Place your random thoughts.

My partner bought me a chocolate éclair and then tipped the box as she went to kiss me. It hit the floor chocolate-side down. 🥲
Looked up Pokemon Violet on Amazon and it actually got a lot of average-to-negative reviews. Tell, me it still worth it?:unsure:
Looked up Pokemon Violet on Amazon and it actually got a lot of average-to-negative reviews. Tell, me it still worth it?:unsure:

Yep! I really enjoyed the game and listed out points in another thread in The Nintendo Treehouse on why I enjoyed it.

I don't really trust Amazon reviews or Amazon itself anymore to be honest, especially since they sent me a bootleg or fake memory card and I never really got my money back for it. Plus I just don't like Amazon as a company in general.
I’m starting to learn guitar so I can have something instrumental for songs I write and dang it’s harder than it looks. I practiced for about an hour and my fingers are really sore. This will take some getting used to
I’m glad my voices haven’t been saying anything about my crush recently. It’s nice to finally have some peace about it.
It’ll be a miracle if I don’t get sick by the end of this week.
I wanna ask some people on these forums if they'd be interested in adding me as a friend on Steam but I'm not sure. Welp.
My Switch froze for the first time, what is Pokémon Violet doing to my system. 😭
Ouch that sucks D: I really hope it's not "too strong software for older models" like it was with the Alola games for 3DS where it really ran **** on older 3DS's.
I can't unsee the face that is on the Roost's logo.

i was trying to do the harvest day festival event in new leaf and i keep fishing dabs instead of horse mackerels. i swear the game does this to me every freaking thanksgiving.
Anyone else have more anxiety during the holidays? Everyone is doing stuff and then there’s me not doing ****.
YouTube recommended me that one 16 year old meme of a character from Bleach spinning a leek to a Russian folk song. In the comments, someone made a comment about finding this video in a school computer lab in the late 2000s despite dealing with the bad firewall. While it was just a what-if scenario to ignite nostalgia for people in my age group, it did unearth some memories.

During that time I went to a severely underfunded elementary school that was basically stuck in the 90s. We watched Bill Nye and Magic School Bus VHS tapes on CRTs. Aside from the teachers and staff's computers, everything ran on Windows XP. Each student computer in the computer lab had a cheap 4x3 Dell monitor and noisy fans. The firewalls were quite strict. We could only use Kidpix (a kid friendly art program) and my state's annual test software. Internet explorer was on them, but we were almost never allowed to use it. The tech stayed the same until the school shut down in 2012 while I was in the fourth grade.

In middle school the tech was a bit more advanced. We were still using cheap Dell monitors, but now they were in widescreen and the computers ran on Windows 8. Once again we rarely used them. When we did though we were allowed to use a website called Cool Math Games when we finished assignments. Despite the name, the website was actually just for flash games. Runner 2 and Papa Louie's were my favorite, even if I was never able to save my progress. I have to wonder if any of the teachers actually knew what the website really was... In the eighth grade I took a computer class where we learned how to properly use Powerpoint, Microsoft Word, and Excel. I only remember half of what I learned, but whenever we were done with the day's work we were allowed to mess around on Google Earth. The teacher actually told us how to use the flight simulator. It was no Microsoft Flight Simulator, but I had fun with it. I couldn't land to save my life though.

High school was weird tech wise. I went to a very overrated charter school where our campus was a bunch of old office buildings. Instead of PCs we were using Macs. As the relative of a former Microsoft employee I was raised exclusively on PCs. I had never used a Mac in my life. The aspect ratio of the monitor and the U.I. of the operating system were very off putting for me. I also embarrassed myself in front of the class once because I didn't know the mouse keys were reversed or how to close a window. To this day I barely know how to use a Mac.

I know this post was long, but I hope it was at least somewhat entertaining. Maybe it even brought back a few memories of your own!
I’m having mixed feelings about my big trip up north ending tomorrow. On one hand, it’ll feel nice to be back in my own house and be able to work on my projects again, but at the same time, I don’t want it to end. Maybe it’s because I suck at goodbyes, maybe it’s because my family has been acting normal for most of the trip, I don’t know.