Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Neli: Just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when ya get a chance. :)

Stargazer741: Will work on your update now, so I'll send it over in a lil bit.
It'll be 180 TBT bells, so please send me payment as soon as you can. Do you have any specific images you want me to use for the wolf and puppy? I can google some cute drawings, but I wanna make sure that you're happy with it. :) With the key, which villagers to you want for each star since I have NO idea who you're getting or giving away? ^^; I'll PM this to you if I don't get a reply by tomorrow. :) You're on the wait list for now, but will post when you're off it. :3

I'm happy for you to just look up cute ones I'm not picky
Heres one ones I want for witch:


Light purple star = GiVing away - Lily Cousteau Wolfgang Chester Limberg Purrl Kyle Tammy and Cherry
Aqua blue star = keeping - beau

Green star = need - Maple Merengue Fang Cookie Gala
Orange star = getting - Flora
Yellow star = have - Beau
Hihi, I need a banner update ^^'. I got Beau.(omigosh omigosh<33) Please add him onto my villager list with a golden rose. C:
It'll be 180 TBT bells, so please send me payment as soon as you can. Do you have any specific images you want me to use for the wolf and puppy? I can google some cute drawings, but I wanna make sure that you're happy with it. :) With the key, which villagers to you want for each star since I have NO idea who you're getting or giving away? ^^; I'll PM this to you if I don't get a reply by tomorrow. :) You're on the wait list for now, but will post when you're off it. :3

I'm happy for you to just look up cute ones I'm not picky
Heres one ones I want for witch:


Light purple star = GiVing away - Lily Cousteau Wolfgang Chester Limberg Purrl Kyle Tammy and Cherry
Aqua blue star = keeping - beau

Green star = need - Maple Merengue Fang Cookie Gala
Orange star = getting - Flora
Yellow star = have - Beau

Sounds good with me. Will add this to your request info. Also, still need payment from you. :p

Hihi, I need a banner update ^^'. I got Beau.(omigosh omigosh<33) Please add him onto my villager list with a golden rose. C:

OMG!!! CONGRATS!!! :D I'll have the update done at some point today!
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OMG!!! CONGRATS!!! :D I'll have the update done at some point today!

Thank you!^^ I got a really good deal too, only had to pay 7mil. :'D <3 I went into his house early today and he was sleeping ;w; What a cutie
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Could I have Lolly added onto my dreamie list? I want 9 dreamies so noone else will move in unexpectedly
Thank you!^^ I got a really good deal too, only had to pay 7mil. :'D <3 I went into his house early today and he was sleeping ;w; What a cutie
Nice. :D Aww!!! I've caught him a few times like that too. SOOOO CUTTEEEEEE!! :3

Could I have Lolly added onto my dreamie list? I want 9 dreamies so noone else will move in unexpectedly
Sure. Will have it done later tonight.
Another one done!! Thanks Neli and hope you enjoy it!! I'll add it to the front page shortly!! :D

I'll work on lizthemayor's banner tonight (and banner updates) and that's probably it for the night since I'll be busy for much of the night.
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Username: OctoberLithium
Town: Volantis
Mayor: Rhaella
Border: Dotted
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) I would like to stick to reds and black, but feel free to change the colours around a bit if it looks better another way. #000000, #D50B0B or similar, N/A transparent.
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") N/A
Font Preferences: Lithos or Trajan, but stick to your default for the sprite names, please (easier to read).
Villagers: (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites) Just dreamies below
Include names under sprites?: N/A
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") Ankha, Erik, Julian, Kiki, Lucky, Marina, Melba, Roald, Rosie, Wolfgang
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else:
FC: 2509-2150-5858
Just wanna ask a question... ^^U
Would you be willing to do a banner where you have full creative control?
Because I have no sense of design and have no clue what to choose on the form DX
lizthemayor: Just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when ya get a chance. :)


Will be working on banner updates, then I'll be done request wise since I'll be busy for the rest of the night. Will check the forums periodically.
Username: OctoberLithium
Town: Volantis
Mayor: Rhaella
Border: Dotted
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) I would like to stick to reds and black, but feel free to change the colours around a bit if it looks better another way. #000000, #D50B0B or similar, N/A transparent.
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") N/A
Font Preferences: Lithos or Trajan, but stick to your default for the sprite names, please (easier to read).
Villagers: (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites) Just dreamies below
Include names under sprites?: N/A
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") Ankha, Erik, Julian, Kiki, Lucky, Marina, Melba, Roald, Rosie, Wolfgang
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else:
FC: 2509-2150-5858

Thanks for the request. You're on the wait list for the time being, but I'll post when you get off it. It's 150 TBT bells, so please pay me as soon as you can. :)

Just wanna ask a question... ^^U
Would you be willing to do a banner where you have full creative control?
Because I have no sense of design and have no clue what to choose on the form DX

Yes, as I've done it a few times. All I need then would be the basic color pallete, villagers and/or dreamies, mayor and town names, and any other info you want on it (dream address, friend code, native fruit, etc).

Pengutango I only have 176 bells is that ok?

Yeah, I'll take what you have now. Just pay the remaining 4 bells when you get them. :)
Okay ^^ I'd like to place an order then!

Username: Makoto
Town: Potatown
Mayor: Rio
Colors: maybe pastels?
Villagers: Bunnie, Roald, Aurora, Frank, Fuchsia*, Julian, Alli*, Marina*, Ankha (starred villagers are leaving)
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: Agnes, Bob, Purrl, Lucky
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else:
-friend code: 3050-8126-9756
-native fruit: pear with sprite
-color coded villager names and key (not sure which colors) for staying forever and letting go
-a bow or some other kind of embellishment? I dunno, whatever you think would look cute ^^
Heya! I see your siggies everywhere and they all look awesome. So I'd like to request one too.

Username: Lion-Lhasa
Town: Gotham
Mayor: Kitty
Border: Regular
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) Black and mid-yellow, arrange this how you think it looks best
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") Transparent or mid-yellow
Font Preferences: For Mayor/Village text - Vivaldi, for villager sprites - you default text for the Peanut example
Villagers: (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites) Grizzly, Leonardo, Pecan, Gayle, Blanche, Dora, Rocket, Hippeux, Pango
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") Papi, Leonardo, Molly, Willow, Chief, Olivia, Sprinkle, Cherry, Peanut, Lopez
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else: Native Fruit Sprite: Apple, Friend Code, Black sparkly flowers maybe?

Notes: I'm kind of imagining a Batman-ish theme colour, maybe a mid-yellow background with black flowers and a solid border, a bit similar to the 'Residents of Bliss' finished product for aceilikecookies.

Erm.. could you please total it for me and tell me how to send you bells, please? I'm kinda new here and I've no idea how the bells thing works.
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