I just wanted for only those who wanted to sign to post because otherwise the arguments would bury the signings amongst all the clutter. Then again, only one person signed.
do you get to keep the old design or did that change too?
If you only want people to gas your opinion and back you , demanding only replies that match your own ideals in a public area seems like a dumb idea?
Stop saying people aren?t letting you have your opinion when you?re saying anyone that disagrees with you and likes the balloons is inciting an argument. They?re not, they?re voicing they?re opinion like you are.
If you don?t want people disagreeing with you or ?arguing? don?t make opinion based threads. And especially don?t get offended when you don?t get the response you want. You?re free to express your opinion but so are other people, so doesn?t seem right guilt tripping people when they?re only doing what you are. No one has said your opinion is wrong, they disagreed-respectfully.
Well then hear me out.
Why don’t they just take a break if their lives are so important?
I could make the same argument. I’m depressed and have been having a horrible day.
They could have at least warned us the balloons were changing.
I tried to be nice about this, but obviously that didn’t work and all of you hate me again.
Why bother trying to be a good person if nothing matters and you get spat on for it?
Oh god damn it I just realise I said was instead of wasn?t ffsWas talking bout you but I get it
I never liked either of the balloon designs really, so I never collected them.
But if I liked one design, then they changed it so something else. I wouldn?t lie I?d be a bit upset too.
Hm, I don't like the whole "mods work hard so don't complain" comments. Even if that's true, again, that doesn't mean that their opinion is invalid. That's like saying that you cannot rate a business bad because they "worked hard" to provide service. However, it's the mod's event and collectibles so they can do whatever they want with them. It's not like you're paying them for the service. The only thing you can do now is respectfully ask and leave it at that.
Ps, I think both models were pretty silly. Though the first ones did look a lot more professional so I can see your point. I don't care too much about it so I just ignore it really.
The new ones look less like balloons and the tilt is driving my OCD nuts. (The balloon in the banner looks 10x better)
Sign me up!
For me I think the extreme shininess of the balloons throws me off. I don't mind the tilt too much, but the old balloons were reserved in their color and it looked very nice. The new ones are very shiny and it looks a bit strange, not to mention less color saturation makes it a bit unappealing.
I think the balloon redesign has way too many shades of colors in it
less color saturation makes it a bit unappealing.