Probably because you lose an hour of sleep rather than gaining more time. Standard time is also more natural than DST.Why is it so much harder getting adjusted to daylight savings time than getting out of it?
Probably because you lose an hour of sleep rather than gaining more time. Standard time is also more natural than DST.Why is it so much harder getting adjusted to daylight savings time than getting out of it?
There are a lot of reasons. If you're being relocated somewhere completely different, that means uprooting your entire life. That could mean no longer seeing friends, severing a romantic relationship, and more. A lot of people are very set in their ways. If you're moved across the country too, that could mean extremely different weather. If you moved me somewhere that was hot 24/7, I'd say absolutely not.When jobs ask if you want to relocate and nobody’s willing to or it’s seen as a bad thing. I’d love to relocate if jobs would assist with finding housing. Why is relocation such a deal breaker?? I’d love to.
People can enjoy and excel in both if they put their minds to it. I have degrees in both creative writing and science-based’re either a english kind of person or a math and science person, most of the time there is no in between