Petition to Bring Back Pierre


Junior Member
Apr 1, 2020
One of my absolute favorite villager designs is Pierre (the clown cat from Doubutsu no More e+) and all I want is for him to return. I made a hashtag on twitter called #ressurectPierre, and maybe if enough people @-ed nintendo and the official AC twitter they'd add back more old villagers in an update for NH. I know it's a long shot but I at least want to try. Let me know if this kind of post isn't allowed or would be better somewhere else. I'm new.
i’d love if pierre and some more of the older villagers came back - i’d cry if they brought back bow
Dear god I hate the clown animals!


everyone deserves to have their animals. I’m the only fan on the planet of Woolio, I think.
I had no idea there was a clown cat he is so cute ; - ; I love clown villagers
I want Aziz back! He was in my first Gamecube town and I was so upset when he moved out. Sometimes, they would come back to visit. The first time he came back, we played with the soccer ball together ��
Pierre is my favourite removed villager! I'd just about die to have him back
well i wouldn't die because then I wouldn't be able to see him but I'd cause minor injury to myself to have him back