Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Got payment from stinaxsays, Kaiaa, and JellyBeans. Will do the banner updates tonight and I'll get to the actual requests tomorrow or Saturday since I'm cycling right now. :)

Ameer: Thanks for the request and please send me 160 TBT bells as soon as you can.


With Ameer's request, I'm full and I'm not taking any more requests for now! :)
Got payment from stinaxsays, Kaiaa, and JellyBeans. Will do the banner updates tonight and I'll get to the actual requests tomorrow or Saturday since I'm cycling right now. :)

Ameer: Thanks for the request and please send me 160 TBT bells as soon as you can.


With Ameer's request, I'm full and I'm not taking any more requests for now! :)
Sent you 160 TBT bells! Thank you so much ; o ;

Jw, when will this be done by or will you just PM me?
Template Shape:Oval
Colors:#00FFFF (text, border, background colors)
Background:Grass circle (if transparent, put "N/A")
Font Preferences:Normal
Villagers:Hugh, Blaire, Twiggy, Stinky, Pashmina, Gigi, Hamphrey, Freckles, Pinky, Eunice (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites)
Include dreamies?:Freckles, Twiggy, Gigi, Hamphrey, Hamlet, Apollo and Peewee. (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A")
Include names under sprites?:Yes
Anything else:put my friend code at the bottom it is 4210-4628-9014
Can I get a small banner update? cx Switch Diva out with Wolfgang pleasee <3
Template Shape:Oval
Colors:#00FFFF (text, border, background colors)
Background:Grass circle (if transparent, put "N/A")
Font Preferences:Normal
Villagers:Hugh, Blaire, Twiggy, Stinky, Pashmina, Gigi, Hamphrey, Freckles, Pinky, Eunice (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites)
Include dreamies?:Freckles, Twiggy, Gigi, Hamphrey, Hamlet, Apollo and Peewee. (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A")
Include names under sprites?:Yes
Anything else:put my friend code at the bottom it is 4210-4628-9014

Lucky for you, I just finished Mpatacsil's banner, so I have an open slot. It's 150 TBT bells & please send me payment as soon as possible. :)


Just finished 2 banners!! Thanks Mpatacsil & FayeKittie and hope you enjoy it!! Will add them to the front in a lil bit.

Update ---
When I'm done with these three, I will keep the "Closed" banner up for a week. Please don't post banner requests during this time as I don't want them to get lost in the shuffle. I will still take banner update requests though, since they generally don't take that long to do. :)
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Hi pengutango, sorry to bug you again but how much would it be for a semi-large banner update? ^^U
I want to remove my dreamies all together, and I know that'll take more work than just switching people out. (I decided to have Bob & Purrl in my second town instead, and someone's holding Lucky for me, so he'll move in eventually anyways)

Let me know if that's possible + how much, and I'll send the payment over :)
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Hi pengutango, sorry to bug you again but how much would it be for a semi-large banner update? ^^U
I want to remove my dreamies all together, and I know that'll take more work than just switching people out. (I decided to have Bob & Purrl in my second town instead, and someone's holding Lucky for me, so he'll move in eventually anyways)

Let me know if that's possible + how much, and I'll send the payment over :)

Still 10 TBT bells. :) It really won't take too long to do.

Kammeh: I dunno what ya want on the update... But ya sent me the bells. ^^;
Username: Ameer
Town: Spira
Mayor: Ameer
Border: Medium
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: border: text: white with black outline if possible for villager names, mayor and town name.
Background: Pixel Scene #5
Font Preferences: default
Villagers: Beau, Marshal, Julian, Rudy, Chrissy, Francine, Lolly, Kiki, Fang, Slyvia
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: Yes! only missing Genji
Include names under sprites?: yessir!
Anything else: outline sylvia in red, please put little leaf icons on all italicized villagers as they are my dreamies that were achieved!

Just a quick update Sylvia moved! yay! So just forget everything about sylvia uwu!! Thanks again!
Still 10 TBT bells. :) It really won't take too long to do.

Kammeh: I dunno what ya want on the update... But ya sent me the bells. ^^;

I commented on the last page :3 I need Diva to be switched out with Wolfgang uvu
Hello, I am sorry to bother you. I had problems finding it. How much is it for a banner with 20 villagers ?
Hello, I am sorry to bother you. I had problems finding it. How much is it for a banner with 20 villagers ?

Uh, you can only have 10 villagers in your town... :O Unless you're talking about 10 current residents & 10 dreamies..., which that'll be 150 TBT bells. If you are interested in a banner, I won't be taking any more requests until next week (like Nov 30th/Dec 1st).
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