• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Place your random thoughts.

I just read an article saying that where I live has had less than 14 hours of sunshine this month! That's actually crazy, just over half a days worth of sunshine in this month. We're usually one of the driest and sunniest places too.
It’s past 3:30 a.m. Why the heck am I still awake? Lmao. I’ve just been watching episodes from TV shows that I’ve already seen before. Well, guess I’ll work on my SoulSilver Nuzlocke Challenge until 6 a.m. and then go to sleep (I better set alarms too this time...).

EDIT: Agh, I’m so mad at myself. This isn’t healthy at all.

EDIT#2: Well, I have this protein drink here, so I guess I’m fine. RIP my Melatonin count though. :(
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at the psych and some 40+ woman came in w a bag that had ”cute but psycho” on it what dimension am i in

People think that kinda stuff is a joke smdh

I have to leave tomorrow to go on a trip and I have no clue why I signed up to do it because I reeeeeeeally don't want to go .-.
social insurance agency smfh why can't i work saturdays but fine then.. i thought working weekends was part of work practice???
(Secretly hoping my brother will give me Zekrom when he catches him so my reshi won't be all alone *cross fingers*)
lol soo how can my body being drought and stuff? i drink water like several times a day still it's brown lolol
So apparently the World Health Organization is considering gaming addiction a "mental health disorder".

And I hear this as I encounter my 334th Absol trying to get a shiny.

Yay, yet another mental disorder to add to my list of thing wrong with my life lmaooo
So apparently the World Health Organization is considering gaming addiction a "mental health disorder".

And I hear this as I encounter my 334th Absol trying to get a shiny.

Yay, yet another mental disorder to add to my list of thing wrong with my life lmaooo

It’s not a mental disorder though, it’s an addiction for a lot of people. Lmao
People think that kinda stuff is a joke smdh

I have to leave tomorrow to go on a trip and I have no clue why I signed up to do it because I reeeeeeeally don't want to go .-.

i mean she definitely could have been psychotic lol but i would never had thought anyone other than edgy teens would buy and use something w that written on it

- - - Post Merge - - -

It’s not a mental disorder though, it’s an addiction for a lot of people. Lmao

it’s only a mental illness if it causes distress and whatever in someones daily life. any type of addiction can be really bad for someone abd i personally think that it’s good that it’s classified as a mental illness so people with these issues can get help. generally people who only play video games and priorotize it over essential things arent doing too well mentally

it’s not something that exists to be added to your about page on tumblr, it’s something that describes actual issues

edit: im not saying everything that causes someone great distress in their daily life is a mental illness thats not wht i mean ok
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Google it boi

It's a legit thing now

Alright. That sounds really interesting though. I wonder why people want other people to stop playing video games though? It makes sense being called a mental illness if it stops the person from doing even the simplest of things.

I play video games on days when I’m not doing anything (like today) literally all day though, but I wouldn’t consider it a mental illness because I still have good hygiene going, went to dinner with my mom, and am about to get some laundry done. For me it’s just an addiction or not anything at all. I cannot stand a life without video games though, mostly because I hate going outside and conversing with a lot of people and things. Society as it stands where I am is very, very close-minded, and it annoys the heck out of me.

EDIT: Also, I usually alternate the weeks this summer between my summer job and martial arts, but today I did not have to work.
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