Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Kammeh, EverlastingJulia, & DaCoSim: Done with all the banner updates and sent 'em off!! Let me know if the updates don't show up in a few hours. :)

Miss Renee: Got your payment, so I'll update that ya paid. Thanks! :D

Zoe!: You're now off the wait list!! :D Got payment from ya, so just pay the 4 bells whenever you can.


Another one done!! Thanks lizthemayor and hope you enjoy it!! :D Will add it to the front shortly. Also, if people haven't noticed it yet, I've moved more of my older requests over to my ACNL blog to save on space here.

Whoo, done request-wise for tonight, but will hopefully be able to go a lil faster later this weekend. :3 And if I don't hear from PlasticPinkPiggy by the end of the weekend, as it's been quite a while since I sent their mockup, I'm gonna move their name over to a new list so I can free up room on the request list.

Okay ^^ I'd like to place an order then!

Username: Makoto
Town: Potatown
Mayor: Rio
Colors: maybe pastels?
Villagers: Bunnie, Roald, Aurora, Frank, Fuchsia*, Julian, Alli*, Marina*, Ankha (starred villagers are leaving)
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: Agnes, Bob, Purrl, Lucky
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else:
-friend code: 3050-8126-9756
-native fruit: pear with sprite
-color coded villager names and key (not sure which colors) for staying forever and letting go
-a bow or some other kind of embellishment? I dunno, whatever you think would look cute ^^

Awesome! :D 160 TBT bells please~! Send that as soon as you can. You're on the wait list, but will post on the thread when you're off it.

Heya! I see your siggies everywhere and they all look awesome. So I'd like to request one too.

Username: Lion-Lhasa
Town: Gotham
Mayor: Kitty
Border: Regular
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) Black and mid-yellow, arrange this how you think it looks best
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") Transparent or mid-yellow
Font Preferences: For Mayor/Village text - Vivaldi, for villager sprites - you default text for the Peanut example
Villagers: (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites) Grizzly, Leonardo, Pecan, Gayle, Blanche, Dora, Rocket, Hippeux, Pango
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") Papi, Leonardo, Gayle, Portia, Chief, Olivia, Lolly, Pheobe, Peanut, Lopez
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else: Native Fruit Sprite: Apple, Friend Code, Black sparkly flowers maybe?

Notes: I'm kind of imagining a Batman-ish theme colour, maybe a mid-yellow background with black flowers and a solid border, a bit similar to the 'Residents of Bliss' finished product for aceilikecookies.

Erm.. could you please total it for me and tell me how to send you bells, please? I'm kinda new here and I've no idea how the bells thing works.

Thank you for the compliment. :) I have fun doing this and I'm happy that people are enjoying my work. Ooh, Batman color scheme. This'll be interesting. :) Total is 160 TBT bells! Send that as soon as you can. You're on the wait list, but will post on the thread when you're off it.

No prob. Click on the number of bells that I have under my avatar. A window will pop up and you can send the bells from there. Hope that made sense. :3
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Bells sent! Hopefully, it worked because it took me forever to work out how to do it. xD
Excuse me i was wondering how much it'd be to swap muffy out for frita ^~^;...littledamthingescapedmytown...
I've sent the payment :3
Edited the dream list too, there's just too much cuteness in this game /sigh
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Excuse me i was wondering how much it'd be to swap muffy out for frita ^~^;...littledamthingescapedmytown...

Yep, I can do that. :) Send me the 10 TBT bells when ya get a chance.

I've sent the payment :3
Edited the dream list too, there's just too much cuteness in this game /sigh

Got it and finally got a chance to go and update it that ya paid. XD I know right?! Too many cuties... and not enough space. T.T
Would I have to pay to add my dream address or is it free because I'm still on the wait list?
Sorry, me again. I've just gone over my dreamie list and replaced Kiki (sorry, baby) with Phoebe. Could you change that too? Thanks.
Username: MDofDarkheart
Town: DarkRose
Mayor: Cynthia
Border: Scalloped Edge - Small
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: Border - Pink Text - Black
Background: Leopard Ver.1
Font Preferences: Times New Roman
Villagers: Dreamies: Whitney, Chrissy, Goldie
Anything else: I'd like if you made a box marked for Dream Villagers/Dreamies and Town Fruits please.
I also want my current listed Dreamies on it with their names please.
Outline my Dreamies in in a nice glow too please, I'll leave that color to you though.
If you can please make the scalloped edge border be a pale blue color, that would be great too.
Oh, I might have to save up to pay you as well unless you are willing to do a trade or wait until I get my new town started to pay with In-Game Bells.
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Hi Pengu! How are you doing? :) I have lots of changes!

No...not really lol. Can you take O'Hare off and Maple off my current list and add Diana and kabuki instead. Can you put them in the order they are in the dreamies. Thanks!
Username: BellBringerGreen
Town: Folsense
Mayor: James
Border: Small Scalloped
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) I would like the main text green and the border would be a lighter green.
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") I would like my background to be pixel scene 79.
Font Preferences: I would like the font to be Comic Sans MS.
Villagers: Stitches, Sydney, Cesar, Sprinkle, Savannah, Mint, Teddy, Agnes, Mitzi
Include names under sprites?: Yes, please!
Include dreamies?: Yes, they are Merengue and Julian.
Include names under sprites?: Yes!
Anything else: I would like to have my native fruit, apple, state on the signature as well as the sprite. Also, I'd like to have a key in my signature. Blue is for Keep, green is for Trade, red is for Reserve, and Purple is for May Trade. Blue can be Savannah, Mitzi, Stitches, and Sprinkle. Green can be Teddy and Agnes. Purple can be Sydney and Mint. The condition of the villager can be the outline. For example, Savannah would have a blue outline. Thanks!
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Dizzle: Just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when ya get a chance. :D


I'm gonna make a temporary new section for pending approval because it's been over a week and I still have heard back from PlasticPinkPiggy about their mockup. Won't move Dizzle's there for now since I only just finished their banner.


