Place your random thoughts.

I can’t believe I got good advice from a Scott the Woz video… In between two jokes he just mentions that you should focus on your hobbies and eventually you’ll find the right person. During this rough period of my life this was reassuring to hear.
Now that the Castlevania Advance Collection has hit the Switch, I wonder if they'll release all the DS ones in the form of a collection for it in the future? Here's hoping!
I've discovered the magic of using a heated blanket and I can never go back to regular blankets now lmao
Apparently John Lennon is really Dr. Eggman:
I Am the Walrus by The Beatles


I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun
See how they fly
I'm crying
Sitting on a corn flake
Waiting for the van to come
Corporation T-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday
Man you've been a naughty boy
You let your face grow long
I am the egg man
They are the egg men
I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob
man every time I wanna come back to the forum I always end up forgetting about it the next day💔
why does NBC have so many ads while streaming? And why are they the same thing every time??
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So while chilling and taking my break, I finally reached a point where I've began to feel less stressed and depressed, and so an epiphany kinda hit me. Because it's like, a lot of times in the past, even before I came to TBT, I had a lot of times when I would feel depressed about something, as if it's the worst thing that ever happened to me, like losing friends I've loved for a long time or even getting all my money scammed or getting caned in school (corporal punishment is a thing in Singapore), but a few TV shows and video games later, I'm having fun again with life, just experiencing different stories that explore the depths of life and all its joy.

And so it's like, the worst thing that happened to you today might not be that big of a deal tomorrow, because there's always something new about life beyond the horizon just waiting for you. It sounds corny and sappy, but I feel like I know enough sadness and loneliness in my life to be able to speak on how "it does get better" in the future. I know that I've said before that life never really gets better in significant ways, and I still believe that, but it does get better temporarily. One month, I might be crying over a friend I argued with and never spoke to again, and the next month, I would be entering a new community and just chilling and having fun again with new people. It's life's ups and downs.

The heartache will still be there, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to tell you that your sadness will go away quickly, or even that it's wrong to feel sad. I'm actually grateful for sadness sometimes, because aside from how beautiful (and human) sadness can be sometimes, these negative emotions are still a motivating factor that pushes you forward. If I broke up with my girlfriend, it would persuade me to spend a little me-time and just draw or do something engaging that makes me feel good about myself, opening up new opportunities in life. The little paths that led me to ultimately pick up Animal Crossing and join TBT, not all of those paths were happy memories, but they were still the paths that led me here, paths that added to my life.

I remember that, there were times I had to leave one group of friends behind and then finding new ones pretty quick. I remember, there were a few forums I left behind in the past, and I remember one time that such a departure forced me to explore new socializing opportunities, which was when I landed on Twitch and just had so much fun playing games with streamers, and because one of those games involved drawing dumb silly pictures, that led me to drawing more and posting my art on Instagram. So it's like, you'd jump from one tragedy to another new thing in life without knowing it.

I've had regrets, don't get me wrong, but life's too short to dwell on regrets. I ain't got time to dwell; I've got a whole side of life I haven't explored, new perspectives about life I haven't learned. Dwelling on things that serve to make you feel bad about yourself isn't always bad because it helps you to think about where your life is at, but doing that forever is just such a waste in my opinion. Life's too fun to dwell forever.
I'm trying to archive my old memories of good and happy times that i know will never come back. sometimes i feel like give up
i don't have social life neither friendships, no one loves me, it makes me feel empty. i'm always alone inside my apartment watching soap operas.
almost all the time i am thinking about the past and visions of random things that have already happened keep replaying in my mind. 😣
It was never easy for me to make friends, i am a very shy person so much that i have never made more than four friendships in my entire life and currently i totally lost this ability to be sociable.
i wish i could interact with people normally but it's all so unfair and random in this crazy world that i'm just afraid of real people. i'm afraid of being rejected and afraid that someone might do some kind of harm to me! that's why i love video games, in games i'm not a social failure... i can be anything i want without being afraid and that's really good. it's better than reality!
i do everything to not have to leave my apartment, i really don't like to go out because in home and at the games it's the only place where i feel good.
that's why i love video games, in games i'm not a social failure... i can be anything i want without being afraid and that's really good. it's better than reality!
i do everything to not have to leave my apartment, i really don't like to go out because in home and at the games it's the only place where i feel good.
That's pretty much how I feel. I feel more comfortable being around my villagers because they make me feel better than real people. I know it's not real, but it's just how I feel.

I wrote this fanfiction in the past called "Escapist". It's about a lonely kid who uses a virtual reality machine to escape into fictional worlds, only to find out that they're more than just characters and are real people from an alternate universe (and they're pretty angry about having their "fictional" lives manipulated by some writer in our world). I wrote this a long time ago (about more than a decade ago) way before No Game No Life and before the isekai anime boom, so yeah... should've finished it before it became an unoriginal idea... hah.
Found a really cute penguin crochet pattern I really love but I can't get over how the creator looks like the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus in one of the photos, like
