Place your random thoughts.

I'm currently browsing through the threads over at /x/, and I just couldn't help but giggle at this one (partially censored due to some uh.... not so very PC language):

I know Chris said I should meet w this person for a date as soon as possible but like.... they live 3+ hours away in Pennsylvania rip 😭😭

(also highkey worried abt being like "hey can I meet u in person" so soon if someone said that to me I would prob freak out a bit 😳😳)
i hope im not being too pushy w these people, I don't wanna be off putting 😶
Go at a pace you're comfortable with. People tend to be a bit more patient if there's some distance there. It's understandable in that instance to wait a bit longer because there's more of a cash/time investment there. I typically only dated people who lived 1-1.5hrs away (2hrs max) and were prepared to meet in the nearest city (where I work) - but early in the pandemic I was briefly involved with a girl who lived in Ireland. I would've not been comfortable getting a flight, but within 2hrs of matching (1hr of that spent chatting on the phone) she was already looking at flights to come see me three weeks later. Maybe that would've been scary to some people but I won't lie I liked her enthusiasm.

And, absolutely, if being yourself is problematic then it's not worth dating them. Don't settle for someone just because they're the first to show interest in you in a while. (I've done this too many times in my life, oh my god, always a big mistake - the attraction fades and you're left feeling like an ******* for it). I'm a big personality. I'm loud, talk too fast, swear too much, natural flirt, crack a lot of jokes, and extremely playful. If someone doesn't like the silliness or finds my tendencies too annoying or childish then the solution isn't that I need to change to fit their ideals - it's that we shouldn't be together. There are better matches for both of us out there. I'm with a woman who finds it funny to pretend she's angry or grumpy with me, and I give her ample fuel for it. Anytime I remember this one morning a month ago when she aggressively turned my jeans the right way out, threw them at my head, and yelled, "put your ****ing jeans on" and the look of absolute outrage at my response I laugh out loud. Be yourself and find someone who matches your energy and not only tolerates but actively likes your eccentricities. Communication with a partner should feel easy and natural without fear that the other person won't like you for being unapologetically you.
again as always I appreciate your advice Chris ☺️
I have found someone and developed a pretty decent connection with them, only bad thing is they live in eastern PA (so like a 7 hour drive from here) but we talked on messenger for quite a while yesterday and only stopped bc I had to go to bed. they also seem to have pretty low self esteem bc they're trans and their family is transphobic and they feel judged and ridiculed constantly. I let them know up front that I would never judge them or be rude. it honestly prob sounds weird to just say something like that but my communication kinda sucks lol 😅 I got them to open up to me a lot within a few hours and ive given them lots of reassurance (and will continue to do so) so like? it's going well. I think im on the right track.

funny tho bc when I hinted at being their friend within the first few hours they were like "😳 we're friends?" like yeah bro lol!! if this keeps going well I may actually ask them out and it would prob kill them 😂😅😅
what’s with the hype for the new minion movie? it’s not even kids who watching it. all i see on social media are groups of teenage boys dressed in suits doing that stupid hand clasping meme thing going to the theater to watch it. i mean, i ain’t shaming but why..?
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what’s with the hype for the new minion movie? it’s not even kids who watching it. all i see on social media are groups of teenage boys dressed in suits doing that stupid hand clasping meme thing going to the theater to watch it. i mean, i ain’t shaming but why..?
I heard it was because they're going as "gentleminions". I mean, I can appreciate a good pun and everything but... I gotta say, this one's kinda lost on me too.
So, I received this art but I can’t decide which one I prefer.

Or without a shadow, which is currently in my signature.
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I'd say gray shadow, but that's just my opinion from looking at them. The blue shadow looks a bit... wonky with it. 🥴
Yeah, I do prefer the gray shadow as well. The blue gives a good balance, but it does look a bit wonky, lol.
So, I received this art but I can’t decide which one I prefer.
The gray shadow seems close to what the character is wearing for most of their clothes. It's really up to you if you want the shadow to blend in with them or be more of a discernible background.

It works in that situation. But if you want it to be a bit more visual, the shadow being a shade of blue similar to the hat would possibly pull it out more while also having a pattern. Blue at the ends and gray in the middle. But that's more of an artistic perspective, where someone's eyes will follow the piece/character due to the difference in colors/shapes/ect. You can sometimes get a person's attention wandering all over artwork by having different focuses. It really depends on what you want.

Either works and looks great.
😪 i went go the grocery store and in the back of my mind I knew I wanted cheese and crackers
I got the cheese!!
But not the crackers
😪 i went go the grocery store and in the back of my mind I knew I wanted cheese and crackers
I got the cheese!!
But not the crackers
Sorry, but that reminded me of this. It happens. It's why I usually write down everything I need since I know I will probably forget one time.

😪 i went go the grocery store and in the back of my mind I knew I wanted cheese and crackers
I got the cheese!!
But not the crackers
I'm sorry, Lumi, but when I read that, my mind immediately went to this lol:

But yeah, I can somewhat relate to that in a way, except it's with my dad. He occasionally tells me to buy something from the grocery store, buy the stuff I needed, then tells me that there's more stuff I need to get because he forgot the first time. Not great when you're traveling back and forth with a car considering the gas prices.
I find it kinda weird now that people call me Skarmoury. The capital S feels so formal like LOL it's okay pls don't capitalize the first letter, it's not a formal name anyway. Also skarmoury feels like so much to type?? It's my identification for sure but I'm so used to people calling me skar in conversations. Idk random thought
I have a big ol' bruise on my arm and no idea how it got there. Like, did I hit my arm really hard on somethin? I think I would remember somethin like that. Did I have a leash on it and a dog pulled really hard and caused the bruising? It is so big compared to my normal bruises to, it looks like two bruises. It is right next to/on top of a vein/artery I can see throu my skin.
I have a perfect prank idea. find a local dine in restaurant and go to eat there every day, but each time you go in you sneak in a coffee cup that looks like theirs, or a plate or a bowl or whatever, and then after like 6 months has passed the dishwashers will be like "wait where the hell did all these extra dishes comes from" 🤣🤣
When it says “you’re ignoring content by this member” I have to do a double take. I usually read it as “you’re being ignored by this member.”

I’m lowkey glad the ignore feature is a thing and I’m glad others can’t outright see if we have them on ignore. Man, that would be catastrophic if members could see who was ignoring who, lmao.
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Honestly, I'm still in awe that there's a Poofesure Wiki.
I also came across this gem while browsing for articles.
Honestly, I'm still in awe that there's a Poofesure Wiki.
I also came across this gem while browsing for articles.
so thats why the character themed wii remotes are so expensive-