Sorry, me again. I've just gone over my dreamie list and replaced Kiki (sorry, baby) with Phoebe. Could you change that too? Thanks.

No prob. Will add that to your request. :) Also, you're off the wait list since I ended up moving PlasticPinkPinky to a new list because they're taking TOO long to get back to me about their mockup.

Username: MDofDarkheart
Town: DarkRose
Mayor: Cynthia
Border: Scalloped Edge - Small
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: Border - Pink Text - Black
Background: Leopard Ver.1
Font Preferences: Times New Roman
Villagers: Dreamies: Whitney, Chrissy, Goldie
Anything else: I'd like if you made a box marked for Dream Villagers/Dreamies and Town Fruits please.
I also want my current listed Dreamies on it with their names please.
Outline my Dreamies in in a nice glow too please, I'll leave that color to you though.
If you can please make the scalloped edge border be a pale blue color, that would be great too.
Oh, I might have to save up to pay you as well unless you are willing to do a trade or wait until I get my new town started to pay with In-Game Bells.

So, I'm a little confused since you wanted the scalloped edge to be light blue, but ya also listed the border to be pink. I'm guessing the scalloped edge is the frame and you have the two boxes inside that are pink. Is that right? Also, need to know your town fruits. I don't take in-game bells for banner requests, only TBT bells, which you do have enough for. :) It's 150 TBT bells. Please pay me as soon as ya can.

Hi Pengu! How are you doing? :) I have lots of changes!

No...not really lol. Can you take O'Hare off and Maple off my current list and add Diana and kabuki instead. Can you put them in the order they are in the dreamies. Thanks!

Good, good. FINALLY picked up Marina from Mia (who was more than kind enough to hold her for me)~ :3 So plot resetting for her. SERIOUSLY PRAYING that she won't be as annoying as Stitches was when I was plot resetting for him. T.T Anyway~ so, I can put Diana, then Kabuki in your current villagers. They can be placed at the end (that's what I do for my personal banner, newest ones at the end) or I can literally just replace O'Hare and Maple. Let me know your pref and please send me 10 TBT bells my way. Thanks! :D

Username: BellBringerGreen
Town: Folsense
Mayor: James
Border: Small Scalloped
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) I would like the main text green and the border would be a lighter green.
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") I would like my background to be pixel scene 79.
Font Preferences: I would like the font to be Comic Sans MS.
Villagers: Stitches, Sydney, Cesar, Sprinkle, Savannah, Mint, Teddy, Agnes, Mitzi
Include names under sprites?: Yes, please!
Include dreamies?: Yes, they are Merengue and Julian.
Include names under sprites?: Yes!
Anything else: I would like to have my native fruit, apple, state on the signature as well as the sprite. Also, I'd like to have a key in my signature. Blue is for Keep, green is for Trade, red is for Reserve, and Purple is for May Trade. Blue can be Savannah, Mitzi, Stitches, and Sprinkle. Green can be Teddy and Agnes. Purple can be Sydney and Mint. The condition of the villager can be the outline. For example, Savannah would have a blue outline. Thanks!

Thanks for the request and I also got payment from ya so I'll add ya on there and that ya paid. You're on the wait list, but I'm planning on working on several requests today, so you shouldn't be on there for too long. :3
So, I'm a little confused since you wanted the scalloped edge to be light blue, but ya also listed the border to be pink. I'm guessing the scalloped edge is the frame and you have the two boxes inside that are pink. Is that right? Also, need to know your town fruits. I don't take in-game bells for banner requests, only TBT bells, which you do have enough for. :) It's 150 TBT bells. Please pay me as soon as ya can.

Yes, the Scalloped Edge is going to be a frame.
Sorry, I should have mentioned that.
Yes, pink bordered boxes inside the frame.
I don't have a town fruit yet due to the fact that I'm going to be restarting my town but I plan to get all the fruit so if you can add all the fruits except the prefect ones.

Payment has been sent!

I'm update you when I get my town going which fruit to highlight and what Prefect fruit to add if that's okay.
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OMG yay!! Finally you got Marina!! Congrats!! >o<

Can you place Diana after Beau and Kabuki after rod? Thanks again! :D I'm sending them now!
Another one done!! Thanks Dizzle and hope you enjoy it!! :D Will add it to the front page shorty! Now, I'm gonna work on banner updates then hopefully I can get a few more banner done today... in between plot resetting for Marina (haven't done it too many times today)

Makoto: You're now off the wait list!! Yay! :)

Yes, the Scalloped Edge is going to be a frame.
Sorry, I should have mentioned that.
Yes, pink bordered boxes inside the frame.
I don't have a town fruit yet due to the fact that I'm going to be restarting my town but I plan to get all the fruit so if you can add all the fruits except the prefect ones.

Payment has been sent!

I'm update you when I get my town going which fruit to highlight and what Prefect fruit to add if that's okay.

Got it and I'll update that ya paid! :D Okay, keep me posted. With the fruit, am I including the tropical fruit or just the original 5 - apple, orange, peach, pear, and cherry?

OMG yay!! Finally you got Marina!! Congrats!! >o<

Can you place Diana after Beau and Kabuki after rod? Thanks again! :D I'm sending them now!


And yep, I can do that. Lucky for you since I just finished making the changes Dizzle wanted with their banner so I can get to the banner updates now. :p
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