Pen or Pencil?

Pen or Pencil?

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i always manage to smudge my hand with pens, but my eyes suck too much for pencils if i want to write something down, so i usually have to use a pen but if i got better eyes then i would use a pencil
I feel like I'm writing better with a pen! :D
Gotta go with pencils on this one, but sometimes I do write in pen, but pencil is better. If I make a mistake, at least with a pencil I can erase the mistake. XD
Pen because it's easier to read on paper. As for pencil, you have to deal with sharpening them constantly and sometimes have them break on you. And if you don't have a sharpener or it breaks literally after every use like mine, you're gonna want to rip out your hair. Granted, you can't fix mistakes with your pen without using whiteout, but there are types of pens out there that has the ability to erase the ink.
Pencil--i write quick, small, and fast. If I screw it up, I can at least fix it. Pen makes me a little overly conscious of my writing, and then it takes me forever to write just one sentence because I'm trying to write neat and not smear the ink.
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Nothing better than doing calculus homework in pen :lemon:
I may have a problem.
Pen. The ink may die but I'll never have to deal with the awfulness that is sharpening.
Nothing better than doing calculus homework in pen :lemon:
I may have a problem.
Reminds me of the Studio C Fixing Good parody.

"You do all your math in blue ink? What if you make like a mistake?"
"I don't make mistakes, my math is pure!"
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Pen because I'll probably smear my hand when using a pencil. But pencils are obviously better for sketching.
I voted pencil but I meant pen :p pen looks much better and feels nicer to write with in my opinion.
pens by far, pens are much smoother to write with and my pinky doesn't get covered in lead lol.
Actually I just remembered that Smencils exist.
Smencils > pens >>> mechanical pencils >>>> traditional pencils
I prefer more using the pencil for drawings or little notes I write for myself. Although if I have to write a letter for example then of course the pen comes to use as it looks nicer.
It depends on the subject. Pens win overall, but I'm really picky about using decent pens. I dislike pens that bleed too much; it messes up the look of my notes when highlighters are involved.

Speaking of highlighters, I love using this brand.


They're so pretty and useful! They are *chef's kiss* <3

Pencil is a must for drawing, math, science. I tend to use pencil and write lightly for anything I'm unsure about in terms of homework assignments. I do love how cute pencils look!
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When I was younger I used pencil (mostly because I was supposed to in school) but now that I've gotten older I've noticed I like using pen more. ♡