Photos from The Observatory


Hat Tips and Tea Sips
Poyo Puffs
May 18, 2015
Galaxy Easter Egg
Rotating Fool's Egg
Planet Glow Wand
Moon Bunny
White Crescent Moon
Space Whale Plush
Crescent Moon Easter Egg
Shooting Star
Snow Bunny
Blue Mote of Flame
I figured we could use a place to share some of our more space-y pics from irl or otherwise :)

This one is from a literal observatory above the cloud-line on a mountain. I have never seen that many stars before, it was incredible.

This is such a good idea for a thread, loving the pictures.
I don't have a lot of night pictures over here (my camera wasn't so great at getting anything from them), need to dig around to see if I can find fancier ones. But for now. Here is a very starryless picture of Niagara falls (angle with both the US and CAD falls, so not the usual sight from pictures ) at night.


And a sunset from Tokyo Disney Sea!

Here are a couple of pictures of the Northern Lights I saw in Minot, North Dakota, on my last rail vacation!

EB Northern Lights 1.jpg

EB Northern Lights 2.jpg

And also two sunrises and a sunset from that same vacation (complete with some pesky photobombing electrical pylons in the sunset pic...). First sunrise was in Northern California, second was in Western Montana, and the sunset was in Washington between Everett and Wenatchee.

CS Sunrise.jpg

EB Sunrise.jpg

EB Sunset.jpg
I don't have any pictures of the sky on me at the moment, but I DO have a picture of something used to view the sky... in great detail!


Behold, my Orion telescope! I've had this baby for years, ever since I was a kid, and it's still in good condition (have taken exceptional care of it). I plan on using it again this fall once it gets a little less hot. :giggle:
first the barbie thread, now this?? you gotta stop catering to my interests homie 🤩

the spaciest photo i’ve ever taken was a zoomed-in shot of the moon that i took for my photography class years ago, but unfortunately i never saved it anywhere and i no longer have it 😩 it’s a shame, since i honestly really liked it— it was so good that my teacher thought i got it off the internet until i showed her the photo from my camera 🤣

i’ve got some sky pics, though! i don’t take pictures of the sky nearly as often as i should or would like to— so many skies that i would have loved to photograph over the years, but i’m always so busy admiring them that i don’t think to grab my phone 😅 i love the ones i’ve been able to snag however!
hands down one of my favourite photos i’ve ever taken 💜

the sky was looking very wispy and heavenly on this day! another fave photo of mine 🫶

you can’t tell from the photo, but the birds in the sky were swans! they’re the main reason i took this photo, but the sky was looking pretty cool, too 🦢

Ya'll, I have literally tons, TONS of sky pics. Only thing is my camera doesn't seem to like taking pictures in the dark, it really messes it up. So here's some sunset pics. These are only some of the ones on my laptop.

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I plan to make a photography thread in the musuem~ As long as that's alright. I wouldn't show pics of people. Just other things. Like the sky :)