Miss Renee: No prob.
I'll get to your update after I finish OctoberLithium's banner mockup. In the meantime, send over 10 TBT bells. 
Just to clarify, you want both Orange and Perfect orange on your banner? Wanted to double check.Also, I know I won't be getting to your banner tonight.
Thought I could maybe get more banners done today, but was busy and Zoe's took longer than I thought it would. ^^;; And, ya don't owe me any extra. If you'd like to send me any tip, that's at your discretion.
Replied to your PM re: mockup. Can't believe you put such awesome sigs together so fast!!
Once again, thank you so much!!! You did an amazing job!Thank youuuuuuu! ^0^
Hii I need an update ^^ So, Butch moved out :c But then I got Purrl from someone<3 c: Gold rose next to her please!tyvm