if you could sell me the orange candy for 400 because I have seen it for sale around that area. I would definitely appreciate it :)
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I was wondering if you could sell me the orange candy for 400 because I have seen it for sale around that area. I would definitely appreciate it :)

i believe he's referring to the collectible, and not the in game item also, the prices are tbt bells not in game bells.
i believe he's referring to the collectible, and not the in game item also, the prices are tbt bells not in game bells.

Yep I’m aware :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Marshmallo is my friend but I’m gonna to give them the bells to get the orange candy :)
Order Priority Policy Defined, Responses, & Orders Processed!

Starting as of this post (but, won't affect the orders associated with this response), orders will be prioritized the following to retain fairness and to ensure that everyone gets what they want/need and this will also be added to the OP/main shop post:

Orders are prioritized based upon who posts for given collectible(s) first to retain fairness! Please do not send TBT until the order posted is confirmed. Private transactions (over PM) must also be discussed first as well before sending TBT.

Hello! Please could I get the 3x Mint collectibles + 1x full Violet set to get 10% off?

Hey Bobo, that is exactly how it works with my newest 10% OFF Discount Set policy. As long as 1 set is present in a transaction, the entire transaction gets the 10% OFF Discount! :D Since Eevee23 already sent me the TBT for one of my Mints (& just saw all these posts), there are now 2 left, but I will be glad to put them both on hold for you alongside the Violets set! :) Thinking what you are getting, the total will be: 364 TBT! :D If I managed to get another Mint in soon, I will honor this transaction and offer it to you at 10% OFF (162 TBT) and will not post it in my shop until I know you don't need it anymore! o/ How does that all sound to you? :) Look forward to hearing back from you soon! :D

Can I have a Mint Collectible and a Tasty Cake please?
I sent you the tbt for both.

Absolutely my friend, I just sent them both your way! :D It is an absolute pleasure doing business with you like always and thank you so very much again for being a returning customer of mine! :) I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of the day! :D

I was wondering if you could sell me the orange candy for 400 because I have seen it for sale around that area. I would definitely appreciate it :)
Marshmallo is my friend but I?m gonna to give them the bells to get the orange candy :)

Hey Mashmallo, in order to retain fairness with your friend and also because there is no sale going on currently, the lowest I can sell the other Orange Candy for is 500 TBT (since that is the price I promised to Andrew). I apologize if that is not what you wanted to hear, but I try to be fair to everyone since I am not a fan of favoritism and I also because I value all of my customers equally. o/
No problem! Sounds good. Have sent the TBT :)

Awesome, I just sent everything your way, enjoy your new collectibles! :D It is an absolute pleasure doing business with you again and thank you so very much for being a returning customer of mine! :) I will definitely let you know when I acquire another Mint! ;) I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of the day/night and thank you so very much again for your business and for being so understanding! :D
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