I made a similar thread a year ago, forgot however to add Pauline into the poll, and so I thought
I'm gonna make a "remastered" version of said thread.
Who is your favorite, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Rosalina or Pauline?
Back then when I was younger, Daisy was my all time favorite, I choosed Daisy in every game where
you were able to play as her. I love her look but also the fact that she's a tomboy, her sassy behavior
always kinda appealed to me. Over the time however, I started to also like Peach a lot, so I would say
that both are my favorites now. Next to Daisy and Peach, I also like Pauline, too bad however that she
isn't in so much games playable. Rosalina is overall ok, but I find her kinda overrated to be honest.
There was actually a time where I didn't like Rosalina at all, but I changed my opinion about her over
I'm gonna make a "remastered" version of said thread.
Who is your favorite, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Rosalina or Pauline?
Back then when I was younger, Daisy was my all time favorite, I choosed Daisy in every game where
you were able to play as her. I love her look but also the fact that she's a tomboy, her sassy behavior
always kinda appealed to me. Over the time however, I started to also like Peach a lot, so I would say
that both are my favorites now. Next to Daisy and Peach, I also like Pauline, too bad however that she
isn't in so much games playable. Rosalina is overall ok, but I find her kinda overrated to be honest.
There was actually a time where I didn't like Rosalina at all, but I changed my opinion about her over