people who have purchased specific amibo cards...

I bought my best friend T-Bone from Amazon! He's not very popular, so he was only about $4, maybe $10 maximum for everything. The seller sent him (edit: the official Amiibo card I mean, don't worry) in a fancy clear plastic protector, which I didn't expect! I think it's worth it for villagers you really super duper love, because not only is he guaranteed in my game whenever I want him (which is always, but y'know), but I have a physical card of my bestie! I like looking at him! He's cute!

I didn't realize homemade ones were such a sore topic until I saw the mod's post right above mine. I guess it didn't even occur to me that they're that widespread! When I purchased T-Bone on Amazon, it was perhaps before the fake card craze, because I only found one "listing" I guess of T-Bone cards, with a bunch of sellers selling the real thing for various prices. I think I chose a seller in-state. I didn't realize you could get faked Amiibo cards that easily nowadays... I appreciate that TBT has a good stance on the discussion of the creation of these cards!
I got mine on eBay, they aren't that popular so I didn't have to spend much. Keaton, Katt and Tabby were the ones I got. I only have Katt on my island at the moment though. I kinda hate Keaton's NH house and I don't like how the eagles look when they wear rain coats and hats (I know that's picky lol)
I bought my official Amiibo cards off of Ebay. Because my dreamies weren't popular, they were pretty cheap. The only villager that I had to pay a little extra was Tiffany (around 7 bucks), but I thought it was worth it because I really liked them! :)
I completed all the amiibo card sets back in 2015-17 when they first came out. All my cards are authentic, in case it matters. Already mentioned, but ebay is a great. If authenticity is a thing for you, just make sure the seller has genuine cards. Also Idk how comfy you are with trading for real here on the belltree, but the amiibo card trade forum here was a huge help for me when I was trading cards. I got so many series 1 and 4 cards just by trading my dupes with people here.
This is my advice too! I did the exact same thing, though back then, I was able to buy packs at Toys R Us which is what I used for trading when I got dupes. I bought some cards off Ebay too when I was missing certain villagers. I recommend looking through the entire Ebay listing for all details, as well as the sellers rating. The buyer back guarantee is fabulous so you don't have to worry about being scammed. I also traded with folks on this forum and all trades went well except for one which given how many times I traded, was good. I personally think that most people here are really trustworthy.
I bought mostly all mines in eBay. I did buy Lucky and Raddle from Etsy, because they were expensive in eBay.

After I bought those, I also learned how to make them, so I occasionally make some new ones depending on who I want on my island.
The one time I bought Amiibo coins as a birthday gift for my brother, I had a really fantastic experience with Etsy sellers. If you want them to collect, I can’t really help you there. But if you’re just looking for a specific villager to scan in so you can add them to your island, I HIGHLY recommend going that route. It’s so much cheaper and people are so creative with the art they use!
i thought it was ok to make them as long as u don't sell them 🤔
Well the issue is that amiibo are Nintendo's property, even if their packs are out of stock; yes, you could make them and probably get away with it, but at the end of the day it is illegal. It just seems like it isn't because so many people do it that Nintendo would probably have a hard time cracking down on it.
i thought it was ok to make them as long as u don't sell them 🤔
"Ok" is a bit of a stretch. The coding used to make them is the intellectual property of Nintendo, and it being used in any capacity other than the officially licensed cards is technically theft. Granted, there is some gray area, seeing as one is more a moral dilemma, and the other ethical/legal.

At the end of the day, if you're in possession of Amiibos - or their codes - in a form other than what Nintendo licensed, then you are technically holding stolen property.
"Ok" is a bit of a stretch. The coding used to make them is the intellectual property of Nintendo, and it being used in any capacity other than the officially licensed cards is technically theft. Granted, there is some gray area, seeing as one is more a moral dilemma, and the other ethical/legal.

