Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Sorry Pengu but Rosie has been achieved also. <3 xD

Damn, you really are on a roll~ XD Saves me a lil work when I work on your banner though, so it's all good. You also save some bells too. But, I do plan on sending you your mockup later today.

Oh yeah! Rosie has been achieved for me too :)
How long does it take for one signature? Thanks :)

Will add her in. And as to your question, for me to actually make them, it really depends on the sig, it can take as lil as 20 minutes, all the way up to a few hours (with breaks)... though if it's taking me more than an hour to make, something about the banner is driving me a lil nuts. XD

I tend to do one banner a day, some days I'll do more if I'm in the mood to. Some days I'm busy or I'm not in the mood to even do requests, but I try to not take longer than a week to get to a request. :3
Mayor Holo: I just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when you get a chance.


2 slots open~
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Another one done~!! Thanks Mayor Holo and hope you enjoy it! :D Already added it to the Flickr album and will add it to the front shortly.

Updates will be a lil sporadic this weekend since my boyfriend's graduation ceremony is tomorrow and will be gone for a good chunk of Mother's Day on Sunday. Will try to get at least one of my remaining requests done over the weekend, but no promises.
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A bump to say hello and I'll be back to working on sigs tomorrow~ :3

2 slots are open if anyone's interested! :D
Hey Pengu :3 I got Julian and Bam :D I'll send you the TBT. Is it 25 or 50? :eek: I sent 25
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Hi Pengu! I'd like to request a bit of an overhaul. I'd like you to add a second dream villager town in my signature.
The dreamies in my second town are: Apollo, Lucky, Olivia(these three have been obtained) , Kidd, Lolly, Kid Kat, Katt, Felicity or Bianca, and Blanche. This is a big request so please let me know how much it'll be ^^
edit: got Lolly
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Username: jennyfromtailog
Town: tailog
Mayor: jenny
Border: dotted
Template Shape: rounded rectangle
Colors: text 9BD5FC , border A7EEF2 , names under sprites FFC108
Background: 76
Font Preferences:
Villagers: N/A
Include dreamies?: lolly, flora -obtained , pietro, stitches, cube, melba, coco
Include names under sprites?: yes
Animated?: No
Anything else: 3ds fc: 0018-1212-8229 dream address: 5200-3207-5199
can you put something like little star of rose or clover idk you choose to dreams i have obtained?

im so sorry I'm bad at maths i couldn't figure how much this costs
Hey Pengu :3 I got Julian and Bam :D I'll send you the TBT. Is it 25 or 50? :eek: I sent 25


It's 50, since your banner's animated, so please send another 25 over when you get a chance. :3

Hi Pengu! I'd like to request a bit of an overhaul. I'd like you to add a second dream villager town in my signature.
The dreamies in my second town are: Apollo, Lucky, Olivia(these three have been obtained) , Kidd, Lolly, Kid Kat, Katt, Felicity or Bianca, and Blanche. This is a big request so please let me know how much it'll be ^^
edit: got Lolly

Hi hi! :) It'll be 100 since I have to nearly remake the whole thing, so please send that over when you get a chance.

@ Mayor Elsa & gengly: I can get these done today, so expect a PM at some point tonight. :D Assuming of course, I get payment from you both.

Username: jennyfromtailog
Town: tailog
Mayor: jenny
Border: dotted
Template Shape: rounded rectangle
Colors: text 9BD5FC , border A7EEF2 , names under sprites FFC108
Background: 76
Font Preferences:
Villagers: N/A
Include dreamies?: lolly, flora -obtained , pietro, stitches, cube, melba, coco
Include names under sprites?: yes
Animated?: No
Anything else: 3ds fc: 0018-1212-8229 dream address: 5200-3207-5199
can you put something like little star of rose or clover idk you choose to dreams i have obtained?

im so sorry I'm bad at maths i couldn't figure how much this costs

Hello! Thanks for the request! No prob. Your total is 210 TBT bells. Hm, I can definitely make a few versions that feature each of the lil icons so you can see which each one looks like and what you prefer.
Mahoushoujo27: Just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when you get a chance. :)

EDIT: I need you to make some room in your inbox, as my PM didn't go through.

Mayor Elsa: Will send you your updated banner in a few, so expect a PM within the next few minutes. :D

gengly: I just realized that I forgot to ask what the other town was since if I simply were to add the 2nd row of dreamies... it's gonna look REALLY off. XD Like you have 20 dreamies for one town. As a result, your update is on hold for the moment.


2 slots open if anyone's interested~ :3
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Oh, sorry, my other town name is Rozoa!

Edit: Also Butch wound up in boxes without telling me, so if you can please replace him with Bruce and add Chrissy to the Tidecall dreamies, she and Bruce have been obtained!
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Oh, sorry, my other town name is Rozoa!

Edit: Also Butch wound up in boxes without telling me, so if you can please replace him with Bruce and add Chrissy to the Tidecall dreamies, she and Bruce have been obtained!

Just PMed you. Made two versions, so let me know which one you like better and I'll send the final version of that. :)


Another one done~!! Thanks Mahoushoujo27 and hope you enjoy it! :D Already added it to the Flickr album and will add it to the front shortly! :)
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Marionette: I just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when you get a chance. :)


3 slots open~
Another one done~! Thanks Marionette and hope you enjoy it! :D Already added it to the Flickr album and will add it to the front page shortly. :)

All 4 slots are open now~ :3


jennyfromtailog: Just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when you get a chance. :3
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