Weak Crybaby
I bought my best friend T-Bone from Amazon! He's not very popular, so he was only about $4, maybe $10 maximum for everything. The seller sent him (edit: the official Amiibo card I mean, don't worry) in a fancy clear plastic protector, which I didn't expect! I think it's worth it for villagers you really super duper love, because not only is he guaranteed in my game whenever I want him (which is always, but y'know), but I have a physical card of my bestie! I like looking at him! He's cute!
I didn't realize homemade ones were such a sore topic until I saw the mod's post right above mine. I guess it didn't even occur to me that they're that widespread! When I purchased T-Bone on Amazon, it was perhaps before the fake card craze, because I only found one "listing" I guess of T-Bone cards, with a bunch of sellers selling the real thing for various prices. I think I chose a seller in-state. I didn't realize you could get faked Amiibo cards that easily nowadays... I appreciate that TBT has a good stance on the discussion of the creation of these cards!
I didn't realize homemade ones were such a sore topic until I saw the mod's post right above mine. I guess it didn't even occur to me that they're that widespread! When I purchased T-Bone on Amazon, it was perhaps before the fake card craze, because I only found one "listing" I guess of T-Bone cards, with a bunch of sellers selling the real thing for various prices. I think I chose a seller in-state. I didn't realize you could get faked Amiibo cards that easily nowadays... I appreciate that TBT has a good stance on the discussion of the creation of these cards!