will be lurking on here for when requests are opened.. really love these signatures

Or is there still one spot open?
In Case i can request

Username: Gizmodo
Town: Parfait
Border: Dashed
Template Shape: Rounded rectangle
Colors: Text & border: Black for main text, #ffccff (Rose Pink) for Girl Villagers & #00ccff (Blue) for boy villagers
Background: N/A
Font Preferences: Sprite font: Silkscreen (your default) Everything else:
Villagers: Tia, Tangy, Stitches, Rod, Timbra, Octavian, Marshal, Mira, Curly, Molly (could they be in that order please)
Include names under sprites?: Yes

Include dreamies?: No
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else:
Can my native fruit be included (Peaches)
When the town was founded (February 4th)
And Gold Roses under the villagers i am definitely keeping (with a key in the corner): Tia, Tangy, Marshal & Molly