does anyone else remember the glory days of Taco Bell, when you could get the $2 meal deal? the five-layer burrito (among other things), a bag of Doritos, and a med drink for just $2?? those were some of the best days of my life lol.
We (household) were expecting to get our PCR results back today but nada. So instead of going to the pub with my friends tonight I've reinvested the money I would have spent on travel and beer into Chinese takeout and a bottle of red wine.
The Island Transfer Tool is soooo trashy, why can't Nintendo just be normal for once. All the other games I could upload to the cloud or transfer to my sdcard, but noooooo for Animal Crossing you have to make a sacrifice to keep your island. I literally had to set up a new Nintendo account so that I could use a different user on my new Switch to receive the island data. And I had to do it twice because the accounts work so weirdly. At least it worked. Remember when they had no option to do that though? Geez.
It's 2am and I've ben having an identity crisis since 12am. Only for me to realize i'm still a masc enby. Oh well, at least I figured out how to get a shorter haircut than what I've got that passes as enby without my mom knowing.
I love how everyone is changing their user title color to green. Meanwhile, it may look like I changed mine to green for the holiday season, but nope, it has been that way since forever ago. It’s my favorite color and the color of Izuku Midoriya’s hair and eyes, so x)
I really hope Nintendo revamps their approach to flowers in the next AC game. I've been trying to clean my island up but it's so annoying having to dig a hole for every flower I want to trash, and I can't have people over to take the flowers they want without best friending them. I get why they did it the way they did but it wasn't implemented in the best way imo