Shop 🍀🏝️PARADISE Collectibles🏝️🍀 [SHOP CLOSED]

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And I return, once again plagued by date problems :p

Can I buy your most recent white violet (3-30-2019) please?
And I return, once again plagued by date problems :p

Can I buy your most recent white violet (3-30-2019) please?

Hey my friend, you absolutely can! :D I will send the Violet your way now since you already have sent the TBT (in the future, starting today with a policy change, I would like orders to be confirmed before TBT is sent to ensure that everyone gets what they order)! :) It is an absolute pleasure doing business with you like always and thank you so very much again for being a returning customer of mine! :D I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of the day/night! :)
so does this mean to now not send over the tbt right away and just trust you'll refund if unable to fulfill the order?

Basically, people order as usual by making a post and then I confirm it (by responding to it) before they send me the TBT. o/ The reason why I decided to go for this approach is so that priority is given to people who posted or contacted me over PM first so that people get what they order. I used to prioritize already-paid orders along side who posted first, but after having a conflict between 2 orders today where 1 order was 1 collectible less due to another order that already paid (but, I will give them priority and the discounted price they were ordering at the next time one comes in as compensation), I decided that it would be best for my shop to change ordering policies to keep things simple for me and to keep it fair for everyone (especially when a very sought-after collectible is added). :)
Can I trade the yellow cosmos in my lineup (5-28-18) for either of your 2016 ones please? :)
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Awesome my friend, just sent the beauty your way! :D It is an absolute pleasure doing business with you like always and thank you so much for your highly-valued business as a returning customer of mine! :) I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of the day/night and I hope you enjoy your new collectible! :D
Thank you so much, I got my line-up just like I wanted, I'm so happy now I can stop changing it every day :D
Thank you so much, I got my line-up just like I wanted, I'm so happy now I can stop changing it every day :D

You're absolutely welcome my friend, anytime! :D I am so glad to hear that your collectible dreams have come true and you have the lineup you truly are happy with (it looks super awesome!)! :)
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Order Priority Policy Change, New Collectibles in Stock, & Cosmetic Updates

Hello everyone, I have a few announcements to make today! :D

To begin and just in case if anyone missed a recent post of mine, I recently have decided to update how I prioritize orders to ensure people get what they order and to retain fairness for all customers (this is now also been added to the OP/main shop post under "Important Notes"):

Orders are prioritized based upon who posts for given collectible(s) first to retain fairness! Please do not send TBT until the order posted is confirmed. Private transactions (over PM) must also be discussed first as well before sending TBT.

Secondly, even though some of these have been around for a bit, I would like to announce that I have nice new bit of collectibles in stock including a sought-after Ice Cream Swirl and hard-to-find Blue Pansy collectibles! :D I even have another Pikachu Easter Egg in stock which is perfect for Pokemon fans or for anyone who loves to collect Easter egg collectibles! :) All of the newly-added collectibles and their respective timestamps can be found below! :D

Lastly, I also recently have made cosmetic updates to the shop thread for better consistency and to make everything much more readable for a better shopping experience (changed the font and changed the headers to have the same font as the shop sign/banner)! :) I am also using this new font in all future announcements including this one! ;)

I hope everyone is doing really well today and I want to thank everyone who has taken time to check out my shop today and for reading this more lengthy announcement! :D I also want to thank again all of the amazing people who have supported this shop so far from my customers to my investors, this shop is only where it is today because of all of you! :)

Pikachu Easter Egg03-26-2016 05:31 PM700 TBTx 1
Pink Hybrid Lily02-14-2019 01:09 AM
11-19-2017 04:44 PM
250 TBTx 2
Yellow Cosmos05-28-2018 06:54 PM15 TBTx 1
Blue Hybrid Pansy06-05-2018 11:48 PM
09-09-2017 11:15 AM
250 TBTx 3
Peach05-19-2016 11:01 PM550 TBTx 1
Cherry11-21-2015 08:01 AM135 TBTx 1
Chocolate Cake11-07-2016 02:46 AM600 TBTx 1
Ice Cream Swirl09-09-2014 09:00 AM850 TBTx 1
Thank you for looking and for your interest! :D
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Would you take 1400 for the Ice Cream Swirl + Classic Easter Egg? I've been trying to get a Classic Easter Egg for awhile and I didn't even realize you had one.
Hi again. I was wondering if I could trade a yellow violet collectible and some tbt for a yellow tulip collectible.
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Would you take 1400 for the Ice Cream Swirl + Classic Easter Egg? I've been trying to get a Classic Easter Egg for awhile and I didn't even realize you had one.

Hey Trundle, I definitely can do that after doing some calculations! :D I'll send the 2 collectibles your way as soon as I receive the TBT from you (I also will put both collectibles on hold for you)! :)

Hi again. I was wondering if I could trade a yellow violet collectible and some tbt for a yellow tulip collectible.

Hey my friend, you definitely can do that! :D I will send the Yellow Tulip (which I also will put on hold) your way as soon as I receive the Yellow Violet and 3 TBT from you! :)
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Hey Trundle, I definitely can do that after doing some calculations! :D I'll send the 2 collectibles your way as soon as I receive the TBT from you (I also will put both collectibles on hold for you)! :)

Hey my friend, you definitely can do that! :D I will send the Yellow Tulip (which I also will put on hold) your way as soon as I receive the Yellow Violet and 3 TBT from you! :)

Sent the bells. Thanks!
Sent the bells. Thanks!

Awesome and you are absolutely welcome, I just sent the beauties your way! Enjoy your new collectibles! :D It is an absolute pleasure doing business with you and please come again for any future collectible needs you may have! :) I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of the day/night! :D
Hey Trundle, I definitely can do that after doing some calculations! :D I'll send the 2 collectibles your way as soon as I receive the TBT from you (I also will put both collectibles on hold for you)! :)

Hey my friend, you definitely can do that! :D I will send the Yellow Tulip (which I also will put on hold) your way as soon as I receive the Yellow Violet and 3 TBT from you! :)
Okay. Everything is sent to you.
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