Petition to go back to old Balloon designs

if yall hate the balloons so much why don't you draw a new design for them and ask Jeremy to put it up
i don't think the discussion is really getting anywhere so i'm not going to bother continuing it, but no one hates you guys or is trying to insult you, it's just a matter of disagreeing.
if yall hate the balloons so much why don't you draw a new design for them and ask Jeremy to put it up

I think this post is more about not wanting a new design and wanting the old design back

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Even though I do like retro balloon idea, wouldn’t be very feasible to make the red balloons “retro” design too, and the green/blue balloons are 10 tokens so it won’t be very accessible to get more than 1 new balloon for a lineup like that. People are gonna be sad if they change it back, or keep it.
I just wanted for only those who wanted to sign to post because otherwise the arguments would bury the signings amongst all the clutter. Then again, only one person signed.

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to go this way. I’ve been lacking energy and motivation all day. I knew this wasn’t going to go well since it seems like whenever you say “I don’t like this collectible” to any of the staff they (and anyone else) get really upset, which I fine strange because they’re great otherwise. I just wanted that to change. Even if the balloons stayed the way they are now, I at least wanted the staff to accept someone didn’t like it...

You could work hard on something for a long time and it could still get hate. I’ve learned that the hard way...
I agree with ACCF that I do not like the redesign, I think criticism can be brought up in the forums in a positive way. And I feel like several users having been doing it in the wrong way, which definitely brings the mood down in the forums. If they can't understand that, then they can continue to just wallow in it.

I think the balloon redesign has way too many shades of colors in it and with the lighting it looks like its 10 feet away from floating into the face of the sun. Some aesthetics I can get over, but this one bothers me enough to say this at least. I would sign a petition to go back to the old version, but I also think these could be tweaked to be greater than the older ones.

Collectible redesigns overall are a great idea, but I think ACCF also has a point that mods should not be afraid to take criticism and work with members to continue to tweak a redesign. I think its a matter of all parties understanding why was a redesign necessary in the first place, which I would like to hear from the mods btw. However I think a lot of members feel like mods just staunchly deny feedback out of precedent and this comes from a lack of explanation.

I mean no offense to anyone, but these are just my thoughts. I appreciate the work anyone puts into something forum related, but I also don't think anyone should be immune from constructive criticism/ no one should feel bad when constructive criticism is made in a positive fashion
Nobody feel like they have to like it, that would be dumb. Ppl are allowed to not like it, just as some are allowed to like it. I don’t see anything wrong with this thread as long as people are doing it the right way. Not being mean about anything
I've being nothing but polite voicing my opinion on the new balloons. I gave credit to the talent of the artist and stated that it was just the style in question. It was a personal preference me liking the older style balloons.
I've being nothing but polite voicing my opinion on the new balloons. I gave credit to the talent of the artist and stated that it was just the style in question. It was a personal preference me liking the older style balloons.

Was talking bout you but I get it

I never liked either of the balloon designs really, so I never collected them.
But if I liked one design, then they changed it so something else. I wouldn’t lie I’d be a bit upset too.
I just wanted for only those who wanted to sign to post because otherwise the arguments would bury the signings amongst all the clutter. Then again, only one person signed.

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to go this way. I’ve been lacking energy and motivation all day. I knew this wasn’t going to go well since it seems like whenever you say “I don’t like this collectible” to any of the staff they (and anyone else) get really upset, which I fine strange because they’re great otherwise. I just wanted that to change. Even if the balloons stayed the way they are now, I at least wanted the staff to accept someone didn’t like it...

You could work hard on something for a long time and it could still get hate. I’ve learned that the hard way...

signings/petitions don't really do much anyways, it's all about the initial idea behind said petition. regardless of signings it'll always be up to staff whether they take the initial idea into consideration or not. you could have 1000 signatures and it still doesn't mean your idea will be put into play. that being said though, disagreements aren't always arguments, and disagreements can be a good thing! they offer more perspectives and bring forth matters that might have not been thought of otherwise.

art is always subject to criticism, so long as it's done respectfully and politely. i don't think staff mind people not liking certain collectibles, and i'm sure they don't expect every single person to love everything they make. so long as people aren't saying a collectible outright sucks or otherwise being rude, criticism isn't unwelcome.

also just a sidenote i speak in a general sense and i'm not talking about anyone specifically
All we can do is politely make it known how we feel, and we've done that.

I know it won't do much, and things aren't likely to change, but at least it's out there, how we feel. :)
This got kind of messy...but all in all the new design of the balloons is growing on me. They especially look good when you have multiple, so I'm looking to forward to getting a Red Balloon to go with the one Vanessa so generously gifted me.
I like the new ones, I like how the light plays on it.
It wasn't an opinion poll though. :(
The replies were meant to be people who agreed that the older style balloons were more appealing, and who wanted to sign. :)

That was what the OP was about. ^_^
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It wasn't an opinion poll.
The only replies were meant to be people who agreed that the older style balloons were more appealing, and who wanted to sign. :)

That was what the OP was about. ^_^

sorry but tbt members can't enforce a rule where only people who agree with them are allowed to reply to their thread:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and allowed to express it here just as you are.
I give up.

People are just determined not to let others have an opinion that differs from their own.

From now on, I'll keep everything I think and feel inside. I won't give an opinion, because although people ask for one, they really don't want the truth, and they'll jump all over you when they hear it.

Over & out.

Edit. It would have been nice to be able to have finished correcting my post before quoting me.
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I give up.

People are just determined not to let others have an opinion that differs from their own.

From now on, I'll keep everything I think and feel inside. I won't give an opinion, because although people ask for one, they really don't want the truth.

Over & out.

Edit. It would have been nice to be able to have finished my final post before quoting me.

huh? you're allowed to have your opinion, but everyone else is also allowed to have theirs as well. it's a two-way street. people having differing opinions from you isn't preventing you from having and voicing yours. i'm trying to help you out here but it doesn't seem like you're interested.

also, if your post is already posted people are going to assume it's finished. we can't predict if you're going to edit it or not, sorry.
All we can do is politely make it known how we feel, and we've done that.

I know it won't do much, and things aren't likely to change, but at least it's out there, how we feel. :)

I think making and participating in a public petition is honestly a little rude, none of us can do anything so the polite thing would?ve been to contact them privately with your feedback
I'll say one more thing as simply as I can.

If you made a topic titled "Post if you like the new balloons". Then added in your OP that you expressly wanted to hear positive things only, and a bunch of people posted that they didn't like it, you wouldn't be too pleased.

Sure you can come back with "everyone has a right to reply etc", and that is true. But isn't it also true that the topic posters request be respected?

Ok. That's all. :)

that's a bit of a different situation than a suggestion thread like this one, but no i wouldn't be displeased if people disliked a piece of art that i liked, personally. i also simply wouldn't add "positive opinions only" in the first place since liking/disliking a collectible isn't really a big deal to me lol.

anyways i feel like this disagreement has gone on too long, i unfortunately don't feel like you're listening to what's being said so see you later i guess.
If you only want people to gas your opinion and back you , demanding only replies that match your own ideals in a public area seems like a dumb idea?

Stop saying people aren’t letting you have your opinion when you’re saying anyone that disagrees with you and likes the balloons is inciting an argument. They’re not, they’re voicing they’re opinion like you are.

If you don’t want people disagreeing with you or “arguing” don’t make opinion based threads. And especially don’t get offended when you don’t get the response you want. You’re free to express your opinion but so are other people, so doesn’t seem right guilt tripping people when they’re only doing what you are. No one has said your opinion is wrong, they disagreed-respectfully.
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