Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Miss Renee: No prob. :) I'll get to your update after I finish OctoberLithium's banner mockup. In the meantime, send over 10 TBT bells. :D
Just to clarify, you want both Orange and Perfect orange on your banner? Wanted to double check. :) Also, I know I won't be getting to your banner tonight. :( Thought I could maybe get more banners done today, but was busy and Zoe's took longer than I thought it would. ^^;; And, ya don't owe me any extra. If you'd like to send me any tip, that's at your discretion. :)

Correct. OH, it doesn't have to be done tonight.
I should have stated more clearly that I was watching the Done Art list closely.
Replied to your PM re: mockup. Can't believe you put such awesome sigs together so fast!!
Two siggies done!! Thanks Zoe! and OctoberLithium and hope you guys enjoy them! :D Will add them to the front in a lil bit. Dunno how many banners I'll get done today, but probably 2, maybe 3. We'll see later on.

To BellBringerGreen and BlueLeaf: You're both off the wait list!! :D

Replied to your PM re: mockup. Can't believe you put such awesome sigs together so fast!!

Just sent ya you the final version. :) Yeah, if there's no background, only 1 set of villagers (current OR dreamies), and no sprite key (they take a LOT longer than with color keys, hence why I charge extra for them), I can make it relatively quickly.
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I love your signatures! :) Unfortunately, I don't have the game yet, but I will be ordering a siggy from you when I get it.

(Sent you a tip!)
Awww, that was really sweet of you!!! <3 Thank you!! Got confused when I got the notification that I got 50 bells. Was expecting it to be for an update or something. I look forward to get your request whenever you do get the game. :D
D: I totally meant to say something in the notes part of the transfer. T~T
There was a note: "Rebeth13: Awesome siggys! :D"

I only saw it when I opened the message. When I got the notification, it just shows that I got 50 bells.
Another one done! Thanks Makoto and hope you enjoy it!! I'll add it to the front in a lil bit.

Lion-Lhasa: Just sent you your mockup, so please check it out when ya get a chance. :3

I should be able to finish the remaining banners, and any updates tomorrow. If anything changes, I'll post it.
Hii I need an update ^^ So, Butch moved out :c But then I got Purrl from someone<3 c: Gold rose next to her please!:D tyvm
Another one done!! Thanks Lion-Lhasa and hope you enjoy it! :D Will add it to the front shortly!

Also, there might be a slight delay in the last two banners because I need to move my banners to my Flickr account to save on bandwidth since I'm apparently pretty close to hitting the limit. You may notice that if you are directly linked to your finished banner on my Photobucket account will be broken in a lil while.

I will be deleting all the finished versions to save on some bandwidth. I am sorry for the inconvenience. :( I'll have this note on the front, and I'll be sending everyone who I've finished their banner the link to the Flickr set that I have all the banners.

MDofDarkheart: Just sent you your banner mockup, so please check it out when ya get a chance. :)

Once again, thank you so much!!! You did an amazing job! :D Thank youuuuuuu! ^0^

You're very welcome and I'm very glad you loved the end result! :D

Hii I need an update ^^ So, Butch moved out :c But then I got Purrl from someone<3 c: Gold rose next to her please!:D tyvm

Awesome!! Will PM you the updated version.
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Don't worry about the delay! Another villager might move in so there's no big deal.

EDIT: Looks like I was right! Please add Charlise to regular villagers!
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