Place your random thoughts.

Bruh I hate Spotify omg. The app has crashed on me twice now, stopped playing a song I was in the middle of (it was a good song too), keeps playing commercials after 2 or 3 songs, doesn't give me a half hour of commercial free music and after the second time it crashed it had the audacity to make me click off a pop-up to buy Premium before it would play my music again.

Suck it Spotify I will never cave to buy Premium, I'd rather spend that money on YT Premium. Not that I need it. I only use Spotify when I need the backround play, which only very few YT songs have, and even then I can't shut my phone off. But YT is way better than Spotify.
No rest for the wicked.

I know this phrase has had its meaning distorted since the biblical days, but still... fits kinda well for me right now.
Okay. I'm just gonna be typing all this out here -- another one of my rationalization tactics.

Alright. So it's my second year at college. It's a really expensive, hot stuff kind of school. Anyways, I'm a sophomore, and I MAY or MAY NOT continue on with college. I'm a very indecisive person, so I will apply to another college (one that's like five minutes away from here, and much less expensive) if I decide to try it for a bit.

Buuut.... ugh, I don't want to be in college. One of the big reasons why I chose this college was to get away from my family and be independent, which, I could have chosen a much less cheaper way of leaving home. I have to be blunt, but I've been failing half of my classes (I'll soon drop one because I just don't see myself liking it). It's been two years, and so there's been ample time for me to get my **** together. And, I haven't. And I don't like studying. I dislike college life. So, it's smart of me to think of dropping out, because maybe college isn't right for me right now. And, you know, whatever people say or think about my decisions none of their business. I don't care if mom calls me a lazy *****; that's her problem, and she'd be saying that anyways.

So, while I am here, I'll try and get what I can out of it. I have some interest in theatre and psychology. I'll do that. And, even if I don't attend college in the future, just attending classes and prioritizing / doing work will make me less depressed about myself, and hopefully will help me gain some responsibility practice. So, positive things that I can take away from this. I got this.

dude spongebob with his flying pants is dummy thicc lol

also @Dawnpiplup you do what you think is best for you. I'm not gonna lie I lowkey regret going to college lmfao. cause now I'm sitting here with no job bc of my autism/anxiety and my first student loan payment (graduated) is gonna be $192 🤦
Bro, why are the best Pokemon from wonder trade (at least in US/UM) from people in Japan? I swear 90% of the time someone from the US wonder trades me a Pokemon it's complete crap. Is it just because Pokemon originated from Japan or that there's more Japanese people still playing? 🤔
I think I might try to grow out my bangs. I've had blunt-cut straight-across bangs for like... ten years now.
Bro, why are the best Pokemon from wonder trade (at least in US/UM) from people in Japan? I swear 90% of the time someone from the US wonder trades me a Pokemon it's complete crap. Is it just because Pokemon originated from Japan or that there's more Japanese people still playing? 🤔
My first thoughts were that people from Japan are a lot nicer and are less likely to troll with bad Pokémon.
Windows 10.jpg

So I'm not sure if people received the same notification as me, but my Windows 10 just told me that it's time to upgrade to Windows 11... for free or something. I don't know.

Looks kinda meh, the icons being in the middle like it's Mac or something. The clock on the bottom-right looks smaller with a thinner font... like it's been starving or something. I don't know. The whole thing just looks kinda meh. Kinda regretted it, but I guess it could be worse.
Some stranger was coming over to the house the other day and was possibly going to go in my room, so I had to make a very rushed attempt (like 3 hours) to clean up as much as I could. I know 3 hours sounds like quite a bit of time, but it takes me two days to clean every damn thing in my room. Once I start I must clean. Every. Thing. Every square inch of the floor, the mini rug, every shelf, tabletop surface, bins, cubbies, closet, dresser drawers, the window sill where I keep my plants, my desk and all the storage things I have to go with it, take out the trash THEN organize my desk, every tabletop surface, all the shelves, closet and anythin else. I have to vacuum, clean, wipe, dust, disinfect and organize everythin. Like, it really is zero to 120 for me.

But I didn't have enough time to do that, so I rush tidied up what I could.

Anyway the person ended up not even coming into my room. Big relief. But today I was looking for one of my notebooks and it wasn't in its usual spot. Then I realized I put it in a 'proper' spot and not just sitting on the bin of paints under my bed ladder near my couch that I sit in for videogames.

I might be messy af, but I know where stuff is. Ask me for (jewelry) pliers, I know the exact box I keep them in. Ask me for my scissors and I'll know the exact bin on a three tiered bin that I keep them in. Ask me for fishwire, regular wire, paper, cardboard, paint, some article of clothing, really anythin, and I know the exact bin or box or drawer that it's in. It's chaotic but in my mind it all makes sense. It's all in a strategic place.