Place your random thoughts.

Bad things happen. It’s inevitable. What really matters is how you respond to it. You can respond in a positive manner or a negative manner. You can dwell over the situation or just accept what happened. If worrying helped, there wouldn’t be any issues because literally everyone worries at some point in their life. I believe realizing this helped me gain a positive view on life. A lot of times, we worry because we don’t trust ourselves. Think about it… If you’re in a type of bad situation (just an example, you don’t have money for groceries or something) we as humans will adapt to the situation. A long time ago, people would hunt for food. You can find food. You can obtain the means to get the food. It’s best to eliminate words with negative connotations from our vocabulary. Having a negative mindset the whole time isn’t it, and if you’re going through something thinking you can’t, trust me, you can’t. The universe will help us but we need to help ourselves…
I submitted an event entry, but I should've added a tiny little purse as a throwback to Lizzo, who I had already mentioned in the post...
Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The Great Clown Pagliacci is in town tonight doing giveaways. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor... I am Pagliacci.” Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.
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Not going to lie... everytime TBT has an error when it doesn't load for some reason (which happened earlier, just a white blank page with the message "error loading site" or something), I thought that it's finally the time when I got banned. lol I mean, not saying that I don't deserve it since I've made my share of mistakes, but still... Much as I make jokes about leaving this forum and whatnot, I've grown attached to many of the members here. They've been a great company, and it'd just be a shame to suddenly say goodbye (or not even having that chance if I suddenly get banned lol).
So many good games for the Switch so little money.
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Recently tried the Metroid Dread demo from the eShop and it's every bit of awesome as I thought it'd be! Seriously, people, if you've never played a Metroid game before give it a go! It's quite fun.:)
One of the dryers in my apartment complex makes really loud squeaking noises throughout the whole damn cycle. The person washing their clothes decided to use that dryer. I’ve been listening to non-stop squeaking for the past thirty minutes and it’s annoying. Damn it why?