At the end of the day, if you're in possession of Amiibos - or their codes - in a form other than what Nintendo licensed, then you are technically holding stolen property.
ah well, i didn't know they were illegal and i've made them now
i've never bought pre-made cards myself, only blank ones and i don't sell them so technically it's not really harming anyone

i would have got the official cards but they're just so expensive and u don't always get the ones u want, whereas this way i can choose who i get ^-^
I bought a few packs on Amazon and I think the official Nintendo site when they were selling them years ago. I also ended up buying one or two villagers, on Ebay, who I had on my NL town and just wanted to have their card handy in case they bailed on me before I had a chance to stop them.

I don't buy them anymore as I just wanted the cards on my NL town. Since I still had them when NH came around I just invited them to the island. I've heard that cards are back in stock now, so you could probably find them on Amazon or the official Nintendo page again.
No, I know, but every post that followed made some mention of them. Buying homebrew Amiibo coins/stickers/cards is in full support of illegal activity, and it makes no difference if one thinks "scalpers" on eBay charge too much for the officially licensed product.

If one is okay buying or promoting the hacked version, then they're no better than the people on eBay about whom they're complaining.

Every post? My dude, I clearly said that all my amiibo cards are authentic. I got at least 1 copy of every AC amiibo card currently out when they were cheap and easy to find, and all of my 400+ cards are real. Not everyone is out for fake cards.😐
Every post? My dude, I clearly said that all my amiibo cards are authentic. I got at least 1 copy of every AC amiibo card currently out when they were cheap and easy to find, and all of my 400+ cards are real. Not everyone is out for fake cards.😐
Apologies, I should have said "almost all."
I was able to buy all the official amiibo cards when they were first released for Happy Home Designer and update RV cards for Animal Crossing New Horizons. UK store for Sanrio cards.
It was easy to get cards when they first came out from gaming stores, trading here, amazon and local online sites.
When I got close to completing a set I found it easier to buy from amazon. One card for $3 to 4 dollars was cheaper than buying a full pack that just gave repeats. The seller does have to pay to mail it. Nintendo NA should sell a complete set of each series like Nintendo Japan did.

When ACNH was released some used gaming stores were selling Amiibo cards at their stores. Local online sites are a good way to find cards to buy or trade one for one. I saw trading one for one cards and selling when the Amiibo cards were released again for ACNH. For those pick a coffee shop or large mall to trade cards and take someone with you to be safe. Early 2015 I traded one for one cards at a local coffee shop.
amiibo cards never appealed to me when they were released because i hacked in new leaf so i could get whatever villagers i wanted lol. and now i don't really care enough, it would be cool to own a few of my favorites but i don't want to buy a bunch of expensive packs and only get penguins and ugly villagers. i'm not into collecting cards really.
I walked on down to a local game store and saw them selling chips instead of cards because they are so dang impossible to get that even official stores are selling the bootleg chips now. Bought me 4 of em (20 hecking dollars for a bootleg chip set) and called it good. I tried to buy a few cards online once but uh... never got the cards and ripparoni my money. I would say visit local stores and check online listings for the safest purchase, but the actual cards are hell to come by outside of the internet (at least in Washington)
i got pekoes amiibo card from etsy (i was going to get cocos as well but i managed to find her) amazon i found was very expensive but on etsy i found comfortable prices. its an official amiibo card, legal. i havent been in the ac fandom for long so i have no idea what illegal amiibo cards are lol.
i got pekoes amiibo card from etsy (i was going to get cocos as well but i managed to find her) amazon i found was very expensive but on etsy i found comfortable prices. its an official amiibo card, legal. i havent been in the ac fandom for long so i have no idea what illegal amiibo cards are lol.

Illegal cards are when people get the amiibo data and copy it to something else. You can pretty much turn any amiibo into any custom form you want and it's beyond easy and cheap to do. Wont explain how to here for obvious reasons XD
I just bought my first ever amiibo cards. I bought punchy, biskit, kyle and stella. Punchy biskit and kyle are my main favorites. I already had them but I decided to get them because I saw a deal for 4 on etsy. I wanted stella because I wasnt finding her and no one would sell her to me. So shes the only card i used. It worked great. Would recommend. The pictures arnt amazing but I guess that has something to do with them being printed on to plastic cards.