Senior Member
Could you please remove Roscoe from my signature? Don't need to replace him with anyone since I'm going to be freeing up that villager slot to finish cycling 16 villagers for Cookie :3 25TBT, yes?
Could you please remove Roscoe from my signature? Don't need to replace him with anyone since I'm going to be freeing up that villager slot to finish cycling 16 villagers for Cookie :3 25TBT, yes?
I'd like to get mine edited a bit just change francine and chrissy to daisy and willow and change ankha to puddles. Thanks! ill send 25 tbt right away!
- - - Post Merge - - -
id like one made for my second town as well
Username: MayorKatie
Border:scalloped small
Template Shape: rectangle
Colors: text dark pink for title black for under villagers, background light to dark pink gradient, border light grey
Background: gradient
Font Preferences: (the second one with the hearts for the title) any font for under the villagers names.
Villagers: n/a
Include names under sprites?: n/a
Include dreamies?: yes Gala, Muffy, Diana, Molly, Francine , Chrissy Melba, Ruby, Merengue, Rosie
Include names under sprites?:yes
Animated?: No
Anything else: the title to be Rosewood's Dreamies with my FC o and my town fruit which is a cherry. i will also give you 25 extra to do some extra stuff with it to make it cute. What would be my total?
I'd like one if you're still doing this
Username: GoldieJoan
Town: Oakwood
Mayor: Joan
Border: Dots
Template Shape: Circle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) Blue
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") Can it be this? View attachment 46476
Font Preferences: Harlow Solid Italics
Villagers: Punchy Goldie Tangy Rosie Pekoe Zucker Marshal Bunnie Chrissy Francine
Include names under sprites?: No
Include dreamies?: N/A
Include names under sprites?: N/A
Animated?: No
Anything else: Can I have this pixel View attachment 46478 in it and if possible a pixel of the Pok?mon Luxray and Darkrai?
Update! I got both Biskit and Marshal today! Please also put it as just Chief. Also, please replace Goldie with Fauna and Blanche for Ankha and put the all the cats + Kidd and Fauna on the bottom row and the rest at the top. Sending payment now!
Edit: This seems like a lot so if you want more please let me know
Can.I make some changes to my sig?
1st: Can you take out rocket and cookie and replace them with fang and rosie?
Nvm that's it XD
Eeeek, might sound stupid, but since you're on semi-hiatus, does it mean you're not taking request atm or it might take some time for you to process them? Because if it's the later, I don't mind making a request and sending you the payment right away.
Yeah... about that, I sent a request a while back asking the mods to update the title, as I can no longer edit it since this thread is well over 30 days old, but nothing has come of it. XD I'll PM Kaiaa later or something since she tends to get to me in a relatively quick fashion.
I do still take requests, I just don't do them as fast as I used to. Besides having less free time, when I was doing 2-4 banners a day, I was wearing myself out, to the point I was considering closing up shop permanently since I just wasn't enjoying it as much. I'm no longer on hiatus, but just don't expect me to bang out sigs crazy fast.
I do still try to get them out in a reasonable amount of time so you're not waiting too long. I will warn you if I happen to hit a delay for some reason, like if something happens IRL.
Oh I see, that's cool! And man, honestly, you shouldn't work yourself out that way. You're offering a service, not working like a slave. As long as you take request, I don't mind the signatures to be ready in a week or two. I know what it means to be busy throughout the week and have little free time. I have a little bit of questions, though. If I want to update the signature, lets say, a dreamie from not gotten to archieved, would that cost me 25 TBT/50 TBT (if animated) per change?