Shop 🍀🏝️PARADISE Collectibles🏝️🍀 [SHOP CLOSED]

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Okay. Everything is sent to you.

Awesome, just sent the Yellow Tulip your way! :D It is an absolute pleasure like always and thank you so much for being a returning customer of mine! :) I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of the day/night and enjoy your new collectible! :D
New Benefit for Investors: Investor Discount!

Hello everyone, even though this post was originally intended as just a bump post, I have decided that I have a very special announcement for all of my investors and for anyone else who is interested in investing in my shop sometime in the future! :D

Starting today, all current and past investors who have invested atleast 2,500 TBT collectively so far and in the future will receive a very special persistent, non-stacking 15% OFF Investor Discount that applies to all of their transactions as a huge thank you for their support, patience, and trust! :D Without them along with all of the other amazing who have supported my shop as customer or suppliers, this shop would not be where it is today! To keep everything balanced though, the discount is non-stacking unlike coupons which are stackable. Due to this, the only way the 15% OFF discount increases for a given transaction is if there is a discount being offered higher on a particular item (in this case, the higher-discounted is applied additively with the rest of the transaction) or if a coupon is applied (which affects the entire transaction's value)! :D Through this new discount, investors essentially can shop here like if there is a 15% OFF sale always going on! :)

I will be adding a "Investor Benefits List" to the bottom portion of the shop in the very near future to document this new discount and to also list out the rest of the benefits! :)

I hope everyone is doing really well today and I want to thank everyone who has taken time to check out my shop today and for reading this very special announcement! :D

EDIT: Added list of benefits for investors! :D
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Hi, again! May I trade a Lump of Coal for your Lump of Coal with the 12-24-2015 07:44 PM timestamp?
Hi, again! May I trade a Lump of Coal for your Lump of Coal with the 12-24-2015 07:44 PM timestamp?

Hello again! :D You absolutely can, I will send the one you are requesting as soon as I receive the one you are trading in! :)
Lump of Coal sent.

Awesome, just sent the one you wanted back, enjoy! :D It is an absolute pleasure like always and thank you so much for being a returning customer of mine! :) I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of the day/night! :D
May I please buy a Lucky collectible for a friend? :)

Absolutely! :D I will send Lucky your way as soon as I receive the TBT (225) from you! :) I hope you are doing really well today and I look forward to hearing back from you soon! :D
New Collectibles in Stock & Huge Cosmetic Update!

Hello everyone, before the highly-anticipated Easter Egg Hunt begins, I would like to announce that I have another very rare Kaleidoclover in stock along with other collectibles as well! :D All the newly-added collectibles and their respective timestamps can be found below! :)

EDIT: Additionally, as of today, I made another huge cosmetic update to the shop! :D I changed the PARADISE Collectibles sign and section headers to a nice high quality, cartoon-like, wooden style! :) Here's what the new sign looks like! :D


I look forward to hearing everyone's feedback on the new look! :D

I hope everyone is doing really well today and I want to thank everyone who has taken time to check out my shop today and for reading announcement! :D

I also wish everyone a very happy Easter and the absolute best of luck during the Easter Egg Hunt event! :D :D

Pink Hybrid Rose02-17-2019 01:03 AM300 TBTx 1
Yellow Violet05-28-2018 05:42 PM15 TBTx 1
Kaleidoclover03-24-2019 12:25 AM4,000 TBTx 1
Lump of Coal12-18-2015 12:40 AM450 TBTx 1
Thank you for looking and for your interest! :D
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Hey I have an update! I will probably be able to purchase the orange candy within a few days :)

Sounds good Andrew, thank you for the update and keeping me posted! :D I wish you the best of luck on the Easter Egg Hunt and I look forward to hearing from you soon! :)
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You absolutely can and happy Easter! :D I will send them your way as soon as I receive the TBT (350) from you! :)

a happy easter to you too!! ive sent the tbt, if i get more tbt i might buy some more because i wanted to do a half line up of sakuras (:)
a happy easter to you too!! ive sent the tbt, if i get more tbt i might buy some more because i wanted to do a half line up of sakuras (:)

Thank you! :D I just sent the beauties your way and it has been an absolute pleasure doing business with you again! :) Sounds good, hopefully I will still have them when that time comes or I am able to land more soon! o/ I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of the day and I hope you absolutely enjoy your Spring Sakuras! :D Thank you so much again for your valuable business! :)
Hey I was wondering if you would like to purchase some Zipper Sakuras for your shop! I am looking for 250 tbt each as that is what I sold the others for :)
Lemme know and if you decide yes, send the tbt to Marshmallo please :)
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