Place your random thoughts.

I wonder what people think of me carrying around what is essentially a computer stuffed in a baby doll around school

Cry all you want, you can't be unborn
Okay, so initially, I didn't want to make this post as I've felt like I've been whining a bit too much about YouTubers and their overrated nature. I watched a few of Joon the King's videos chronicling the rise and fall of certain YouTubers including Shane "pedophile" Dawson, LeafyIshere (aka Calvin Lee Vail), and of course, Ethan "h3h3 Hypocrite" Klein, and I was writing a long tirade again about these loser nobodies, but I deleted that post just now.

But after thinking about it, and after watching more of Joon's video talking about how Ethan had this revenge war against KeemStar the fake news troll, and it's just... so freaking amusing, the idea of these so-called "YouTube celebrities" having their own pointless drama about nothing, how these losers get millions of views and millions of dollars per year just sitting there whining about other YouTubers, having their childish revenge against each other, and this is the kind of stuff that passes for "content" on YouTube. It's like, this is the stuff that makes up a vast majority of YouTube, so you can easily make up your mind whether if YouTube is a pointless platform you shouldn't care about or not.

And it's pretty pathetic, really, these once kings of YouTube now reduced to podcasters because they can no longer bully others with their so-called "commentary videos" making fun of others because YouTube has updated their anti-bully policies about a year or two ago. Now they're just sitting on their butts, doing podcasts nobody care about because who gives a flying freck what you have to say about trending topics, you overrated hack.

Phew. Got a lot of rage in me there, seeing these bloated "celebrities" getting so many views for doing almost nothing productive. It's ironic, people like Ethan Klein ragging on Hollywood celebrities when a large number of Hollywood celebrities don't childishly get revenge on one another for saying the wrong thing. Like, everytime one of these YouTubers makes a critique about another YouTuber, that second YouTuber would create a video insulting back the first YouTuber. It's schoolyard childishness, a "you hit me so I'll hit you" practice. And these clapbacks, these so-called content where they throw back insults, they get millions of views and they earn tons of money per video by basically insulting one another. It's pathetic and a showcase of how toxic YouTube content can be.

Remember when reality TV died out? Well, this is the new reality TV. This is the new dystopia we're living in. This is the new "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", just people being mean to each other and earning tons of money off the drama.
what the hell are nfts
basically the concept of them is like. Say you’re at a museum and you want to buy the Mona Lisa. so some random guy is like “okay in exchange for 1 million dollars I’ll burn down an unspecified part of the Amazon rainforest & grant you ownership of the Mona Lisa.” Then he writes down “BEANZ OWNS THE MONA LISA” on a post it note, goes into a random supply closet in the museum, and sticks that post it note in a corner of that supply closet as “accessible proof.” and then when you try to take it home because you “own” it he’s like “oh lol absolutely not it has to stay here.” also he never owned the Mona Lisa himself.

essentially they’re one big scam (and undoubtedly have ties to money laundering) with the added note of taking insane amounts of energy to process each transaction.
basically the concept of them is like. Say you’re at a museum and you want to buy the Mona Lisa. so some random guy is like “okay in exchange for 1 million dollars I’ll burn down an unspecified part of the Amazon rainforest & grant you ownership of the Mona Lisa.” Then he writes down “BEANZ OWNS THE MONA LISA” on a post it note, goes into a random supply closet in the museum, and sticks that post it note in a corner of that supply closet as “accessible proof.” and then when you try to take it home because you “own” it he’s like “oh lol absolutely not it has to stay here.” also he never owned the Mona Lisa himself.

essentially they’re one big scam (and undoubtedly have ties to money laundering) with the added note of taking insane amounts of energy to process each transaction.
it sounds complicated. let's say that i want to own a piece of digital art, can't i technically just download or screenshot it and say that i own it? your explanation is better than the explanation of the article which i was reading earlier today. i'm not even into this stupid stuff, i was just wondering what everyone else is talking about lol. this whole thing is too much for my ultra smol brain to process.
it sounds complicated. let's say that i want to own a piece of digital art, can't i technically just download or screenshot it and say that i own it? your explanation is better than the explanation of the article which i was reading earlier today. i'm not even into this stupid stuff, i was just wondering what everyone else is talking about lol. this whole thing is too much for my ultra smol brain to process.
oh you could ABSOLUTELY just screenshot or right-click save as a NFT and claim it’s yours. their “proof of ownership” is crock essentially and it’s really just an extra-complicated scam at the end of the day
I said it once and I’ll say it again, the only good thing about December this year is that JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures part 6 (Stone Ocean) is airing.
I've been wondering, like when last year TV and media productions had no way of really making proper next episodes of series, why couldn't we have brought back older tv shows that had finished or better yet ones that had been cancelled? Do they still keep a copy of older shows?

Like, for example kids shows from my childhood were iconic and they don't show them anymore, but if they had a way to bring that back for last year im sure it would have kept most happy.